===================================================================================== Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.71 March 10, 2010 =====================================================================================
<< Contents >>
1. Information of emergent session ”Central Chile earthquake and tsunamis in 2010” 2. JpGU Meeting 2010 Information [Important] *Pre-registration for JpGU Meeting and Ticket for the party are wanted! *Meeting Registration has been postponed to January 19, 2010. *Exhibitors are wanted now! 3. From Committees *NPO Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee |
1. Information of emergent session ”Central Chile earthquake and tsunamis in 2010”
A great earthquake (M 8.8) occurred on February 27, 2010 in central Chile produced tsunami that propagated across the Pacific Ocean to reach Japan. JpGU Environment and disaster countermeasures committee discussed with Seismological Society of Japan and other related affiliations and decided to organize emergent session on reports on this earthquake and Tsunamis and discussion on the current status and issues on tsunami warning systems. If you want to make presentation, please confirm the following procedure and be sure to complete payment by the due date. Please note that it is on the first-come-first-served basis because of a space limitation. >> Detail
2. JpGU Meeting 2010 Information
[Latest Schedule ]
March 11 |
Part timers recruitment starts. |
March 15 |
Accepting night and lunch meetings starts. |
March 19 |
Notifying the result of each abstract submission and schedule to abstract submitters, authors, presenters and chairpersons. |
April 7 |
JpGU Meeting 2010 Program is up on our web |
April 9 |
Pre-JpGU Meeting 2010 registration and acceptance of advance party ticket ends |
By May 8 |
JpGU Meeting program and CD-Rom are sent to abstract submitters and pre-registered participants *Please confirm that we don’t send programs and CD Roms abroad. |
23-28 May |
JpGU Meeting 2010 (General Staff Meeting, Society Council and Party are held on May 26, Wednesday.) |
**Links to adjacent hotels https://www.jpgu.org/meeting/outline01_general.html#hotel **Child care https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/outline01_general.html#child
(1)JpGU Meeting 2010 pre-registration and advance party ticket are now being accepted! Pre-registration and advance party ticket application ends on April 9, Friday, 2010 at 23:59 JST (14:59 UTC or GMT.):
Party information
Date: May 26, Wednesday from 19:00 to 20:30
Site: International Conference Hall 1st Floor
Maximum capacity: 150
Advance party ticket : General 4,000JPY,Student 1,500JPY
Normal party ticket : General 5,000JPY,Student 2,000JPY
**Discount rate is adopted by April 9, 2010.
**Application for the party only is available if you have our ID number.)
**From this meeting, JpGU Meeting registration can be made from our website even after April 9, 2010, the pre-registration period.
Please be sure to confirm that normal rate is adopted on and after April 10, 2010.
(2) Information of New project “Special lecture”
We’ve organized “special lectures at JpGU Meeting 2010” for young students and researchers presented by world-class earth planetary science related researchers beyond the fields.
From Monday, May 24 to Friday to May 28, they are to be held at lunch time. Details are to be released later. Don’t miss it! May 24, Monday -Biogeosciences- Akihiko Yamagishi (Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science) May 25, Tuesday –Human Geosciences- Takeshi Nakagawa(Newcastle University) May 26, Wednesday –Solid Earth Sciences- Akira Hasegawa (Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Graduate School of Sciences, Tohoku University) May 27, Thursday –Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences- Tiruvalum N. Krishnamurti (Florida State University) May 28, Friday –Space and Planetary Sciences- Shigeru Ida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
(3) Application for part-time jobs starts on March 11, 2010. Part-time job application especially for students who participates in our meeting starts on March 11 on our website. We’ll really appreciate your cooperation.
(4) Profile of exhibitors Please come by the Central Lobby on the 2nd floor. We have wide-ranging exhibitors for JpGU Meeting 2009. This time, private companies, research institutions, universities and graduate schools and faculties are waiting for you.
ITT Visual Information Solutions http://www.ittvis.com/
JGI, Inc. http://www.jgi-inc.com/english/index_Eng.html
HAKUSAN CORPORATION http://www.hakusan.co.jp/bosai/
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) http://www.iodp.org
Geophysical Surveying Co., Ltd http://www.gsct.co.jp/
Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork http://www.www.iugonet.org/
Tohoku University Global COE Program ”Global Education and Research Center for Earth and Planetary Dynamics” http://www.gcoe.es.tohoku.ac.jp/
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention http://www.bosai.go.jp/e/index.html
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan ALMA Project http://alma.mtk.nao.ac.jp/
Oxford Instruments plc http://www.oxford-instruments.jp
———————————- Japan Geoscience Union 4F Gakkai Center Bldg. 2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, Japan Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088 E-mail: office@jpgu.org