Exhibition: Introduction of Exhibitors

Exhibitoin Map

Special Exhibition will be held at Exhibitio Hall "6".
JpGU has established a sponsorship program starting in 2024. Please visit[Sponsorship program] for details.
No.Booth Name
Exhibitor  Sponsor
A01 Katsujima Co., Ltd.
A02 JAXA Earth Observation Research Center
A03 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience
A05 LightStone Corp.
A06 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo
A07 Deep-time Digital Earth
A08 Deep-time Digital Earth
A09 Deep-time Digital Earth
A10 Newtech Co.,Ltd.
A11 Yokogawa Electric Corporation
A12 Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI)
A13 Tokyo Geographical Society
A14 Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama University
A15 Geosys, Inc.
A16 Hakusan Corporation
A17 Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
A18 JAMSTEC/J-DESC/Kochi Univ.
A19 JAMSTEC/J-DESC/Kochi Univ.
A22 JAMSTEC/J-DESC/Kochi Univ.
A23 JAMSTEC/J-DESC/Kochi Univ.
A24 Nsdesign Co., Ltd.
A25 Tohoku University & JAMSTEC Advanced Institute for Marine Ecosystem Change (WPI-AIMEC)
A27 Satellite Observation Center, National Institute for Environmental Studies
A28 Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. / Picarro, Inc.
A29 Bruker Japan K.K.
A30 Beta Analytic Inc. & Isobar Science, Ltd.
A31 Nanometrics
A32 Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
A33 Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
A34 JGI,Inc.
A36 Paleo labo co.,Ltd., Ritsumeikan Univ., The University of Tokyo
A37 Paleo labo co.,Ltd., Ritsumeikan Univ., The University of Tokyo
A38 SoftBank Corp. / ALES Corp. / CSESS
A39 Marine Works Japan Ltd.
A41 oyo corporation
A42 IR System Co.,Ltd.
A46 Kyoto University Geoscience Union
A47 Kyoto University Geoscience Union
A48 Science of Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes
A51 Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security
A52 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
A53 Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University
A54 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, TMT Project/ALMA Project
A55 Ehime University, Geodynamics Research Center
A56 Enabler LTD.
A60 General Incorporated Association iRIC-UC
A61 Asia Air Survey co., ltd.
JpGU & Friends TCGU
JpGU & Friends Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
JpGU & Friends Earth, Planets and Space
JpGU & Friends Japan Geoscience Union
JpGU & Friends Progress in Earth and Planegary Science(PEPS)
JpGU & Friends AGU
JpGU & Friends European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Booth No. Exhibitor
Univ01 Department of Geophysics / Department of Earth Science, Tohoku University
Univ02 The International Joint Graduate Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tohoku University
Univ03 WISE Program for sustainability in the Dynamic Earth
Univ04 University of Aizu
Univ05 Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
Univ06 Planetary Exploration Research Center, CHIBA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY
Univ07 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Hokkaido University
Univ08 Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University
Univ09 Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
Univ10 Earthquake Research Institute,The University Of Tokyo
Univ11 Center for Data Assimilation Research and Applications, Joint Support Center for Data Science Research
Univ12 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University

Exhibitors List


A01 Katsujima Co., Ltd.

Exhibit (Planned)

Seismic recording device "AccuSEIS Cento PRO" Electromagnetic feedback type accelerometer "SD-240" DIY Seismograph


Katsushima is a company that supports all aspects of seismic measurement, including development, manufacturing, installation, maintenance and inspection services, measurement services, and data analysis for seismometers.

Online Booth

Solid Earth SciencesHardwareStudents Welcome
A02 JAXA Earth Observation Research Center

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of research and development activities using JAXA Earth observation satellites.


Earth observation, data calibration & verification, research & development of satellite data products and promotion of data utilization, using sensors mounted on JAXA Earth observation satellites.

Online Booth

Atmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesHuman GeosciencesMultiple DisciplinesResearch and developmentResearch and Project infoStudents WelcomeNoveltyQuizrally
A03 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience

Exhibit (Planned)

Introducing NIED's research for disaster risk reduction and mitigation, and NIED Observation Network for Earthquake,Tsunami and Volcano "MOWLAS".


