*** Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews Extra Issue,
No.308 April 20, 2018 ***
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2018 Exhibitors Information
<< Contents >>
| 2. JpGU 2018 Exhibitors
#1. Seminars for Meeting Participants
We introduce special seminars only for meeting participants.
Registered meeting participants can attend them free of charge.
Don’t miss this great opportunity!
“Becoming a Better Reviewer: Insights for Enhancing Your Peer Review
Effectiveness “
Date and Time: May 21st (Mon) 12:30p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Supported by FORTE
“Workshop on paper submission(Title TBD)”
Date and Time: May 22nd (Tue)12:30p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Supported by Wiley
“Convince readers by appropriately qualifying assertions:
an essential skill for successful research writing”
Date and Time: May 23rd (Wed)112:30p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Supported by ELSS, Inc.
Please visit “Seminar” page for more details
#2.JpGU 2018 Exhibitors
We are very pleased to introduce some of our exhibitors’ highlights
in this mailnews.
They are ready to show their scientific achievements, projects, new
products and other latest information.
We hope you stop by each booths, have the opportunity to get to know
the latest information on geoscience and enjoy interacting with the
Visit the web site to learn more exhibitors.
You can enjoy various “Exhibitors’ Short Seminar” on the Mini Stage
at the venue, which include introduction of projects, hands-on
training of the tools, information for students. Please get in touch
with the hot and useful information!
|Kyoto University Geophysical Society
|Booth Number: Special Exhibition A66
|We are Geophysics Laboratory from Kyoto University, Japan. Our study
|covers all the geophysical phenomena by Seismics, Rock Physics, and
|Electromagnetics. Our member will wait for your visit for discussing
|Geophysical Studies!
|Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University
|Booth Number: Special Exhibition A46
|We introduce research on the dynamics and deep structures of
|the earth and planetary interiors, conducted by cutting-edge
|ultrahigh-pressure experiments and numerical modeling. Same
|samples of ultrahard “HIME-Diamond” and super transparent “HIME
|-Garnet” are also exhibited.
|TMT-J Project Office
|Booth Number: Special Exhibition A40
|TMT, a next generation optical/infrared telescope, will aim to
| reveal evidence of life on extrasolar planets with the large 30m
|aperture. Its performance, instruments and scientific outputs being
|considered are introduced at the booth.
|Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo
|Booth Number: University Panel Univ01
|Center for Spatial Information Science (UTokyo) promotes
|interdisciplinary research projects based on the geospatial
|information. As a joint usage/research center, we offer the
|spatial data infrastructure and fundamental analysis tools for
|the advanced use of geospatial information.
|Booth Number: Publishers Desk Pub13-14
|MDPI is an academic open access publisher of
|peer-reviewed journals established in 1996 and based in
|Basel, Switzerland. We will exhibit journals, including
|Geosciences, Water, Atmosphere, Minerals, Climate,
|Environments, Education Sciences, and IJERPH.
|Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
|Booth Number: Special Exhibition A67-68
|Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) introduces the outcomes of
|our geological surveys and researches, and supplies the newly
|released geological maps. Young researchers who want to
|work with us are highly welcomed.
|Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
|Booth Number: Science Society Desk Soc12
|Please visit JAMS desk and receive useful information.
|We exhibit our journals and books authored by JAMS members.
|Free materials are
|1) Back issues of JMPS, GKK, and Elements” and
|2) Special poster “Minerals: Treasure of Earth and Space”
|IUGONET (Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork)
|Booth Number: Special Exhibition A97
|IUGONET project has been developing useful tools that can handle
|various upper atmosphere data obtained from the regions from the Sun
| to the Earth’s surface and from the North Pole to the South Pole.
|We will demonstrate our web service “IUGONET Type-A” and analysis
|tool “SPEDAS”, so please come to our booth (A97) to experience them.
|Taylor & Francis Group
|Booth Number: Publishers Desk Pub23
|Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly
|societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring
|knowledge to life. Taylor & Francis Group publishes more than
|2,400 journals and over 7,000 new books each year, with a
|books backlist in excess of 130,000 specialist titles.
|The Japanese Association for Petroleum Technology
|Booth Number: Science Society Desk Soc03
|The primary mission of the JAPT is to collect the latest technical
|and academic information pertaining to the exploration and develop-
|ment of hydrocarbon resources and disseminate them to oil industry.
|We also provide technical forum, promoting the multidisciplinary
|activities between geologists, geophysicist and engineers.
|Beta Analytic Inc.
|Booth Number: Special Exhibition A56
|Why choose Beta Analytic for radiocarbon dating?
| Fastest AMS service worldwide: results in 3-14 business days
| More than 30 years of continuous management and leader in its field
| All analyses performed internally by full-time professionals
| 1stISO/IEC17025:2005 accredited C14 dating laboratory worldwide
|Interaction and Coevolution of the Core and Mantle
|Booth Number: Special Exhibition A47
|We will elucidate unresolved mysteries of deep Earth science
|through comprehensive investigations of the interactions between
|the core and mantle by combining high-pressure and high-temperature
|experiments, microscale geochemical analysis, high-resolution
|geophysical observations, and large-scale numerical simulations.
|HINODE; Japanese solar observing mission
|Booth Number: Special Exhibition A58
|The results from Hinode, which is aimed at the understanding of the
|mechanism of the solar magnetic activity by precise measurements of
|magnetic fields on the solar surface, will be presented, as well as
|the concept of following sounding rocket and balloon experiments
|and the next solar mission Solar-C_EUVST.
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org
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