Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.81 July. 12 2010
<< Contents >>
Information on JpGU Meeting 2011
2. From committees
・Committee on Planet Earth Science of Science
Council of Japan
Confirmation and update of your membership
registration data
What’s new!
1. Information on
JpGU Meeting 2011
(1) JpGU Meeting 2011
Date: From May 22, Sunday
to May 27, Friday in 2011
Venue: Makuhari Messe,
International Conference Hall
[Schedule] *Schedule is
subject to change without prior notice.
Website of JpGU
Meeting 2011 opens: September 1, Wednesday, 2010
Session proposal :
From September 1, Wednesday to October 26, Tuesday, 2010
Recruit for
exhibitors: starts on October 4, 2010 and closes as soon as all are
filled up.
List of sessions:
released on our website on December 20, Monday, 2010
submissions: From January 11, Tuesday to February 4, Friday at 12:00
noon JPT
(Advance submission closes) : January 31, Monday at 17:00, 2011
JpGU Meeting 2011
registration : From January 11, Tuesday to May 27, Friday, 2011
(Advance registration closes) : April 8, Friday at 24:00, 2011
Recruit for
part-timers : March 10, Thursday, 2011
Meeting and night
time gathering application start : March 10, Thursday, 2011
From committees
(1) Committee on Planet
Earth Science of Science Council of Japan
Volunteers, members of
Committee on Planet Earth Science of Science Council of Japan have
released the statement
named "Circumstances surrounding the 4th IPCC Assessment"
in response to " Statement
by ICSU on the controversy around the 4th IPCC Assessment"
on June 23, 2010.
For further details,
please check the following URL.
Confirmation and Update of Membership registration data
Please be sure to confirm
and update your membership registration data to avoid misdelivery,
in case your affiliation
and address change.
*Especially on the
following fields
・Basic information
4.E-mail address (input failure or modification of domain name)
・Contact address
21.Building Name/ Room Number
*Please log in from the
following URL.
*Number of registrants:
6,991 as of July 7, 2010
Member:6,341 (General:4,441/ teachers:104/Graduate students:1,716/Aged
70 and over:80)
Student member:218 (University student:215/High school student and
*Number of registrants
only for JpGU Meeting (Non-member):432
Japan Geoscience Union
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org