Protecting people’s lives and properties from natural disasters is a critical issue. NIED conducts comprehensive research on “mitigation of earthquake disasters” and “societal and political issues on disaster risk reduction such as volcano, meteorological, landslide, and snow and ice disasters”.

Online Booth

Solid Earth SciencesResearch and developmentResearch and Project infoStudents Welcome

Exhibit (Planned)

NV5 Geospatial Solutions provides IDL, ENVI and SARscape, our mission is to empower people to easily extract useful information from complex data.


NV5 Geospatial Solutions is an industry leading developer of image analysis and data visualization software tools to help professionals across industries and disciplines solve complex problems. Our mission is to empower people to easily extract useful information from complex data in the pursuit of discovery.

Online Booth

A05 LightStone Corp.

Exhibit (Planned)

A variety of software to support research will be on display: Surfer for 3D surface mapping, Grapher for scientific graphing and more.


For over 25 years, Lightstone Co., Ltd. has been providing software supporting research and development with Japanese language support. With a wealth of experience and trust, we cater to various needs of engineers and researchers involved in research and development.

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesHuman GeosciencesSolid Earth SciencesBiogeosciencesMultiple DisciplinesSoftwareServiceStudents WelcomeNew customers WelcomeQuizrally
A06 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo

Exhibit (Planned)

Activities of Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo


Activities of Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo

Online Booth

A07,A08,A09 Deep-time Digital Earth

Exhibit (Planned)

GeoGPT, an exploratory geoscience project, aims to develop open-source, non-profit AI for novel perspectives & tools in global geoscience research.


The Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) is the first IUGS-recognized big science programme. As a non-profit program, DDE is committed to developing itself as a provider of public goods and services for science and technology development globally.

Online Booth

A10 Newtech Co.,Ltd.

Exhibit (Planned)

We are exhibiting a single unit of the CORVAULT, a petabyte-class ultra-high capacity storage.


NewTech was founded in 1982 and has specialized in storage products. Its corporate philosophy is "Connecting the future with data," and it focuses on emphasizing customer satisfaction and dedicating efforts to providing high-quality products and services.

Online Booth

A11 Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Exhibit (Planned)

The FlowCam 8000 is a next-generation image analysis device that captures and measures sub-micron particles from 2μm to 1mm in real time.


We aim to optimize production sites by supporting the creation of new products and innovation in production processes with sensing and control technologies cultivated over many years, covering the fields of pharmaceuticals, medical care, food, and water, from research and development to mass production, logistics and services.

Online Booth

HardwareSalesResearch and Project infoStudents WelcomeNoveltyNew customers WelcomeSeminar
A12 Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI)

Exhibit (Planned)

Exhibition of research results, distribution of brochures and novelty goods


Established in 2012 under the World Premier International Research Centre Initiative (WPI) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), ELSI is a globally unique research institute that explores the 'origins of the Earth and life' with an interdisciplinary approach.

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesSolid Earth SciencesBiogeosciencesMultiple DisciplinesResearch and Project infoUniversity infoStudents WelcomeNoveltyQuizrally
A13 Tokyo Geographical Society

Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

A14 Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama University

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of research, education and life in Misasa, Exhibition of high-pressure minerals, mineral treasure hunt, distribution of original goods


Our mission is to reveal the evolution of the Earth and planets from their surfaces to their cores and the origin of planets and life. We have actively accepted both domestic/foreign students and offered Joint Use/Research opportunities. We look forward to having you join us!

Online Booth

A15 Geosys, Inc.

Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

A16 Hakusan Corporation

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of Optical Fiber Sensor System, High Functional and Low Power Consumption Telemeter LT-7700 , and Microtremormeter JU410


Development & sale of seismic observation network systems and earthquake disaster prevention systemsDevelopment & sale of disaster risk reduction systems,building damage evaluation support systemsDevelopment and sales of precision slitters and robotics-related equipment and systems

Online Booth

HardwareServiceSalesNew service New Products
A17 Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)

Exhibit (Planned)

"RIHN Library" RIHN's research activities and results


RIHN promotes "Human and Environmental Studies" as a form of comprehensive knowledge, including interdisciplinary research that combines the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, as well as a transdisciplinary approach that aims to solve problems in collaboration with society.

