*** Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews Extra Edition,
No.277 May 19, 2016 ***
<< Contents >>
| 1. On the day
| 2. Mobile App
| 3. Special Lecture –> 23th’s room is changed
| 4. Fellowship award ceremony
| and The introduction of first Taira Prize winner
| 5. Party
| 6. Seminars (Only in Japanese)
| 7. Information for Speakers
#1. On the day
Information on the day.
* It is possible to make online registration during the Meeting.
Please make sure to make pre-registration before you come to the site.
It may take time to make on-site registration.
* To participants who have already made the registration,
the barcode to issue the conference pass on the site has become downloadable.
Please make sure to bring it on the day. Barcodes in the full size shown on
the electric devices are also available. It’ll take time to issue your
conference pass without the barcode.
#2. Mobile App
JpGU2016 How to best utilize the online abstract
Have you tried our online abstract and mobile app yet?
We would like to inform you of 3 convenient ways to best utilize it.
< My Schedule --> Download as PDF >
You can save presentations to My Schedule as you know, but further
more, you can download them as PDF which is very useful when you print
it out and bring it to the conference.
< Add Supplemental Materials >
Presenters can add supplemental materials to their presentation
abstract, such as topics or files.
You can do so at the buttom of the abstract in the presentation
details page after logging in.
< Cross-search conferences in the past >
You can cross-search presentations in the past(2014 to 2016) in the site/app.
Here, you can access the search page.
Please make the best of it!
My Schedule
Mobile Apps DL
#3. Lunchtime Special Lecture –> 23th’s room is changed
Nishida Prize winner will give you lectures everyday. You can purchase
lunch boxes in front of the lecture room.
The room is changed
23th (MON) Convention Hall A ==> International Conference Room
Date: May 22nd – 26th (Everyday)
Time: 12:30pm – 13:40pm (during lunchtime)
Room: Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall
Convention Hall A (22nd, 24th-26th), International Conference Room (23th)
May 22nd (SUN): Convention Hall A
“Nuclear spin isomers of cometary volatiles”
MIYOSHI, Takemasa
“Advances and expansion of data assimilation”
May 23rd (MON): International Conference Room
“On the development of thermal evolution models of the Earth”
WATANABE, Masahiro
“Mechanism and attribution of climate changes over the past two decades”
May 24th (TUE): Convention Hall A
“Molecular Evolution in Star-Forming Regions:
From Interstellar Matter to Planetary Matter”
TAKEMURA, Toshihiko
“Climate change by aerosols – Model development and impact assessment”
May 25th (WED): Convention Hall A
SUZUKI, Takeru
“Let solar wind stream out in PC”
MIYOSHI, Yoshizumi
“Relativistic electron acceleration of the Van Allen radiation belts
via cross-energy coupling”
May 26th (THU): Convention Hall A
“Sidestream research of magnetospheric physics”
#4. Fellowship award ceremony
and The introduction of first Taira Prize winner
< Japan Geoscience Union fellows 2016 >
Tohru Araki, Masataka Ando, Shunso Ishihara, Tairo Oshima, Susumu Kato,
Tsunemasa Saito, Yasuji Saito, Toshihiko Shimamoto, Shigeko Togashi,
Mitsuhiro Toriumi, Akira Fujiwara, Hiroshi Machida, Takeshi Mikumo,
Toshifumi Mukai (Alphabetical order)
Asahiko Taira International Ocean Drilling Research Prize (the Taira Prize)
is established by AGU in official partnership with JpGU and it is awarded
to early- and mid-career researchers in recognition of “outstanding
transdisciplinary research accomplishment in ocean drilling.”
The first Taira Prize winner is Fumio Inagaki.
* The Fellowship Award ceremony and The introduction of first Taira Prize winner
will be held in May 24th, Tuesday at APA Hotel room A09-A11.
#5. Party
Participants have a chance to win the prizes.
Please come to the party with your colleagues.
Date: May 24th ,Tuesday from 7:00pm
Place: Room A09-A11, APA Hotel
Fee: *tax included
General 4,104JPY / Student 2,138JPY
General 4,500JPY / Student 2,200JPY
–> Please come to Help Desk on the 1st floor or directly to the reception.
Application for the party is being accepted.
To participate, please login and register to the URL below.
#6. Seminars (Only in Japanese)
#7. Information for Speakers
< Oral Presentation >
Speakers must use their own laptop computers and a projector provided
at the venue.
Please connect your computer to the projector to check the operation
before your presentation. The proper connectors to the projector are
miniD-sub15pins or HDMI. For the use of HDMI, please contact our staff
in your presentation room.
The set up size of the screen is 16:9(can be arranged to 4:3).
Japanese standard AC voltage is 100V 50Hz.
< Poster Presentation >
Poster presentations are active for one day. (basically 9:00am to 6:30pm)
Authors are expected to stay at their posters and communicate with the
audience during core time (May 22nd to 25th 5:15pm6:30pm / 26th 3:30pm-4:45pm).
If your poster is unable to be posted for the whole day, please put
your posting time on the board.
The size of the poster board is W90× H210(cm).
Please use push pins to post your poster. Push pins are prepared at poster area.
Each poster must have a label at the top that indicates the title of the paper,
name(s) of the author(s) and affiliation(s).
Please remove your poster at the end of the posting time.
Posters not removed by the due time are discarded by the congress secretariats.
In case you are unable to attend the meeting,
please contact your convener (s) immediately from following URL.
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org