Nov 06, 2017 | Public Announcement of the 2017 JpGU Section President Election |
At the moment Japan Geoscience Union has five science sections. These sections are Space and Planetary Sciences; Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences; Human Geosciences; Solid Earth Sciences; and Biogeosciences. Each section has a science board which mainly consists of elected representatives. These five section science boards work under the guidance of the Union Science Board to promote the scientific development of all branches of the earth and planetary sciences by encouraging regular free discussion of all relevant issues. The five section presidents who act as representatives of the section science boards are now to be elected by the votes of JpGU members. Anyone who was elected as a representative in the most recent JpGU Representative Election is eligible to stand as a candidate for president of their main science section.
Please be sure to submit the relevant form by the due date if you wish either to stand as or to recommend a candidate in the Section President Election.
A summary of the rules and procedures governing the Section President Election is given below.
November 6th, 2017
Japan Geoscience Union
Election Administration Committee: Yoko Kebukawa (chair), Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Takehi Isse, Koji Kodera, Hiroyuki Nakata, Takehiko Suzuki,
Summary of the Rules and Procedures Governing the Section President Election
1. Voters
Anyone who was a fully paid up JpGU member as of 5pm Japan time on 28th September 2017 is allowed to vote once in the election for the presidency of their registered main science section.
2. Candidates
Anyone who was elected in the most recent JpGU Representative Election is eligible to stand as a candidate in the Section President Election.
3. Term
Section presidents who are chosen in this election will serve a two year term starting on 1st June 2018.
4. Standing as a Candidate
JpGU members may put themselves forward as candidates if they were elected in the recent JpGU Representative Election. Anyone who is a fully paid up JpGU member as of 5pm Japan time on 28th September may recommend other members who were elected in the most recent JpGU Representative Election to stand as candidates in this election.
Members who recommend others for candidacy must obtain consent from their proposed candidate before submitting their recommendation.
Both submitting oneself as a candidate and recommending others is done online using the relevant forms on the JpGU Member’s Site. Members who is recommended by others must submit letter of consent.
5. Deadline for Submission of Candidacy
Those who wish either to be a candidate or to recommend others as candidates must submit the relevant online form by 5pm Japan time on November 16th 2017.
6. Election Timeline
Public Announcement of Section President Election: Monday November 6th 2017
Period for declaration of candidacy starts: 9am on Tuesday November 7th 2017
Period for declaration of candidacy ends: 5pm on Thursday November 16th 2017
Start of voting in the Section President Election: 9am on Tuesday November 28th 2017
Close of voting in the Section President Election: 5pm Monday December 11th 2017
Announcement of the Section President Election result: Wednesday December 13th 2017
*All dates and times are in Japan Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
7. How to Vote
Each JpGU member can cast one vote in the election to choose the president of their main science section. Voting takes place online on the JpGU website and all votes must be cast by the 11th December deadline 11th 2017.
If there is a single candidate standing for the presidency of any of the science sections then that candidate will automatically be elected without any votes being cast.
Forms and Regulations
– To stand as a candidate: log-in to the JpGU Members Site and fill in and submit the “Stand as a Candidate” form.
– To recommend a candidate: log-in to the JpGU Members Site and fill in and submit the “Recommend a Candidate” form.
– Letter of Consent to Recommendation: Please fill in the form and send email to Election Administration Committee senkan[atmark]
Letter of Consent to Recommendation
* You should be receiving an email confirmation of your Letter of Consent to Recommendation.
If you do not receive a confirmation by e-mail, please contact us.
Without the email confirmation, your nomination will be invalid.
・Regulations of the Election Management Committee (only available in Japanese)
・Regulations of the Section President Election (only available in Japanese)
・Detailed Regulations of the Section President Election (only available in Japanese)
All rules, procedures, dates and times etc. governing the JpGU Section President Election are formally announced in Japanese. English translations are provided as a courtesy and are for reference only. Should any English language material differ from the original Japanese the Japanese version shall be binding.
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