***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews January Issue
No.289 January 11, 2017***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
| 2. The JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 Information
| -> Abstract Submission & Meeting Registration Now Open!
| -> What is EE, EJ and JJ?
| -> Union & Public Session Info
| -> Invited Authors Info
| -> Call for Exhibitors (Only a few left!)
| 3. Information from PEPS
| -> New Year Message from the PEPS Editor in Chief
| -> Latest Information of PEPS
| 4. From Committees
| -> Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
| 5. What’s new
| -> Event Information
|[Ad] Nature Astronomy [Call for Papers]
#1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
Happy New Year and I hope you will have a splendid year.
For us, all members related to JpGU, I’m sure this year will be a Happy
Year, as we are going to have our first joint meeting of two unions-
JpGU and AGU. The meeting will take place at Makuhari Messe International
Conference Hall, International Exhibition Hall and APA Hotel Resort & Bay
Makuhari during May 20th -25th, 2017 with sessions covering all areas of
geosciences; space and planetary sciences, atmospheric and hydrospheric
sciences, human geosciences, solid earth sciences and biogeosciences.
To begin with, our Program Committee consisted of members from both unions
and led by co-chairs Prof. Huixin LIU and Prof. Tetsuo IRIFUNE, has worked
hard and approved 255 sessions with more than 150 sessions in English.
The committee emphasized the high-quality presentations and friendly
idea-exchange atmosphere that benefits all attendees. All programs will
cover a wide spectrum of research fields, which will attract scientists
and attendees throughout the world.
Our relationship between AGU started with the MOU signed by JpGU and AGU
in order to strengthen the collaborative relationship. As one step of our
partnership, in the 2016 JpGU annual meeting, representatives from both
unions convened a joint Union session and we also successfully held more
than 50 joint sessions. Each year our friendship has been developing and we
are about to have our first meeting in May. Being the first joint meeting,
we are also trying to make some improvements; for example, we will expand
a presentation area, have two distinguished scientists to deliver key
note speeches on Sunday, the day open to the general public and attractive
Union sessions such, as “JpGU-AGU great debate”, “Innovative research at
the intersection of geoscience and health science” and so on. At this meeting,
we would like to provide a good platform for communication to all
attendees to promote their science and contribute it to the development
of our science.
To close, please mark your calendar the important dates of our meeting.
The abstract submission site is now open through February 16th, 2017 at
4:59pm JST and the deadline of the early submission is February 3rd at
11:59am JST. The meeting registration is also open through May 25th, 2017
and the early registration deadline is May 8th at 16:59pm JST.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the fist JpGU-AGU joint meeting
this May.
Best regards,
Hodaka Kawahata
#2. The JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 Information
(1) Abstract submission and Meeting registration Now Open!
***Final abstract submission deadline: Feb 16th at 5:00pm JST***
Early submission Deadline: Feb 3rd at 11:59am JST
***Submission Fee***
Early submission: 3,240 JPY (tax included)
Normal Submission: 4,320 JPY (tax included)
【Important Note】
Not only the submission but also the payment should be completed by
February 3rd at 11:59 am JST in order to receive a discounted rate.
First, log in with your JpGU ID and password from the URL below .
Next, click “Abstract Submission” button on the menu bar on the
left and go to “Submit/View Submission Info” page.
*More Submission Information*
We are waiting for your submissions!
** Early Meeting Registration Deadline: May 8th, at 4:59pm JST***
At JpGU, we offer a different rate on the registration fee depending
on the membership category. Please refer to the following URL for
more information.
First, log in with your JpGU ID and password from the URL below .
Next, click “2017 Joint Meeting” button on the menu bar on the
left and go to “Meeting Registration” page.
【Cancellation Policy】
We will refund the registration fee balance after deducting commission to
all those completed the payment and requested a cancellation before May 8th
at 4:59pm JST.
(2) What is EE, EJ and JJ?
Learn more about Session Language from here.
(3) Union & Public Session Info
We will have attractive Union & Public sessions this year.
Don’t miss them!
***Union session***
U-01 Future of Scientific Publishing in Geosciences
May 23rd (Only invited speakers)
U-02 [EE] JpGU-AGU great debate
May 23rd (Only invited speakers)
U-03 [EE] Discoveries from Subseafloor Sampling and Monitoring using
Scientific Ocean Drilling
May 22nd (Abstract submisson is available)
U-04 [EJ] How JpGU will manage environment and disaster?
