

 Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.60 November 27, 2009

<< Contents >>

 1. Report of the 1st

Section President



1. Report of
the 1st Section President Election

of candidates for the 1st Section President Election of
Japan Geoscience Union (>>Public announcement) was closed on
20th of November. We have one candidate in each of the five
science sections. These candidates listed below have been
determined as new presidents following the decision by the
expanded executive meeting on 26th of October, 2009, that is
‘A candidate is determined as the new section president
without election, when there is no other candidates in the
same science section.’

November 27 Friday, 2009
Japan Geoscience Union Election Board
Chairman: Mie Ichihara
Members: Masanao Shinohara, Michinari Sunamura, Masahiro
Takagi, Shogo Tachibana, Hiroyuki Tsubomoto


New Section Presidents


Space and Planetary Sciences

Hiroko Nagahara

(Dept. Earth Planet. Sci., The University of Tokyo)
I will serve as the president of the Space and Planetary
Section of JPGU in order to progress space and planetary
science in Japan and in the world by building up closer
interaction among related fields. I will make special
efforts to promote planetary missions in Japan.

Atmospheric, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences

Teruyuki Nakajima

(Dept. Earth Planet. Sci., The University of Tokyo)
I believe that inevitable is to promote interaction of
various research fields for developing sciences of the
earth’s surface system that includes most important problems
for our society. I like to devote myself for new development
of the JpGU and Section for Atmosphere, Ocean, and
Environmental Sciences.

Human Geosciences

Atsuyuki Okabe

(Aoyama Gakuin University)
I believe that human geosciences are supposed to play
‘concertos’ aiming at the harmonious coexistence between the
earth and the human by the ‘players’ of natural sciences,
social sciences, engineering and the humanities. I will make
effort in establishing this new field with you.

Solid Earth Sciences

Toshitsugu Fujii

(Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
The Solid Earth Sciences section includes quite a wide range
of research fields. It is desired to create new ideas
through broad, cross-disciplinary discussion in the section.
I will work to foster the occasions of interaction and


Hiroshi Kitazato

(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
"Biogeosciences" is a new research field in Earth and
Planetary Sciences that aims to clarify nature, function,
relationship and evolution of both the Earth and Life since
46 Ba. I am very pleased to nurse this new interdisciplinary
science field. For this purpose, I will go forward two
things. The one is to have joint sessions with international
sister communities such as EGU, AGU or AOGS. The other is to
join in EGU journal “Biogeosciences” as an editorial board
member together with several JpGU Biogeoscience colleagues
for promoting this new field.

Japan Geoscience Union (
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan   
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088