***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews May Issue
No.338 May 11, 2020***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
| (Available in Japanese)
| 2. JpGU-AGU 2020: Virtual [Important Information]
| -> Format of the JpGU-AGU 2020: Virtual
| -> Guidelines for Handling Presentation Materials
| -> Meeting Registration for JpGU-AGU 2020: Virtual
| -> Registration Fee
| -> Various Applications
| 3. New Book Announcement
| 4. Information from PEPS
| -> PEPS paper awarded by The Seismological Society of Japan
| -> Latest Articles
| 5. What’s new
| -> Event Information
| -> Career Opportunity
#1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
(Available in Japanese)
#2. JpGU-AGU 2020: Virtual [Important Information]
The format of the 2020 virtual meeting was decided by the JpGU Meeting
Organizing Committee after very careful deliberations taking into
account a wide range of different perspectives.
(1) Format of the JpGU-AGU 2020: Virtual
– All oral and poster presentations of regular sessions will be
offered an online-interactive style presentation tool, “iPoster”. This
tool can include conventional images and text, and also affords the
possibility of using videos and audio files and the use of interactive
communication tools.
– “Discussion Forum Sessions (DFS),” a live broadcast discussion
timeslot, will be assigned for each session and take place in the
morning timeframe on the same days of the week as given in the
provisional program. The duration of DFS is 45 minutes for sessions
of an oral slot and poster-only, and 90 minutes for sessions with
more than 2 slots. Details are available from the URL below.
– Some Union and Public sessions and meeting events (including
seminars and lectures are planned to be broadcast live.
(2) Guidelines for Handling Presentation Materials
To provide a safe presentation environment for both presenters
and attendees, JpGU has established the guidelines for handling
presentation materials for the 2020 virtual meeting.
Presentation materials (excluding videos and audio files) may be
downloaded or copied by participants unless the presenter has requested
otherwise. Materials obtained in this way may not be shared or
distributed without the written consent of the presenter.
The participants are requested to conform to the standards of ethical
conduct expected of researchers.
Please refer to the following URL for details.
(3) Meeting Registration for JpGU-AGU 2020: Virtual
All meeting registrations for the on-site 2020 meeting have been
canceled and the refund for the registration fee has proceeded.
Please note that the timing of refund depends on the credit card
We will soon open the meeting registration for the 2020 virtual
meeting. The actual open date will be announced via emails and on the
(4) Registration Fee
The registration fee for the 2020 virtual meeting is as follows.
*all rates include tax
Member Rate (JpGU Members/ AGU, EGU and AOGS Members)
Regular 14,300 JPY
K-12 Teachers/ Grad students/ Senior 7,700 JPY
Undergrads No charge
*Senior rate is only applied for seniors of JpGU and AGU member.
Non-member Rate (ID for 2020 meeting participation)
Regular 23,100 JPY
K-12 Teachers/ Grad students 14,300 JPY
Undergrads No charge
*Participants for Public Sessions only can attend with no charge.
(5) Various Applications
(a) Submission of additional abstracts
We will accept additional abstracts for the 2020 virtual meeting.
These abstracts should be submitted to one of the existing Sessions.
The conveners will decide whether to accept any such additional
abstracts. Details are planned to be announced soon.
(b) Requests for presentation withdrawals
After consideration of the new presentation formats, if presenters
opt to withdraw their presentation, please notify us using the
designated form to be provided later. Please note that requests send
in emails are not accepted.
As previously stated, unfortunately we cannot reimburse your abstract fee.
(c) Edits and Modifications
Edits and modifications to the accepted abstracts cannot be accepted.
#3. New Book Announcement
JpGU is pleased to announce the upcoming release of ’The Earth,
Planets and Life’ consisting of 21 chapters and 8 columns on the
frontiers and futures of Geoscience. This book is made in commemoration
of the 30th anniversary of JpGU.
The new book, written in Japanese, will be released on May 29, 2020.
(Available in Japanese)
#4. Information from PEPS
(1) PEPS paper awarded by The Seismological Society of Japan
We are pleased to announce that the following PEPS articles won the
Best Paper Award 2019 of the Seismological Society of Japan.
@ Variations in precursory slip behavior resulting from frictional
heterogeneity Suguru Yabe, Satoshi Ide ( Published: 22 August 2018 )
@ Adjoint tomography of the crust and upper mantle structure beneath
the Kanto region using broadband seismograms (Published: 03 October
2017 )
Miyoshi T, Obayashi M, Peter D, Tono Y and Tsuboi S
(2) SPEPS (Special call for excellent papers on hot topics) article collections
PEPS welcomes SPEPS special issue proposals on topics related to
JpGU-AGU joint meeting 2020: Virtual.
Please contact peps_edit@jpgu.org for SPEPS proposals.
For more information, please see the SPEPS collections page at:
#5. What’s New
(1) Event Information
*Events may be cancelled or postponed.
Please check the event website for the latest information.
2nd Edition of World Congress on Geology & Earth Science
Date: July 9-11, 2020
Venue: IP CITY HOTEL Osaka, Osaka
(2) Career Opportunity
“Open Position: Professor” Professor in the Division of Atmospheric
Environmental Studies, Department of Environmental Research,
Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University
[Environmental Geochemical Cycle Research Group, Earth Surface System
Research Center (ESS), Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC)]
Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher
U-Tokyo seeks a position at the level of assistant professor in
material science in the geobiosphere
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6914-2080
Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org
*If you wish to unsubscribe from JpGU Mailnews, please click the
following URL. Please note that this is not to stop all emails/
information from JpGU.