May 25th (Only invited speakers)
U-05 [EJ] Innovative research at the intersection of geoscience and
health science
May 21st (Only invited speakers)
U-06 Future of earth and planetary science (7): basic research fund
system of ATLA, Ministry of Defense
May 20th (Only invited speakers)
*Some Union sessions may accept abstracts only from invited authors.
***Public session***
Public sessions are sessions open to public and free of charge.
Presenters are mostly invited by JpGU at these sessions. Abstract
submissions are available for sessions with “Submission of posters
are available” note.
New for 2017: Public sessions are held for 2 days, on May 20th and 21st.
O-01 [JJ] How to win a research fund, write a successful paper and
design an effective presentation
(Only invited speakers)
O-02 [JJ] Geoscientific terminology in school education
(Only invited speakers)
O-03 [JJ] Recent Advances in Earth and Planetary Science
(Only invited speakers)
O-04 [JJ] Kitchen Earth Science -advantages of using thoughtful
hands in experiments
(Only invited speakers)
O-05 [JJ] Poster presentations by senior high school students
(Only invited speakers)
O-06 [JJ] Geoparks in Japan -Lesson to be learned from the failure-
(Submission of posters are available)
(4) Invited Authors Info
Invited authors list is shown here.
Please note that this is a tentative list. Finalized list will be
released after the abstract submission deadline.
More invited authors information will be posted online sequentially.
(5) Call for Exhibitors
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting welcome your exhibition booth
to promote your products, services and projects.
[Information and Application]
Online application system and honest support will
back up your exhibition.
Booths are booked on a first come, first served basis.
Please be in a hurry to book your booth to join us
as an exhibitor in this historical joint meeting.
#3. Information from PEPS
(1) New Year Message from the PEPS Editor in Chief
A New Year Message from Professor Iryu, the Editor in Chief of PEPS,
has been posted to the PEPS Editors’ Blog.
(2) Latest Information of PEPS
Graphical updates of PEPS are available at:
#4. From Committees
(1) Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
Mini-symposium on Career Paths for Young Researchers
Date/time: 17:45 to 19:30, Friday, January 20, 2017
Venue: Lecture Room 4, Building One, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Hirosaki University, Aomori Prefecture
Sponsor: JpGU Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
Backer: Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting
Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering
Young researchers will give undergraduate and graduate students
presentations with specific examples that illustrate the joy of
and need for research, work-life balance, and other issues. For
the first time this event is being held in a regional city.
The symposium will be conducted in Japanese.
#5. What’s New
(1) Event Information
Public Lecture “We Don’t Know ‘How We Began’ –
Quest of Astrobiology for Origin of Life -“
Date: Jan 11th, 2017
Venue:Kuramae Hall, Tokyo Tech Front,Tokyo Institute of Technology
10th GSL Geo Salon Lecture
“Let’s Look into the Blue Ocean of Okinawa”
Date:Jan 16th, 2017
Venue:Geological Museum, Ibaraki
(Available in Japanese)
Geological Museum Special Exhibition
The Prefectural Stones -The New Leading Feauture of Our Hometown-
Date:Jan 17th – Feb 26th, 2017
Venue:Geological Museum, Ibaraki
(Available in Japanese)
International Symposium
“The Development and Deepen Evolution on the Archieve of the Great
East Japan Earthquake after 6 years”
Date:Jan 20th, 2017
Venue: Tohoku University, Miyagi
(Available in Japanese)
Mini-symposium on Career Paths for Young Researchers
Date: Jan 20th, 2017
Venue: Hirosaki University, Aomori
(Available in Japanese)
2016 International Symposium
“See the Eruption History from the Sediments”
Date: Jan 22nd, 2017
Venue:Fujiyoshida Civic Hall, Yamanashi
(Available in Japanese)
The 8th Research Institute for Hunamity and Nature, Tokyo Seminar
“The Imagination of the Earth- The Learning of Anthropocene”
Date: Jan 26th, 2017
Venue:The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
The 10th USSS Symposium
“The Future of the Civilization in Space”
Date: Feb 11th and 12th, 2017
Venue: Kyoto University, Kyoto
(Available in Japanese)
The 32nd International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Polar Oceans, 2017
Date: Feb 19th – 22nd, 2017
Place: Mombetsu, Hokkaido
IAG-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly 2017
Date: July 30th- Aug 4, 2017
Abstract Submission Deadline: Feb 8th, 2017
Place: Kobe, Japan
*** Nature Astronomy [Call for Papers]***
Nature Astronomy has launched in January 4th, 2017. Articles, Nature Video,
Research Highlights covering a wide area in astronomy is now available
for free in the first issue.
Please enjoy them at http://go.nature.com/2iHsaRx .
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org
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