Online Booth

A18,A19,A22,A23 JAMSTEC/J-DESC/Kochi Univ.

Exhibit (Planned)

Introducing our latest activities for Scientific Drilling and some information for JAMSTEC/J-DESC/KCC.


Three organizations related to the Scientific Drilling (JAMSTEC/J-DESC/Kochi Univ.) will introduce the latest research and various information.

Online Booth

Sponsor Exhibitor
A24 Nsdesign Co., Ltd.

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction to 3D modeling of Core measurement track system. Exhibition of P-wave S-wave measurement system.


・Design, manufacture, and sales of variable temperature units that can be easily installed in various spectroscopic devices・Design, production, and sales of vacuum equipment・Jig design, production, and sales for research and development・Software development for testing equipment and measuring equipment

Online Booth

A25 Tohoku University & JAMSTEC Advanced Institute for Marine Ecosystem Change (WPI-AIMEC)

Exhibit (Planned)

Showing research institute introduction videos, distributing pamphlets, and disseminating materials for personnel recruitment announcements.


Following the selection for the MEXT's World Premier International Research Center Initiative, we have just launched a new research institute on January 1, 2024, focusing on changes in marine ecosystems through a collaboration between Tohoku University and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology.

Online Booth


Exhibit (Planned)

Polarizing Microscope, Stereo Microscope, Full HD camera,4K camera,Digital Microscope


Meiji Techno Co.,Ltd. is a manufacturer of optical microscopes who has been making in Japan for 49 years.The high quality and variety of the models are known in the world.

Online Booth

A27 Satellite Observation Center, National Institute for Environmental Studies

Exhibit (Planned)

GOSAT series and the results will be showcased. We will also show the perspectives of postdocs of the project.


We are collaborating with the Ministry of the Environment and JAXA on the GOSAT series project for GHGs observations, involving researchers from various fields. This fiscal year, GOSAT-GW, the third satellite will be launched.

Online Booth

A28 Sanyo Trading Co., Ltd. / Picarro, Inc.

Exhibit (Planned)

Greenhouse Gas Analyzer / Stable Isotope Ratio Analyzer


Picarro gas analyzer is an instrument which uses wavelength scan cavity ring-down spectroscopy using laser technology and is superior to conventional methods. Our analyzer can measure gas with extremely low concentrations at the ppb level with high sensitivity and excellent drift performance.

Online Booth

A29 Bruker Japan K.K.

Exhibit (Planned)

We introduce micro-XRF for large area and high resolution elemental mapping of rock samples, such as thin sections and drill cores.


Bruker Nano Analysis provides electron microscope analyzers EDS, WDS, EBSD and microXRF for elemental mapping, these are elemental analysers that can be used for mostadvanced research.

Online Booth

A30 Beta Analytic Inc. & Isobar Science, Ltd.

Exhibit (Planned)

Beta Analytic ISO 17025-accredited radiocarbon dating laboratory and our subsidiary, Isobar Science, specializes in complex isotope services


Beta Analytic is an ISO 17025-accredited radiocarbon dating laboratory with a standard turnaround time of 14 business days. Our subsidiary, Isobar Science, specializes in complex isotope services for Geochronology, Geochemical Fingerprinting, and Environmental Source-Tracking.

Online Booth

ServiceStudents WelcomeNew service New ProductsNoveltyNew customers WelcomeQuizrally
A31 Nanometrics

Exhibit (Planned)

Listening to the Earth


Nanometrics is a global leader in seismic instrumentation, monitoring solutions, and scientific data analysis, enabling groundbreaking research and informed decision-making.

Online Booth

A32,A33 Geological Survey of Japan, AIST

Exhibit (Planned)

Recent research of Geological Survey of Japan is presented.


Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ), AIST is a public organization to carry out various geological surveys and researches. GSJ has consistently provided geological information, which is essential to build a safe and sustainable society, since its establishment in 1882.

