***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews November Issue
No.330 Nov 13, 2019***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
| (Available in Japanese)
| 2. The JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 Information
| -> JpGU-AGU 2020 Meeting Outline
| -> Session Proposal Report
| -> Call for Exhibitors
| 3. Announcement from Election Administration Committee
| 4. 2020 JpGU Fellowship Program
| 5. 2020 Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize”
| 6. From Committees
| -> Global Strategy Committee
| -> Publicity and Outreach Committee
| 7. Information from PEPS
| -> PEPS home page
| -> Latest Articles
| 8. What’s new
| -> Event Information
| -> Career Opportunity
#1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
(Available in Japanese)
#2. The JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 Information
(1) JpGU-AGU 2020 Meeting Outline
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020
Period:May 24 (SUN)-28 (THU), 2020 *For 5 days
Venue:Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, International
Exhibition Hall 8/ Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall
Host: Japan Geoscience Union, American Geophysical Union
URL :https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e2020/
(2) Session Proposal Report
We closed the session proposal on Nov 11 receiving 293 proposals
in total. This is the highest number ever in JpGU history. Thank you
very much.
Program Committee reviewed the proposals and the final number of
sessions for JpGU-AGU 2020 is 288. The session information will soon
be published.
Session schedule release: Dec 2, 2019
Session detail: Dec 2, 2019
Abstract submission starts: Jan 7, 2020
(3) Call for Exhibitors
We welcome exhibitors who are interested in introducing their works,
company/ organization and etc at JpGU-AGU 2020.
We have changed the layout of the exhibition hall and we will offer
new and limited booth locations at 2020.
Exhibit registration will open, tomorrow, Nov 14, 2:00pm JST.
Please note that we will accept registration on a first-come-first-served
basis and will stop accepting bookings as soon as all the places are
We are waiting for your application.
Details will be available at JpGU website on Nov 14.
#3. Announcement from Election Administration Committee
1. Result of Representative Election of Japan Geoscience Union
Result of Representative Election of Japan Geoscience Union(JpGU)
released on the following URL.
2.Announcement of Section President Election
Representatives elect are eligible to be section presidents either
by their own announcement or by recommendation. Anyone
who was a fully paid up JpGU member as of 5pm
Japan time on 30th September 2019 is eligible to
recommend someone and cast votes.
We ask you an active participation.
Period for declaration of candidacy starts:
9am on Thursday November 7th 2019
Period for declaration of candidacy ends:
5pm on Friday November 15th 2019
Start of voting in the Section President Election:
9am on Tuesday November 26th 2019
Close of voting in the Section President Election:
5pm Monday December 9th 2019
Announcement of the Section President Election result:
Wednesday December 11th 2019
*All dates and times are in Japan Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
Please visit the webpage below to learn about Section president election
Public Announcement of the 2020 JpGU Section President Election
#4. 2020 JpGU Fellowship Program
Fellowship Program confers fellowship honors upon individuals who
have made contributions to the field of geoscience research in Japan
by making significant discoveries breakthroughs or paradigm shift,
or contributing to the development of Japanese geoscience and the
dissemination of geoscientific knowledge.
Please see the details shown below and send the documents necessary
for the nomination by the deadline.
Nomination deadline: December 31st Tuesday, 2019
Detail: https://www.jpgu.org/en/2020fellow/
Reference: JpGU Fellowship Recipients List
#5. 2020 Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize”
JpGU is now accepting recommendations for candidates for the
recipient of Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize”.
The prize is named after Prof. Yasuo Miyake who provided a proposal
and a donation for support.
Nominees must be recommended to be considered for selection, and we
will recognize recommendations from the candidate him or herself, as
well as those from others. They shall then be recommended from among
the nominations reviewed by the Evaluation Committee, it acting as
an advisory body to the JpGU President. Successful nominees shall be
those from among the recommended nominations who are then approved
by the JpGU Board of Directors.
Deadline for application: February 15th Wednesday, 2020
Detail: https://www.jpgu.org/en/2020miyake-prize/
Reference: Introduction of Recipient in 2018
#6. From Committees
(1) Global Strategy Committee
Japan Geoscience Union is going to exhibit at AGU Fall Meeting 2019
in San Francisco.
We will distribute the 2020 JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting session list,
meeting information and small tote bag together with the 2021 JpGU
meeting to be held at Pacifico, North in Yokohama.
Please drop in on JpGU booth!
Period: December 9-13
Booth Number: #1120
◎To Conveners of JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020:
We will bring some brochures that might be useful to promotion of your
session at JpGU-AGU 2020. Please visit our booth in case you need
you would like to distribute at your session.
Sessions co-sponsored with JpGU at AGU Fall Meeting 2019 are
available at:
(2) Publicity and Outreach Committee
JpGU will again tie-in with the University of Tokyo on 27 December to
hold a seminar for Senior High School students.
Name of Event:2019 Winter Seminar for Senior High School Students
Host:Japan Geoscience Union
Co-Organizer: Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo
Date and Time:December 27(FRI) 13:00-16:00 *Door Opens: 12:30
Venue:Koshiba Hall, Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo
Capacity:170 people
Fee:Free of Charge
(Available in Japanese)
#7. Information from PEPS
(1) PEPS home page
PEPS website provides useful information for submission to PEPS and
summaries of published papers. Please visit our home page once.
(2) Latest Articles
The following articles were published. You can download and read
interesting articles from the PEPS web site at:
@Yoshuke Sato et al.: Large dependency of charge distribution in a
tropical cyclone inner core upon aerosol number concentration.
@Hodaka Kawahata.: Climatic reconstruction at the Sannai-Maruyama
site between Bond events 4 and 3—implication for the collapse of the
society at 4.2 ka event.
#8. What’s new
(1) Event Information
PERC International Symposium on Dust & Parent Bodies 2020 (IDP2020)
Date: Feb 25-27, 2020
Venue: Tokyo Skytree Town Campus of Chiba Institute of Technology, Tokyo
Details: The objective of this symposium is to share state-of-the-art
research on dust delivered to Earth and its parent bodies in a
multidisciplinary approach of planetary science and astronomy in
light of the DESTINY+ mission.
IAVCEI 2021 Scientific Assembly
Date: Feb 15 (SAT) – 19 (WED), 2021
Place: Rotorua, New Zealand
Details: The Local Organising Committee, on behalf of the International
Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior,
invite the global volcanological community to convene in New Zealand
for the IAVCEI 2021 Scientific Assembly.
Session proposal deadline is extended to 15 November.
(2) Career Opportunity
FY2020 Marine Seismology Research Group,Subduction Dynamics Research
Center (SDR), Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics(IMG)
Recruitment of Scientist or Technical Scientist
San Diego State University
Call for: Graduate Student
Nagoya University
Announcement of a faculty vacancy in Earth and Planetary Science Division,
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of
Environmental Studies
Professor Position in the Climate Environment Laboratory, DPRI-KU
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
FY2020 Climate Variability Prediction and Application Research Group,
Call for: Application Laboratory (APL), Research Institute for
Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG) Recruitment of Scientist or
Technical Scientist
Hokkaido University
Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University invites
applications for the academic position of professor (Number of vacancies: 1).
Faculty Positions in Geoscience and Environmental Engineering School
of Southwest Jiatong University, Chengdu, China
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6914-2080
Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org
*If you wish to unsubscribe from JpGU Mailnews, please click the
following URL. Please note that this is not to stop all emails/
information from JpGU.