Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.35
Feb. 10, 2009.
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2009 (JpGU Meeting 2009)
Time Schedule
13 Feb 2009 |
deadline for Abstract submission |
27 Feb 2009 |
Program for JpGU Meeting 2009 is
fixed by the Program Committee and conveners |
13 Mar 2009 |
Recruiting for part time works
for JpGU Meeting 2009 are started! |
19 Mar 2009 |
of adoption of abstract submissions is announced and
presentation date is notified to submitters, authors, co-authors
and chairmen |
10 Apr 2009 |
Pre-registration and application for the party at a discount
rate are closed. |
08 May 2009 |
Pre-registration and application for the party at a discount
rate are closed. |
10 Apr 2009 |
Preliminary registration and application for the party at a
discount rate are closed. |
08 May 2009 |
Preliminary delivery of Programs and CD COMs for domestic
participants are completed. |
16-21 May 2009 |
Meeting 2009 ( Party is on May 18 ) |
Well come to JPGU Meeting party!
Date |
Monday, May
18 |
Time |
19:00-21:00 |
Place |
Restaurant in
the exhibition hall (maximum 150 people) |
Fee |
General : \4,000, Student : \1,500 |
General : \5,000, Student : \2,000 |
Exhibitors for
various kinds of booths are wanted!
Many kinds of booths
for universities and research institutes, scientific societies, business
enterprises and publishers are set on the 1st floor, 2nd floor central
lobby and also at the foyer.
Please utilize them for introducing your research activities,
advertisements of your equipments, selling books and exchanging
On the university information board, you can introduce your university
and put out information.
Please see the following website for further information:
From Committees
International Geoscience Olympiad Committee
As a result of the 1st
selection last December, 32 students (including 2 3rd-grade
students of junior high school and 4 3rd-grade students of
high school) are selected.
They are selected from
as many as 587 applicants across the country.
They are going to
challenge the 2nd selection held at Tokyo University on March
For further
information, please see the following website.
Japan Geoscience Union
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org