Online Booth

SalesResearch and Project infoRecruit infoDiscountQuizrallyGeological MapGeological Museum Goods
A34 JGI,Inc.

Exhibit (Planned)

We are exhibiting our business fields and the latest technical services.


We are the synthesis and the technology enterprises that keep search for the better future.

Online Booth


Exhibit (Planned)

Through displaying posters, samples, we will explain an overview of JAPEX, R&D, employee career development, and internship programs.


E&P operations (exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas), Infrastructure Utility operations (supply of LNG, power generation using natural gas and renewable energy), and Carbon Neutral operations (carbon dioxide underground storage (CCS), carbon dioxide capture and utilization (CCUS))

Online Booth

Solid Earth SciencesServiceResearch and developmentResearch and Project infoStudents WelcomeRecruit infoE&PCarbon Neutral Project
A36,A37 Paleo labo co.,Ltd., Ritsumeikan Univ., The University of Tokyo

Exhibit (Planned)

Introducing the collaboration on the theme of "radiocarbon dating of pollen."


Paleo Labo co.,Ltd conducts natural scientific analysis of artifacts and sediments excavated from the geo-archaeological sites. Paleo Lab co.,Ltd joined the theme of "radiocarbon dating of pollen" launched by Ritsumeikan University, and the University of Tokyo.

Online Booth

Atmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesHuman GeosciencesServiceResearch and developmentResearch and Project infoQuizrallyRadiocarbon datingPollen
A38 SoftBank Corp. / ALES Corp. / CSESS

Exhibit (Planned)

Introducing SB and ALES' RTK and CSESS initiatives


High-precision positioning service “ichimill” (Softbank Corp.)Generation and distribution of correction information/post-processed data sales (ALES Corp.)

Online Booth

ServiceResearch and Project infoDiscountNoveltyNew customers WelcomeQuizrallyRTKGNSS
A39 Marine Works Japan Ltd.

Exhibit (Planned)

Posters showing our services including Multi-beam echo sounding (MBES) surveys, environmental studies and chemical analysis, and exhibit our products.


MWJ, one of the leading science support companies in Japan, provide customers with reliable and precise global ocean data. It is characteristic of our service that technicians do all the work from shipboard laboratory operations to instrument maintenance, and data management onshore.

Online Booth

A41 oyo corporation

Exhibit (Planned)

We will exhibit the various geophysical exploration techniques and equipment.


We will solve various issues in fields related to earth science in orderto realize a secure, safe, and sustainable society.

Online Booth

A42 IR System Co.,Ltd.

Exhibit (Planned)

Handy NIR spectroscopy, NDIR gas sensor


Infrared-based optical equipment, measuring instruments, and components import and sales/Design and development of optical equipment/Measurement services and equipment rental using optical equipment

Online Booth

A46,A47 Kyoto University Geoscience Union

Exhibit (Planned)

Research and education on earth and planetary science at Kyoto University


Research and education on earth and planetary science

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesHuman GeosciencesSolid Earth SciencesBiogeosciencesMultiple DisciplinesResearch and Project infoUniversity infoStudents WelcomeNoveltyNew customers WelcomeQuizrallySeminar
A48 Science of Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes

Exhibit (Planned)

Science of Slow-to-Fast earthquakes Newsletter Vol.1,2,3, research highlights, and more.


The Grant-in-Aid for Science Research Project [Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Area (A)] entitled “Science of Slow-to-Fast earthquakes” is the research project to broaden and deepen our understanding of earthquakes ranging from slow earthquakes to fast (ordinary) earthquakes.

Online Booth

A51 Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security

Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

A52 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

A53 Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University

Exhibit (Planned)

This exhibition will introduce the activities of the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University.


As the only research institute to tie together space and earth sciences, the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research treats the Earth, Sun, and universe as a single system.

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesHuman GeosciencesSolid Earth SciencesMultiple DisciplinesResearch and developmentResearch and Project infoUniversity infoStudents WelcomeQuizrally
A54 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, TMT Project/ALMA Project

Exhibit (Planned)

Exhibit of ALMA Telescope and the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), two big projects by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ).


