Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.82 August. 10 2010
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Latest News
・Emergency statement submitted by chairpersons of
29 scientific societies in Japan
・Comments and opinions on Scientific research fund
are invited
2. From committees
・Science Council of Japan
・Committee on Planet Earth Science of Science
Council of Japan
・Japan International Geography Olympiad Committee
What’s new!
1. Latest news
(1)Emergency statement
submitted by chairpersons of 29 scientific societies in Japan
Emergency statement
made by chairpersons of 29 scientific societies in Japan was submitted
to the Cabinet Office.
It asks the office to
strengthen universities and research institutes and increase budget on
to realize strong Japan by
science and technology.
(2)Comments and opinions
on Scientific research fund are invited
Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science is now reviewing the List of Categories,
Disciplines and Research Fields
for the revision applied
for open recruitment for 2013.
List of Categories,
Disciplines and Research Fields is to be revised every five years and
the year 2013 is the year of the
drastic reform.
Research Center for
Science Systems of JSPS, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, is
now inviting public opinions.
For further details, see
the following URS. (only in Japanese now)
From committees
(1) Science Council of
Prospect of Japan,
proposals 2010 by Science Council of Japan was wrapped up on April 5,
Posters and brochures are
now ready to be distributed. Downloading PDF files is available,
For further details and
download, see the following website. (only in Japanese now )
Contact: Science Council
of Japan/ Persons in charge: Mr. Toriu, Ms. Sugano (03-3403-1056)
(2) Japan Earth Science
Olympiad Committee
・Camp training for 4 high
school students who are to participate in the 4th international earth
science Olympiad
held in Indonesia is to be
held from August 16 to 19 at Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural
They are instructed how to
use astrometric telescopes and survey geological conditions.
・International Science
Olympic Symposium is to be held at the University of Tokyo on August 18,
Participants of the 3rd
international earth science Olympiad held in Taiwan are to present the
workshop there.
For further details,
please check the following URL. (only in Japanese)
(3) Japan International
Geography Olympiad Committee
The 8th
international Geography Olympiad was held from July 29 to August 4 in
High school students from
27 countries and regions participated in this olympiad.
They are given describing,
field work and multimedia type tests.
4 high school students
from Japan took part in this competition. They did their best and
boosted exchanges during the
heat wave over 38 degrees
and Atsushi Taguchi of Senior High School at Komaba, University of
Tsukuba, got the bronze medal.
Asia Pacific Regional
Geography Olympiad is to be held in Mexico next year.
Japan Geoscience Union
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org