Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.5
November 12, 2007.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008 (JpGU Meeting 2008)
we call for exhibitors
for the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008
The exhibition by the special booth that can be used
through holding JpGU Meeting 2008, and all periods is planned.
Please use it for the introduction of the research and
the product, the advertisements of announcing to public, and the talent
exchanges, etc. that relate to "Earth planet science".
Venue :
Makuhari Messe Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall 2F central
Exhibition fee
300,000 yen/one booth
Booth size:
210 (height)×270 (width)×180 (depth) cm
It is possible to apply more than the booth.
Japan Geoscience Union secretariat
Nature Geoscience launches in January 2008. Each month, Nature
Geoscience will bring you top-quality research papers, reviews and
opinion pieces – in print and online.
Please access
www.naturejpn.com/JpGU right now.
Japan Geoscience Union
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org