ALMA is a giant radio telescope that was constructed at an altitude of 5,000 meters in Chile and started its scientific observations from 2011. TMT is a next generation optical/infrared telescope with an aperture of 30m. The two big projects of NAOJ will explore the frontiers of astronomy.

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesResearch and Project infoUniversity infoStudents WelcomeNoveltyNew customers WelcomeQuizrallyInter-University Research InstituteGround-based Large Telescopes
A55 Ehime University, Geodynamics Research Center

Exhibit (Planned)

Exhibition of the world's hardest material "Nano‐Polycrystalline Diamond (HIME-Diamond)" and invitation to the joint research center "PRIUS"


GRC conducts research/education activities of earth's and planetary deep interiors and syntheses of newly materials based on high‐pressure experiments and numerical simulations. As a world hub in high‐pressure sciences, GRC operates the joint research center "Premier Research Institute for Ultrahigh‐pressure Sciences, PRIUS".

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesSolid Earth SciencesMultiple DisciplinesResearch and Project infoStudents WelcomeNew customers WelcomeQuizrallyVirtual laboratory tourHIME-Diamonds
A56 Enabler LTD.

Exhibit (Planned)

An introduction of GNSS receivers and related products and solution services.


Technological development and business development in the domains of IoT and ICT, by harnessing positional information, satellite-positioning technology, automatic operation technology, geospatial information, and mobile communication technology

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesSolid Earth SciencesSoftwareHardwareServiceResearch and developmentSalesStudents WelcomeRecruit infoNew service New ProductsNew customers WelcomeGNSSGPS
A60 General Incorporated Association iRIC-UC

Exhibit (Planned)

Introducing utilization examples of iRIC software, and you can have hands-on experience and consultation.


General Incorporated Association iRIC-UC is a group of practicing engineers who support the development of iRIC. We believe that “software development should be together with users,” and iRIC-UC is engaged in activities to promote communication between the developers and the practical engineers, who are the actual users.

Online Booth

A61 Asia Air Survey co., ltd.

Exhibit (Planned)

Various topographic expressions using RRIM, projection mapping on them, analog model experiments


Aerial Surveying, Consulting

Online Booth


Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences Journal (TAO)


The Chinese Geoscience Union in Taiwan (TCGU) is a comprehensive organization for earth science professionals and practitioners. TCGU collaborates with Springer Nature to publish the Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Journal (TAO), Taiwan's premier international earth sciences journal.

Online Booth

Multiple DisciplinesNoveltyJournal
F02 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)

Exhibit (Planned)

To encourage participation in the society's events, such as its annual meetings, scientific gatherings and publications.


AOGS was founded in 2003 in order to advance geosciences and their applications for the good of humanity - particularly in Asia and Oceania and with a broad focus on global issues. Nearly 80% of fatalities worldwide are caused by natural disasters, with the Asia-Oceania region being particularly vulnerable.

Online Booth

F03 Earth, Planets and Space

Exhibit (Planned)

We will introduce you to the gold open access journal Earth, Planets and Space (EPS).


The gold open access journal Earth, Planets and Space (EPS) presents scientific articles in the earth and planetary sciences, in particular, geomagnetism, aeronomy, space science, seismology, volcanology, geodesy, and planetary science. EPS also welcomes articles in new and inter-disciplinary subjects, including instrumentation.

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesHuman GeosciencesSolid Earth SciencesBiogeosciencesMultiple DisciplinesStudents WelcomeNoveltyNew customers WelcomeQuizrallyGold Open AccessJointly Published by Five Societies
F04 Japan Geoscience Union

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of Japan Geoscience Union


Earth science related academic society

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesHuman GeosciencesSolid Earth SciencesBiogeosciencesMultiple DisciplinesStudents WelcomeNoveltyNew customers WelcomeQuizrallyIntroduction of JpGUCome and Join US!
F05 Progress in Earth and Planegary Science(PEPS)

Exhibit (Planned)

We introduce Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS), the official open access English journal operated by JpGU.


Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS) is a peer-reviewed, open-access English journal published by the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) in collaboration with JpGU's member societies.PEPS was launched in 2014 and celebrates its 10th anniversary.

