*** Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews February Edition,
No.263 February 10, 2016 ***
February Edition
<< Contents >>
| 1. <Important> Information of JpGU Meeting 2016
| – 8 more days to the abstract submission deadline:
| February 18th 5:00pm JST or 8:00am UTC
| – Earlybird JpGU Meeting registration
| – Party ticket
| – Child care
| – Recent schedule
| – Application for poster presentations by Highshool Students
| 2. <Important> Annual due payments
| 3. From committees
| -Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
| 4. Information from PEPS
| – To receive APC discount
| – Latest articles on PEPS
| – PEPS Official Facebook and Twitter
| 5. What’s new (only in Japanese)
#1. <Important> Information of JpGU Meeting 2016
(1)8 more days to the abstract submission deadline:
February 18th 5:00pm JST or 8:00am UTC.
Please be in a hurry to make abstract submission.
Final deadline: February 18th, Wednesday at 5:00pm JST or 8:00am UTC.
*Please complete payment by the due date.
Without payment, your abstract is automatically withdrawn.
*Please directly login from the following URL.
Abstract submission
JpGU Meeting
(2)Earlybird JpGU Meeting registration
On-line registration is available during JpGU Meeting 2016 this year.
Earlybird registration rate is adopted by May 10th, at 5:00pm JST or 8:00am UTC.
*Abstract submission and JpGU Meeting registration is different.
Please make JpGU Meeting registration when your schedule is fixed.
-Registration rate of JpGU Meeting 2016
–Member rate (discounted rate)–
[Full conference] Advance:
21,000JPY (22,680JPY including tax) / Normal: 28,000JPY (30,240JPY including tax)
[One-day] Advnace:
13,000JPY (14,040JPY including tax) / Normal: 18,000JPY (19,440JPY including tax)
<Elementary, junior or senior high school teachers / graduate students>
[Full conference] Advance:
11,000JPY (11,880JPY including tax) / Normal: 15,000JPY (16,200JPY including tax)
[One-day] Advance:
7,000JPY (7,560JPY including tax) / Normal: 10,000JPY (10,800JPY including tax)
–Non-member rate (Adopted to Temporary member for JpGU Meeting 2016)
[Full conference] Advance:
30,000JPY (32,400JPY including tax) / Normal: 40,000JPY (43,200JPY including tax)
[One-day] Advance:
21,000JPY (22,680JPY including tax) / Normal: 25,000JPY (27,000JPY including tax)
<Elementary, junior or senior high school teachers / graduate students>
[Full conference] Advance:
18,000JPY (19,440JPY including tax) / Normal: 24,000JPY (25,920JPY including tax)
[One-day] Advance:
13,000JPY (14,040JPY including tax) / Normal: 18,000JPY (19,440JPY including tax)
*Public session is free of charge.
*Undergraduate students and aged 70 and over are free of charge.
(3) Party ticket
Party is planned on May 24th, Tuesday.
Please login with your ID and go to the application to the party.
Time and Date: May 24th, Tuesday from 6:45pm JST
Venue: APA Hotel
Party ticket: General 3,800JPY (4,104JPY including consumption tax)
Student 1,980JPY (2,138JPY including consumption tax)
(4) Child care
Child care is available during JpGU Meeting 2016.
Child care center is outsite Makuhari Messe and signed up with JpGU.
For further details, we’ll release the information on our website and mailnews soon.
*There’s no age limit.
Please directly contact the childcare center signed up with JpGU,
if your children are elementary school students.
(5)Recent schedule
February 18th: Abstract submission final deadline at 5:00pm JST or 8:00am UTC
March 10th: Release the JpGU Meeting 2016 program on the website (planned)
At the end of March: Start applying for part-timers (planned)
At the end of March: Start applying for the rental rooms (planned)
May 12th: Abstract PDFs are released on our website
May 22nd-26th: JpGU Meeting 2016
* Meeting of representatives of society members:
May 23rd, Monday at Room #302 (1:00pm-2:00pm JST)
* General meeting of delegate:
May 23rd, Monday at Convention Hall A (Time is not fixed yet)
* JpGU Fellowship Awarding Ceremony:
May 24th, Tuesday at APA Hotel (Room is not fixed yet) 5:30pm-6:30pm
(6)Poster presentations by high school students
We’ve started application for poster presentations by high school students.
Please apply from the following URL by April 11th.
https://www.jpgu.org/highschool_session/2016/index.html(Only in Japanese)
#2. <Important> Annual due payments
Annual due payment for 2016 (April 2016 to March 2017) is available now.
Please also pay that of 2015 if it’s not completed yet.
You can also make non-member registration, but discounted rate for
JpGU Meeting 2016 is not adopted.
*JpGU Login
Please be sure to withdraw your membership by the end of March,
if you’d like to discontinue JpGU membership.
Without withdrawal by yourself, your membership is automatically
continued and annual due for 2016 is charged.
#3 From committees
(1) Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
The 10th Japan Earth Science Olymipad preliminary selection was held
on December 20th, 2015.
1748 students participated and 69 were selected and 61 of them are
going to challenge the final selection
from March 13th to 15th at Tsukuba City.
On March 13th afternoon, Top Lecture is held near the TX Tsukuba Station
as a part of Grand-Prix-Chikyu-Ni-Wakuwaku.
Please apply from here.
http://jeso.jp/event/lecture/2016/index.html(Only in Japanese)
#4. Information from PEPS
(1) To receive APC discount
When submitting a review article to PEPS, the APC (article processing charge)
is discounted by 100% (i.e. free of charge). Even when your article is
not a review, JpGU members can submit their manuscripts at JpGU membership
80% discount fee.
When submitting an article to which one of these discounts is applied,
an APC membership account number is required. Please be sure to contact
the PEPS Office at <peps_edit@jpgu.org> to receive your account number
before registering your APC information.
(2) Latest articles on PEPS
PEPS has published new articles as follows.
* Methodology [Solid earth sciences]
New parameter of roundness R: circularity corrected by aspect ratio
Yasuhiro Takashimizu and Maiko Iiyoshi
(This is the first Methodology article published by PEPS.)
* Editorial
A review by the chief editors of some of the most popular papers published
by PEPS in 2014-2015
Yasufumi Iryu, Kiyoshi Kuramoto, Masaki Satoh, Jun Matsumoto, Shoichi Yoshioka,
Hodaka Kawahata and Ryuji Tada
(3) PEPS Official Facebook and Twitter
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peps.jpgu
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/PEPS_JpGU
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org