Abstract Submission & Presentation
Major Changes and Notifications
・There will be no online poster session in 2024.
・Flash Talks for Posters-only sessions (sessions without orals) will be set in an independent date and time (between AM1 and PM2) by the Program Committee.
・The contributor must be the person same as the presenting author, but need not be the first author. ( Regulation on Abstract Submissions revised.)
Abstract Submission Period
Abstract submission period : 14:00 Thu, 11 January Tue, 16 January* - 17:00 Thu, 15 February 2024 [JST]
Early submission deadline:23:59 Thu, 01 February [JST]
Final submission deadline : 17:00 Thu, 15 February [JST]
The opening date has been postponed due to a technical problem.
Regarding the Late-breaking Session on the Noto Peninsula Earthquake
We are considering holding the Late-Breaking session on the Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on 01 January 2024 [JST].
Abstract submissions for this session will be accepted after the submission period given above. If you are interested in submitting a paper for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake session, please wait until the call for submissions opens.
More information on the session such as session description will be announced as soon as it is determined.
Abstract Submission Fee
See the
Fee Table to learn about the abstract fee.
Early-bird rate only applies to the abstract fee paid by the early deadline. Please note that standard rate will automatically be charged on and after 02 Feb.
Abstract edits can be made even after the payment is completed until the abstract submission deadline on 17:00 15 Feb.
Please note that the abstract submission fee is a non-refundable processing fee irrespective of the approval and/or withdrawal once paid.
Guidelines and Regulations
Entry Items to Submit an Abstract
Affiliations of Authors and Co-authors
You can register up to 50 affiliations per abstract.
Multiple affiliations can be registered to one author.
Each within 40 one-byte characters (no line breaks).
Authors and Co-authors
Name and JpGU ID.
JpGU ID is required to all contributors and presenters.
* If your co-author will not attend the meeting and does not have a JpGU ID, enter "000000" in the ID input box.
Presentation Language
Presenters may select their presentation language according to the session language.
Presentations in E sessions must be made in English.
The choice can be either Japanese or English for J sessions.
[NOTE]* We will publish the presentation language in the printings and on the website. Please DO NOT change your presenting language once published.
Presentation Format
Select "Oral or Poster" or "Poster".
* Oral presentation cannot be requested.
Presentation format for the "Oral or Poster" option will be assigned by the session convener.
Session to Submit
Select the session you are submitting an abstract from the sessions list.
[NOTE] A presentation may be placed to another session at the conveners' discretion.
Abstract Title
Entry must be within 120 one-byte characters without line break.
* Bold, italic, underline, superscript and subscript may be used.
[NOTE] Bold is displayed only in the abstract PDF.
[NOTE] If bold is used in the abstract title, the style is subject to change without notice at the discretion of the convener or depending on the format of printing materials.
Keywords (Optional Item)
You can register up to 6 keywords per submission with each item up to 60 characters.
Registration as Volunteer Judges for the Outstanding Student Presentation Award (Optional Item)
Please checkmark your section if you agree to be a volunteer judge for OSPA. The OSPA Committee will contact you with the details of the procedures later.
Abstract Body
Within 4,000 one-byte characters including spaces.
Image file (Optional Item)
JPEG or PNG file (jpg, jpeg, png) less than 1024 KB
*OSPA entry cannot be made during the abstract submission.
Details regarding the OSPA is available
Presentation Language
Each session has a language code (E or J).
This code indicates the presentation language of posters/slides and oral presentations.
HERE to learn more about presentation language.
The oral presentation and all other materials including posters and slides must be in English at E session.
Presenters of J session may choose their presentation language either English or Japanese during the abstract submission.
J Sessions:
The main language is Japanese. However, we ask presenters to prepare their posters or oral presentation slides either entirely in English or with English translations so participants who cannot read Japanese are able to understand the contents.
E Sessions:
English should be the main language used for the presentation including information on slides and posters.
Japanese may also be used where appropriate, e.g. for Q&As.
Submit an Abstract
Presenters are expected to read the related
Guidelines and Regulations before submitting an abstract.
[Submission Steps]
1. Log in to "My Account Page" using your JpGU ID/ email address and password.
2. Open the "Abstract Submission" tab on the left side menu.
3. Click "My Submission Info" and proceed from the "Submit an Abstract" button.
【About Annual Membership Dues】
・The annual member's due for 2024 fiscal year (if you have an ID that requires it) should be paid prior to the abstract submission. If there are any unpaid annual membership dues other than the current fiscal year, these payments are also required.
【Information to Graduate Students】
If you are a graduate student who plans to submit an abstract for JpGU 2024, please note the following and complete the procedures well ahead of time.
・Graduate students must update their student status before processing any payments if they wish to receive the student discount.
・To obtain a new JpGU ID, you must have your supervisor's approval. IDs cannot be obtained immediately, so please apply well in advance.
Basic Information on Presentations
Orals and posters are the presentations to be given at JpGU 2024.
All poster presentations are requested to be posted online in the Meeting Participation Site "Confit". In addition to this, poster flash talks and on-site poster presentations will be held for poster presentations.
Oral Presentations
● For oral presentations, presentations can be made on site or online via Zoom webcast to allow for presentations and participations in both ways.
● Pre-recorded presentation videos can be played and viewed during the session. We recommend that presenters upload their pre-recorded videos as an "on-demand video" or "additional material" on Confit. This allows the chairperson and others to browse the relevant page during the session and play/ share the video easily, without the need to exchange files individually.
● Oral sessions are held in AM1 (9:00-10:30), AM2(10:45-12:15), PM1(13:45-15:15), PM2(15:30-17:00) time slot.
● In general, the duration is fixed at 15 minutes/ talk including QA, discussion time and switching time.
