The following are the basic principles for handling oral and poster presentation materials at the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) online, on-site, and hybrid meetings. These apply to all the slides, video, audio, and other materials (including on-demand presentations) that are presented to the audience in science sessions (orals and posters) and other events including lectures and business meetings.
Notes for viewers and participants
Online meeting presentations are considered to be "transmissions to the public" under Copyright Act of Japan. If a third party uses the presentation materials without the permission of the presenter, it may violate the Copyright Act.
1. Participants must not save all or part of the oral or poster presentations made by others as digital information without permission.
(e.g., screen shot of the presentation screen, screen recording, sound recording, etc.)
2. If downloading of the abstracts, program list, etc. is permitted, it should be limited to personal storage and use.
Notes for presenters
The copyright of slides and other materials used in presentations at all formats of meetings belongs to the presenter. The presenter is solely responsible for any infringement of the copyright or other rights and interests of third parties caused by the materials used in the presentation.
1. The presenter agrees that the Japan Geoscience Union may store his/her presentation as digital information.
2. When distributing oral or poster presentations on demand, the consent of all co-authors must be obtained prior to distribution.
3. Do not use images whose copyrights are owned by others, or photographs or videos taken by others. If they are deemed essential for the presentation, obtain permission from the relevant copyright owners and use them in accordance with their specified conditions.
4. When citing the works of others, be very careful that the works to be cited are published, not unpublished works, and that the works to be cited do not become the main subject in your own presentation in terms of both quality and quantity. When citing, make sure to clearly distinguish between the content of the presentation and the cited material, and clearly indicate the source, including the name of the cited work and the year of publication.
5. When citing figures or illustrations from a book, it is advisable to contact the publisher and obtain the necessary permissions in advance.
(In preparing these guidelines, we referred to the guidelines of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers and the Japan Academic Association for Copyright Clearance.)
3. Others
All the meeting participants are required to comply with research ethics regarding the handling of materials presented by others. All the meeting participants must understand and agree to the above conditions before participating in the meeting.
Photographing, recording, or videotaping of oral and poster presentations, and other special lectures during the on-site meeting is prohibited without the permission of the Japan Geoscience Union.
For the handling of copyrights, please refer to the Copyright Rules and Regulations of the Japan Geoscience Union.