Japanese Society for Biological Sciences in Space
Japan Society of Engineering Geology
Tha Japanese Society of Hot Spring Sciences
The Oceanographic Society of Japan
The Volcanological Society of Japan
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
Meteorological Society of Japan
Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
Japan Cartographers Association
The Palaeontological Society of Japan
The Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies
The Society of Resource Geology
The Seismological Society of Japan
Japan Society of Geoinformatics
Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences
Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources
Society of Eco-Engineering, SEE
The Society for the Study of the Origin and Evolution of Life Japan
The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
The Japanese Society of Snow and Ice
The Geodetic Society of Japan
The Japan Society of Atmospheric Chemistry
The Sedimentological Society of Japan
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
Japan Society of Earth Science Education
The Association for the Geological Collaboration in Japan
Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrology
The Geochemical Society of Japan
Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
Japanese Geomorphological Union
The Geological Society of Japan
The Geothermal Research Society of Japan
The Japanese Society for Geographical Sciences
The Association of Japanese Geographers
The Geographic Education Society of Japan
Geographic Information System Association of Japan
Tokyo Geographical Society
The Tohoku Geographical Association
Japanese Society of Soil Physics
The Clay Science Society of Japan
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
The Japanese Society of Physical Hydrology
The Remote Sensing of Society Japan
The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences
PALEO10: Paleosciences Society
Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan
Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science
The Japanese Association of Organic Geochemists