Online Booth

Students WelcomeNoveltyQuizrallyOpen access journalAPC discount available for JpGU members.

Exhibit (Planned)

AGU is a global community supporting more than half a million advocates and professionals in the Earth and space sciences.


Through broad and inclusive partnerships, AGU aims to advance discovery and solution science to accelerate knowledge and create solutions that are ethical, unbiased and respectful of communities and their values. We serve as a scholarly publisher, convene events and provide career support.

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesSolid Earth SciencesBiogeosciencesMultiple DisciplinesStudents Welcome
F07 European Geosciences Union (EGU)

Exhibit (Planned)

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space science research in Europe.


The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space science research in Europe. EGU publishes a number of diverse scientific journals and its annual General Assembly is the largest European geosciences event.

Online Booth

Pub01 MDPI - Academic Open Access Publishing since 1996

Exhibit (Planned)

Brochures introducing open-access journals (Remote Sensing, Land, etc.) and MDPI services, promotional giveaways


MDPI is a pioneer in open access publishing and was founded in Basel, Switzerland, in 1996. The publisher continues to work towards making the latest research and scientific knowledge accessible to anyone around the world while offering open and useful services for all researchers and institutions.

Online Booth


Exhibit (Planned)

We're offering discounts of 15% off on new and remarkable books!Please see the website for details on target books and how to order.


Established in 1926, we are a publisher of natural science books located in Myogadani, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. We have published "Field Geology Series", "Introduction to Modern Earth Science Series", and many other books related to earth and planetary science including independent books.

Online Booth

Pub03 Kyoto University Press

Exhibit (Planned)

Book exhibition and sales


Publication of academic books

Online Booth

Pub04 GEOGASHI-Ryokodan

Exhibit (Planned)

We sell Geogashi that feature various landscapes, such as pillar-like joint cocoa cookies, and chocolate baked with scoria.


We aim to promote geology outreach and ignite interest in the earth's beauty. Our sweets, designed like landscapes, appeal to those previously uninterested in geology, using "eating" as a universal connection to inspire appreciation for our world's wonder and complexity.

Online Booth


Exhibit (Planned)

Sale of silver accessories with motifs of various creatures. Information on the production of exhibition specimens such as museums.


Production of museum specimens. Production of accessories with living things as motifs. Production of items in the museum shop, etc.

Online Booth

Pub06 Sairisha

Exhibit (Planned)

Radiolarian crochet goods shop. Straps, earrings, coasters, etc.Designed and crafted by a geologist retired from GSJ.


Crochet works with microfossil design.

Online Booth

BiogeosciencesSalesNew service New ProductsRadiolariaAccessories
Pub07 KURUMIYA accessories inspired by natural science

Exhibit (Planned)

Exhibit and sell of handmade accessories designed from the interests and beauty of natural science and creatures.


Kurumiya produces and sells accessories modified covered buttons. Specialty areas are creatures and Japanese culture. The shop offers collaboration products with illustrators specialized in creatures. Also, it produces custom made items from original photos and illustrations.

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesBiogeosciencesSalesStudents WelcomeNew customers WelcomeQuizrally
Pub08 Japan Polar Research Association

Exhibit (Planned)

The company will sell magazines on Antarctica and the Arctic and educational materials and maps etc.


We support research and educational activities in the Arctic and Antarctic regions, and disseminate the results of such research and educational activities.

Online Booth

Pub09 Kokon Shoin

Exhibit (Planned)

Exhibition of books


Professional book publication of the earth science system and the education

Online Booth

Atmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesHuman GeosciencesSolid Earth SciencesBiogeosciencesMultiple DisciplinesSalesStudents WelcomeNew service New ProductsDiscountNew customers WelcomeField Note(New color)Geography
Pub10 University of Tokyo Press

Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

Pub11 Asakura Publishing Company Ltd

Exhibit (Planned)

Asakura Publishing is going to exhibiting and selling technical books in earth and planetary science.


Asakura Publishing is an academic publisher.We are publishing academic and technical books and university textbooks in fields including science, engineering, medicine, agriculture, humanities, linguistics, sociology and home economics.