● Room allotment will be announced in late March.
Poster Flash Talks
● 15 minutes of each 90-minute oral session slot will be allocated for flash talk time of the poster presentations.
● The order and duration of each flash talk will be determined by the chairperson or the conveners of each session.
● Presentation materials for poster Flash Talks must be the e-posters uploaded to the meeting participation portal "Confit".
● The flash talks are not a prerequisite for approval as a formal presentation, but are encouraged unless there are unavoidable circumstances that flash talk cannot be given.
● Flash Talks for posters-only sessions (sessions without orals) will be set in an independent date and time (between AM1 and PM2) by the Program Committee.
On-site Poster Presentations
● For on-site poster presentations, poster presenters who will be attending the meeting in-person, are invited to display their posters throughout the day according to the daily schedule of each session (see HERE) and discuss with the participants.
● There will be no webcasts of on-site posters.
● The core time for posters will be in PM3 (17:15-18:45), but we would appreciate it if you could actively discuss your poster also during other times to avoid crowding.
● Please note that all posters must be displayed online (in the presenter's space on the meeting participation portal "Confit"). The details on the prerequisite for approval as formal presentations are available HERE.
● The Meeting Organizing Committee is planning to provide an on-site poster display service for those poster presenters who are unable to attend on-site. We encourage that the poster presenters who plan to participate online consider using this service to gain exposure to a large number of participants.
● Requests regarding on-site attendance:
Please be sure to register for the meeting by the day before your visit. Details on on-site participation is available HERE.
Prerequisite for Approval as a Formal Presentation
Oral and poster presentations will be approved as formal if the following conditions are met.
Oral presentations
● The contributor (presenter) must have paid the meeting registration fee.
● The presenter must make a live presentation during the oral session. Presentation materials such as pre-recorded videos may be played and webcast during the session (regardless of the player or the method of playback). If you wish to present your work using the pre-recorded materials, please notify the session conveners in advance.
● In principle, the presenter must be the contributor, and the presentation is considered to be made if it is given live or the pre-recorded video appearance by the contributor himself/herself. However, in case of unavoidable circumstances, the original presenter can designate a
substitute presenter from one of the co-authors to give a presentation. The presentations are then considered to be made by the designated substitute.
● Please note that if you are not able to present at all during a session due to network problems, etc., your presentation will not be considered as formally presented. Please check your internet connection in advance.
* In case the presenter will not be able to give a presentation, it is recommended that he/she creates a pre-recorded video and upload it on the meeting participation portal "Confit" as an "on-demand video" or "additional presentation material". By doing so, the chairperson can browse the relevant page during the session and play/stream the video, without extra work to collect files from the presenter.
Poster presentations
● The contributor (presenter) must have paid the meeting registration fee.
● Contributors must upload poster materials in their own presentation space on the meeting participation portal "Confit".
● Poster presentation materials should be in the form of an e-poster or on-demand video. If there are unavoidable circumstances such as the registration deadline for presenters has passed, you may upload your poster as "Additional Presentation Materials", but do not delete the additional presentation materials after the poster presentation.
● In principle, the presenter must be the contributor, and the presentation is considered to be made if it is given by the contributor himself/herself. However, in case of unavoidable circumstances, the original presenter can designate a
substitute presenter from one of the co-authors to give a presentation. The presentations are then considered to be made by the designated substitute.
● Please note that only presenting a poster in the core time on site is not sufficient to be formally approved as presented. At least one poster presentation material must be uploaded on the meeting participation portal "Confit".
Presentation Related Manuals
Manuals will be made available as soon as they are ready.
If You Become Unable to Give a Presentation
If the presenter becomes unable to give a presentation due to unavoidable circumstances after the abstract is submitted, the original presenter may designate one of the co-authors to substitute your presentation if all of the following conditions are met.
Substitute Presenter
In case of oral presentation
1. The substitute presenter is registered for the meeting and paid the registration fee.
2. The contributor has contacted the convener to request a substitute presentation and has received approval.
The substitute presenter may give an oral presentation during the allotted presentation time.
In case of poster presentation
1. The substitute presenter is registered for the meeting and paid the registration fee.
2. The contributor must upload at least one presentation material (e-poster, on-demand video, and/or additional material) on the meeting participation portal "Confit" by himself/herself.
*The uploading should be performed by the contributor if he/she has registered and paid the registration fee by the set deadline. In the case that a contributor is unable to register or cannot upload the abstract even if registered, the secretariat will upload the e-poster on behalf of the presenter or a substitute presenter with the presenter's permission in case the Meeting Organizing Committee admit. Uploading can be done only once and no replacements will be allowed.
3. The contributor has contacted the convener to request a substitute presentation and has received approval.
A substitute presenter may present during the allotted core time either or both of on-site and online.
● Please note that all information and announcements will be sent to the original presenter even after the substitute presenter is approved.
● If the above conditions are not met, the presentation will be considered as canceled. Contributors are requested to notify the convener about the cancellation. (The communication method will be announced after the program is released.)
The secretariat office is unable to respond to the substitute presentation request.
● Please note that your abstract PDF will be released as submitted and we are unable to make any changes to the published program.
Presentation Cancellation
If the presenter becomes unable to give a presentation due to unavoidable circumstances and he/she is unable to make arrangements for a substitute presenter, the original presenter should contact the session convener directly to inform of the situation and request a presentation cancellation.
Please make sure to contact the session convener. The secretariat office is unable to process a cancellation request.
● Please note that all information and announcements will be sent to a presenter even after the cancellation request is approved.
● Please note that your abstract PDF will be released as submitted and we are unable to make any changes to the published program.
● The abstract fee is not refundable in case of presentation cancellation.
● The communication method will be announced after the program is released.