Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.42 June 10, 2009
<< Contents >>
1. To participants of JpGU
Meeting 2009
Masato Nakamura (JAXA),
head of JpGU Meeting 2009 Countermeasure Team against New Flu
2. Latest News
・Reference from Science Council of Japan Response to
‘Difficulties on proceeding researches’
・Secondary selection for ‘100 Best Geology Spots in Japan’
was made.
3. Flash Report of JpGU Meeting 2009
1. To participants of JpGU
Meeting 2009
Masato Nakamura (JAXA),
head of JpGU Meeting 2009 Countermeasure Team against New Flu
Thank you for coming to
JpGU Meeting 2009 despite growing anxieties for spread of the new flu.
You might have understood the importance of our meeting in Earth
Planetary Science field.
We worked together with Makuhari Messe and tried to do our best to
prevent infection and spread of the new flu in case of emergency.
Of course our
countermeasures were not good enough and troubled you with answering to
our questionnaire and raising hands before entering the venue again.
We, Japan Gesoscinece Union has set up the countermeasure office
against status of the H1N1 virus (swine flu).
We’ve already disposed of
your questionnaires safely and no electronic information is kept based
on the standpoint of the personal information protection
Thanks to your
questionnaires, we could easily know that there’s no passenger of
Continental Airlines arriving at Narita Airport, when the New flu
infection in Continental Airlines arriving at Narita Airport was
Thank you again for your
warm cooperation and hope our meeting becomes more active and popular
next year.
2. Latest News
(1) Reference from Science Council of Japan Response to ‘Difficulties on
proceeding researches’
We, Japan Geoscience Union was urgently inquired about ‘Difficulties on
proceeding researches ‘ from chairman of Science Council of Japan on May
University Educational affairs Committee discussed this issue and joined
opinions from other union members. We wrapped up our opinions to 9 items
and made a reply to Science Council of Japan on May 28, 2009 in the name
of President Gaku Kimura on behalf of of JpGU.
(2)Secondary selection for ‘100 Best Geology Spots in Japan’ was made
On ‘Geology Day,’ May 10, 2009, ‘100 Best Geology Spots’ Selection
Committee’ chaired by Yasuji Saito, curator of Kanagawa Prefectural
Museum of Natural History, made the secondary selection of ‘100 Best
Geology Spots in Japan.’
The aim of this project is to select unique geological spots from all
around Japan and examineits uniqueness and spread the information to
ordinary people.
This project was completed as 120 spots after adding 37 geological spots
this time to
’87 Best Geological Spotsin Japan’ made on May 10, 2009.
Details are shown as follows in Japanese:
3. Flash Report of JpGU Meeting 2009
JpGU Meeting 2009 was closed successfully on May 21, 2009.
Thank you very much for your warmest cooperation and participation.
We’re waiting for your participation next year.
JpGU Meeting 2010 are planned to be held from May 23, Sunday to May 28,
Friday, 2010.
See you on Makuhari Messe next year!
Outline of JpGU Meeting 2009
・Term and Venue
From May 16, Saturday to May 21, Thursday, 2009
Makuhari-Messe, International Conference Hall in Chiba Prefecture
・Host: Japan Geoscience Union
・Co-Host: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Strategic Program for Building an Asian Science and Technology Community
・Co-Sponsor:4 science societies (Japanese Coral Reef Society, Society of
Electricity of Japan, The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and
The Astronomical Society of Japan
・Partners:46 science societies
・Sessions:134 (135 in 2008 , 134 in 2007, 109 in 2006)
Union Session: 4 Regular session : 78 Special session : 48 Open to public
program : 4
・Submitted abstracts : 3088 (3218 in 2008, 3121 in 2007, 2725 in 2006 )
Oral presentation : 1732 Poster presentation : 1356
・Total: 4807 ( 4862 in 2008, 4561 in 2007, 3997 in 2006 )
Pre-registration: 2307
(General: 1641, School Teachers: 24, Graduate students: 642 )
On-site registration: 2500
(General: 1196, School Teachers: 65, Graduate students: 366
Undergraduate students: 500, aged 70 and older and more: 59,
Press: 25, Exhibitors: 289 )
・Science Societies’ Area: separate Desks: 9 societies
・Science Societies’ Area: General Information Desk: 18 societies
・Exhibitors: 38 corporation or research institutions
・Publishers’ Area: 24 publishers (28 booths)
・University Information Panel: 5 universities
・Pamphlet Desk: 12 ( 7 booths )
・Meetings: 84 ( General Assemblies of science societies: 31, JpGU
relations: 20,
General 33 )
・Part-times and local volunteers: totally about 200
Japan Geoscience Union
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org