Online Booth


Exhibit (Planned)

Geoscience materials & Products


Geoscience materials & Products exhibition & sale

Online Booth

Pub25 Minna de Honkoku

Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesAtmospheric and Hydrospheric SciencesHuman GeosciencesSolid Earth SciencesBiogeosciencesMultiple DisciplinesResearch and Project infoStudents WelcomeQuizrallyOpen ScienceDigital Humanities
Pub26 Springer Nature

Exhibit (Planned)

Springer Nature displays journals, monographs, edited volumes, book series, textbooks, and reference works in earth science and related disciplines.


Springer Nature is one of the world’s leading global research, educational and professional publishers, home to an array of respected and trusted brands providing quality content through a range of innovative products and services.

Online Booth

New service New Products
Pub30,Pub31 Neutrino Tokyo Inc.

Exhibit (Planned)

Exhibition and sale of foreign academic books in the field of earth sciences


Import and sales of academic foreign books, journals (including electronic journals and back numbers), CD-ROMs and data bases.

Online Booth

SalesStudents WelcomeDiscountNoveltyNew customers WelcomeBook
Univ01 Department of Geophysics / Department of Earth Science, Tohoku University

Exhibit (Planned)

We introduce research and education in Department of Geophysics and Department of Earth Science, Tohoku University, and our undergraduate education.


The Department of Geophysics and the Department of Earth Science at Tohoku University conduct cutting-edge research and unique education, integrating with graduate school programs, in earth and planetary sciences based on physics and geology/petrology/geography, respectively.

Online Booth

Univ02 The International Joint Graduate Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tohoku University

Exhibit (Planned)

We will introduce the contents of this program, such as the special curriculum, lectures by world-leading researchers, and overseas training.


This is an educational program that provides the international joint education under strong partnership between Tohoku University and leading universities overseas.We aim to foster internationally active researchers with global perspectives, leadership skills, and will and abilities to "understand the entire earth system".

Online Booth

Univ03 WISE Program for sustainability in the Dynamic Earth

Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

Univ04 University of Aizu

Exhibit (Planned)

Includes information about ARC-Space.


ARC-Space aims to become a supply center for information geology, GIS, and exploration support software in Japan's deep space exploration program in the field of space exploration.From 2019, ARC-Space was approved as a MEXT Joint Usage and Research Center (Lunar and Planetary Exploration Archive Science Center).

Online Booth

Univ05 Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University

Exhibit (Planned)

Recent achievements of our research work will be presented.


The Institute of Low Temperature Science is promoting comprehensive research of various natural phenomena occurring in the cryosphere and cold environments.

Online Booth

Univ06 Planetary Exploration Research Center, CHIBA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

Exhibit (Planned)

The following introduces the Planetary Exploration Research Center and the new department to be established in the next academic year.


The following introduces the Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology, and the Department Space, Semiconductor and Mechatronics Engineering, which is scheduled to be established in the next academic year to nurture human resources who can work in cutting-edge fields.

Online Booth

Univ07 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Hokkaido University

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of research and education at the department of Earth and Planetary sciences, and related graduate schools.


Approaching the mystery of the earth and other planets to solve a variety of societal issues.

Online Booth

Univ08 Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of education and research at the Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University, and our undergraduate education.


Our department aims to develop a new horizon in the research and education of earth and space science from a physics-based perspective. The principal goals of our research are to understand the extreme state of matter in space, including even life, and to decipher the many diverse phenomena.

Online Booth

Space and Planetary SciencesSolid Earth SciencesResearch and developmentResearch and Project infoUniversity infoStudents WelcomeNew customers Welcome
Univ09 Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo

Exhibit (Planned)

We provide information on entering graduate school, and on joint usage/research programs of AORI (e.g. R/V Hakuho Maru).


Our mission is to promote fundamental research on the oceans and the atmosphere, and to develop research that will lead to solutions to important problems. The institute also promotes joint usage / research programs, and fosters human resources who will lead the next generation of researchers.

