Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024
Regulation on Abstract Submissions
The Regulation on Abstract Submissions has been revised. (02 OCT 2023).
・The contributor must be the person same as the presenting author, but need not be the first author.
*The limit on the number of presentations (number of submissions) remains unchanged (5/contributors).
Regulation on abstract submissions (ver.9: as of 02 OCT 2023)
[Submission of Abstract]
1. The person submitting an abstract must be the presenter. (but do not have to be the first author). This cannot be changed.
He/She must obtain all the co-authors' consent to list them as co-authors, if any.
2. A total of up to 5 abstracts may be submitted by the same author including invited presentations.
However, up to 2 abstracts can be submitted to a single session provided oral presentation is 1 or none.
3. Abstracts must be submitted following the guidance described on the JpGU Meeting website.
4. Authors may not change the contents of contributions after the submission deadline.
5. By submitting an abstract, authors accept the JpGU Privacy Policy, Copyright Agreement and Guidelines for handling presentation materials at JpGU meetings.
[Preparing Abstracts]
1. Contributions must be prepared in accordance with the guidance on the JpGU Meeting website on formats etc..
[Obtaining JpGU ID]
1. You must hold a JpGU ID in order to submit abstracts.
Annual due of the fiscal year of the meeting must be paid prior to submitting abstracts. *JpGU Members only
In the case there is any not paid annual due of past years, they must also be settled.
2. If you do not hold a valid JpGU ID, you must acquire a JpGU ID before abstract submission on JpGU Meeting website.
Please select either (1) a Member ID or (2) Meeting Participant ID.
(1) Member ID to become a JpGU Member (annual fee applies) and become eligible to obtain discounted registration fee;
(2) Nonmember ID (no annual fee) to participate in the meeting at full rate of registration fee.
Once an abstract submission is made, the same ID must be kept.
The Members of AGU, EGU, or AOGS receive discounted registration rates, without becoming a JpGU Member in accordance with partnership agreements.
3. Creating a new ID requires authentication.
The contact address must be of the working address of the original registrant and not of a third person.
JpGU Office may from time to time contact an ID holder as needs arise.
[Abstract Submission Fee]
1. All submitting authors are required to pay the abstract fee, including Invited Authors.
The abstract submission fee is a non-refundable processing fee irrespective of approval or attendance.
2. Credit card payment for the abstract fee is accepted on the JpGU online system.
If any technical or other difficulties do not allow for credit card payment procedure, contact JpGU Office before the submission deadline.
Additional administrative fee will be charged for payments other than by credit cards.
3. A submission without due payment before the submission deadline will not be processed.
[Meeting Registration]
1. All presenting authors, including authors of Invited Papers must register for the Meeting, separately from the abstract submission process and pay the registration fee.
[Acceptance and Rejection of Abstracts]
1. The Program Committee has responsibility and is the final authority to accept or reject submitted abstracts.
Abstracts that are considered inappropriate for presentation for the following reasons may be rejected:
 a) The content is considered to be largely out of scope of the session;
 b) The content does not rely on objective discussion based on facts or scientifically sound data;
 c) Serious impropriety such as research misconduct, copyright infringement, or violation of human rights, is identified;
 d) Multiple submissions from the same individual in excess of allowable limit, or false submissions using another person’s name.
2. Presentation format (Oral or Poster) is assigned by Session Conveners given the oral presentation time slot determined by the Program Committee.
Conveners may decide to transfer abstracts to another Session (different from the author's original request) to be accepted.
3. The acceptance will be notified to the corresponding author by e-mail together with presentation format, date, and time.
4. The rejection will be notified to the corresponding author with reasons explained for rejection by the Program Committee.
5. The authors of rejected abstracts may request for reconsideration and re-examination to the Program Committee only once.
[Modification/ Withdrawal after Acceptance]
1. Authors may not change the contents of contributions after the submission is accepted.
2. If unavoidable circumstances such as illness arise and force to cancel/withdraw your presentation, please promptly inform the Conveners as indicated on JpGU Meeting website. No refund for the abstract submission fee will be made. The original presenting author may designate one of the co-authors to substitute his/her presentation if the required conditions are met. Such a change must be reported to the conveners using the communication tool that is provided by JpGU.
No edits on the program / abstract PDF can be made even the cancellation or substitute presenter is approved by the session convener.
3. After the acceptance of an abstract, its presentation date, time and format may not be changed without the approval of the Program Committee and the corresponding Session Conveners.
[Presentation Time Frame]
1. The duration of an oral presentation is 15 minutes including questions and discussion.
The only exception to this is the presentation time of Invited Papers. Invited Papers may be allotted an extended presentation time by the request of the Session Conveners.
2. Poster presenters must upload their poster data in the designated online system during the meeting period to allow all attendees to view and discuss the presentation materials.
Poster presenters are requested to give a flash talk during the designated time during the oral session.
Poster-only sessions (sessions with no orals) should have a flash talk at the time designated by the Program Committee.
In addition, the presenters may present their papers during the poster core time at the local venue.