***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews November Issue
No.286 November 10, 2016***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
| 2. The JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 Information
| -> Current Status on Session Proposals
| -> Call for Exhibitors
| 3. 2nd Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geoscience
| 4. The 2017 JpGU Fellowship Program
| 5. JpGU Booth at 2016 AGU Fall Meeting
| 6. Information from PEPS
| -> Call for Proposals for PEPS Special Sessions with financial support
| ->Latest Information of PEPS
| 7. What’s new
| -> Event Information
|[Ad] Nature Astronomy [Call for Papers]
#1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
In May 2017, JpGU and AGU will hold the first joint meeting of the two
societies covering all areas of the Earth and Space Sciences as well as
many sessions for inter- and trans-disciplinary scientists. The meeting
will be held at Makuhari Messe, Japan, and is forecast to have 8,000-9,000
participants from around the globe. We closed the session proposals on
October 13th and we truly appreciate the positive attitude of our conveners
to propose so many sessions. Although session integration may be performed
by the Program Committee members on early November, the total number of the
proposed sessions substantially exceeded last year’s record.
The mission of the meeting is to discuss scientific issues having oral and
poster presentations and to maximize research activities on Earth and
Planetary Science. A board of JpGU will contribute to the meeting by
setting up an outline of the meeting .The secretary office will also work hard
to manage and be prepared to have a successful meeting. Furthermore the Program
Committee plays a very important role in organizing the contents of the science
in the meeting. This work is essential to the scientific activity in the meeting.
Therefore I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the effort and
contribution to the work of the Program Committee for the JpGU-AGU Joint
Meeting 2017.
This year we have three session language categories, new for this year trying
to make it easy for all attendees to join the sessions. The categories are
EE: All (slides/posters & oral presentations) English. EJ: Slides and posters
in English. Oral presentations in English or Japanese (presenter’s choice).
JJ: Slides/Posters and oral presentations in Japanese and/or English
(presenter’s choice).
We hope the JpGU -AGU joint meeting 2017 will be a big opportunity for you
to have many attendees’ interest and to make your scientific results fully
Finally, we will make much effort to have fruitful and successful meeting
in 2017 but we believe all attendees’ collaboration is essential to make
it happen. Thank you for your help. We are grateful for your cooperation.
#2. The JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 Information
(1) Current Status on Session Proposals
The session proposal for the JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017 was closed
on October 13th. Thanks to all conveners who proposed their sessions
we received 266 session proposals which is more than 70 proposals
comparing to last year and recorded the most ever in our meeting
history. On January 6th,2017 the call for abstract submission will start.
We are waiting for you participation.
Release of the Session: November 14th, 2016
*The session list will be posted online before the submissions.
(2) Call for Exhibitors
JpGU offers the best opportunity to promote your products, services,
and projects to all attendees not only from Japan but also from
around the world at JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017.
[Information and Application]
The online Exhibitors Booth Application is now open.
#3. 2nd Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geoscience
Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) is now accepting recommendations for
candidates for the 2nd Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geoscience .
JpGU has created the “Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geoscience” to
honor internationally recognized mid-level researchers under the age
of 45 in 2014.
Application deadline:December 15th, 2016
Reference: The 1st Nishida Prize Recipients List
#4. 2017 JpGU Fellowship Program
Fellowship Program confers fellowship honors upon individuals who
have made contributions to the field of geoscience research in Japan
by making significant discoveries breakthroughs or paradigm shift,
or contributing to the development of Japanese geoscience and the
dissemination of geoscientific knowledge.
Please see the details shown below and send the documents necessary
for the nomination by the deadline.
Nomination deadline: December 31st, 2016
Reference: JpGU Fellowship Recipients List
#5. JpGU Booth at 2016 AGU Fall Meeting
Japan Geoscience Union is going to exhibit JpGU Booth #329
at 2016 AGU Fall Meeting. Please drop in on our booth near the
refreshment area near the poster presentation hall.
#6. Information from PEPS
(1) PEPS Authorship Guidelines
After a careful discussion of authorship for manuscripts in PEPS, the
editorial committee has established “PEPS Authorship Guidelines”.
Please be sure to read the PEPS authorship policies before submitting
your manuscripts to PEPS.
(2) Latest Information of PEPS
Graphical updates of PEPS are available at:
#7. What’s New
(1) Event Information
2016 Geological Museum Special Exhibition
Structure that Support the Capital
Date:Nov 8th, 2016-Jan 15th, 2017
Venue:Geological Museum, Ibaraki
https://www.gsj.jp/Muse/exhibition/index.html (Available in Japanese)
Earth Planetary Science New Year School(NYS)
Date: Nov12(SAT) and 13(SUN), 2016
Venue:The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
https://sites.google.com/site/nyswakate/2016 (Available in Japanese)
Date:Nov 17th and 18th, 2016
Venue: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
http://www.csis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/csisdays2016/ (Available in Japanese)
2016 Public Event “The Weather in the Space is Fickle!”
Date: Nov 19th, 2016
Venue:JR Hakata City, Fukuoka
http://sgepss.org/ornew/sgepss_event2016 (Available in Japanese)
Laboratory Tours and Round Table Talk with Female Graduate Students and
Women Researchers in AIST
Date: Nov 21(MON), 2016
Venue: AIST Tsukuba Central, Ibaraki, Japan
The Neutron and Muon School
Date: Nov 22nd- 26th, 2016
Venue: IQBRC, Ibaraki
Public Lecture Subaru Telescope meets Shinshu University
“Cosmos Studies from Shinshu through Hawaii”
Date: Nov 23rd, 2016
Venue:Shinshu University, Nagano
http://subarutelescope.org/Announce/2016/10/03/j_index.html (Available in Japanese)
NAOJ Lecture/ 22nd ALMA Telescope Lecture
Date: Nov 26th, 2017
Venue: Nagoya City Science Museum, Nagoya
http://www.nao.ac.jp/news/notice/2016/20160915-alma.html (Available in Japanese)
Public Lecture Subaru Telescope meets Hiroshima University
“Cosmos Studies from Shinshu through Hawaii”
Date: Nov 27th, 2016
Venue:Hiroshima Children’s Museum, Hiroshima
http://hiroshima-u.jp/hasc/news/2016-10-01-1854 (Available in Japanese)
2016 Symposium “Let’s Go See a Scientist!
Date:Nov 27th, 2016
Venue: Akiba Square
http://www.ism.ac.jp/events/intersympo2016/ (Available in Japanese)
2016 JpGU Fall Lecture for Junnior and High School Students
Date:Nov 27th, 2016
Venue: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
https://www.jpgu.org/public/20161127/ (Available in Japanese)
1st MaRRC Lecture
Date:Nov 30th, 2016
Venue:Hatsumei Kaikan, Tokyo
http://www.pwri.go.jp/jpn/about/pr/event/2016/1130/index.html (Available in Japanese)
2nd Symposium “Understand and Face the Typhoon”
Date: Dec 5th, 2016
Venue: Hibiya Libary & Museum
http://www.jamstec.go.jp/pi4/sympo2016/ (Available in Japanese)
32nd Skill Salon
Date:Dec 17th, 2016
Venue: IPE Fukide Bldg, Tokyo
http://www.engineer.or.jp/c_cmt/danjyo/topics/004/attached/attach_4739_1.pdf (Available in Japanese)
*** Nature Astronomy [Call for Papers]***
Nature Astronomy, launching in January 2017, is a new online-only
journal covering all fields of astronomy, astrophysics and planetary
Information on call for papers
-> http://nature.asia/2bFclIU
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org