Online Booth

Univ10 Earthquake Research Institute,The University Of Tokyo

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of our research activities Visiting Researchers Program


Our ultimate mission is to study earthquake phenomenon scientifically,and to find out the ways to prevent or mitigate the disasters caused directly/indirectly by earthquakes.

Online Booth

Human GeosciencesSolid Earth SciencesMultiple DisciplinesUniversity infoStudents Welcome
Univ11 Center for Data Assimilation Research and Applications, Joint Support Center for Data Science Research

Exhibit (Planned)

We gives consultations on applications of data assimilation techniques.


Center for Data Assimilation Research and Applications provides knowledge and know-how of data-science techniques to enhance numerical simulation, which includes data assimilation and statistical emulation techniques.

Online Booth

Univ12 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction to research and education conducted at Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, GSES, Nagoya University


We conduct research and education in a broad array of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Hydrospheric–Atmospheric Sciences, treating the entire planet as one whole system. Our aim is to develop new human resources with the ability to study, evaluate, and analyze the environments of the Earth based on sound scientific knowledge.

Online Booth

Soc01,Soc02 The Oceanographic Society of Japan (JOS)

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of activities of JOS, introduction of books, career counseling,“ocean fortune-telling,” etc.


The Oceanographic Society of Japan (JOS) was established in 1941 to advance and promote oceanography in Japan. We organize science meetings, publish both English and Japanese journals, support young scientists, and present awards to outstanding researchers/works in oceanography.

Online Booth

Soc03 The Geological Society of Japan

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of the Society, Annual meeting, "The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan", "Island Arc", and Photo-Contest.


The Geological Society of Japan (JGS) has contributed to advancement of science through promoting studies and diffusion of information in the field of geosciences. Activities of the JGS include the organization of meetings and excursions, scientific and educational publications, and the presentation of prizes.

Online Booth

Soc04 The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan

Exhibit (Planned)

Exhibit of PR magazines, journals, and theses, etc., and distribution of original plastic document folders


The purpose of the Institute is to contribute to the advancement and dissemination of the science of geophysical exploration and the technology related to its application, and to improve the quality of engineers engaged in geophysical exploration, thereby contributing to the academic culture and social development of Japan.

Online Booth

Soc05 Geochemical Society of Japan

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of the society


Geochemistry is multidisciplinary science with strong linkage with chemistry. The Geochemical Society of Japan advances research in geochemistry and planetary science through scientific activities including publication of the Geochemical Journal, having annual meeting, cosponsoring the Goldschmidt conference, and so on.

Online Booth


Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

Soc07 The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of the basic technologies of Oil & Gas Exploration andProduction and CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS), and their applications.


JAPT is dedicated to advancing petroleum development technologies and their application, such as in CCS.

Online Booth

Soc08 The Volcanological Society of Japan

Exhibit (Planned)

The Volcanological Society of Japan・information desk


The Volcanological Society of Japan(VSJ)

Online Booth

Soc10 Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of the Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences


The Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS) was established in 2007. JAMS covers a wide field of mineral sciences, geochemistry and petrology, and acts with the Japan Science Council as a national representative society of the International Mineralogical Association.

Online Booth

Solid Earth SciencesStudents WelcomeNew customers WelcomeQuizrallyMineralRock
Soc11 Palaeontological Society of Japan

Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

Soc12 The Geodetic Society of Japan

Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth


Exhibit (Planned)


Online Booth

Online Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University

Exhibit (Planned)

We present the education and research in our department by using the homepage of Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyushu University.


This department educates and researches a wide range of phenomenon dealing with the earth and planetary sciences.

Online Booth

Online JAMSTEC Earth Simulator

Exhibit (Planned)

We will introduce the 4th generation of our supercomputer “The Earth Simulator” (ES4).


JAMSTEC is engaged in activities to contribute broadly to the improvement of science and technology, the development of academic research, and the understanding of the Earth and life through ocean research in Japan, a nation of oceans.

Online Booth

Online Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Exhibit (Planned)

Introduction of resarch and education at the Department of Geography in Tokyo Mertropolitan University


We investigate the dynamic interrelationships between geographic environment and human beings from the past to the present taking into account the interrelationships between the phenomena that occur on a various spatial scales.

Online Booth
