
*** Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews Extra Edition,
                                     No.260 January 14, 2016 ***
Runners for the FY2015 Election of Candidates for Directors are fixed.

We closed accepting Runners for the FY2015 Election of Candidates for
 Directors on January 8 (Fri). The list of runners is shown below.

JpGU representatives active at the beginning of the directors’ term
 of office in June 2016 are eligible to vote.

After this election, Nominating Committee for Executive Officers will
deliberate on the best-qualified candidates for JpGU directors,
taking the results of vote and candidates’ specialties and
affiliations into consideration.

Recent schedule
Friday 29 January, 2016: Casting of ballots begins
Monday 15 February, 2016: Casting of ballots concludes
By the end of February, 2016: Ballot counting and reporting of
results to Nominating Committee for Executive Officers

For further details, see the following URL.
Public Announcement of the Election of Candidates for Directors

January 14th, 2016
Election Administration Committee
Chair :HAMADA, Morihisa
IIZUKA, Tsuyoshi
YOSHIDA, Hidetsugu
YUKIMATU, Akira Sessai

Japan Geoscience Union (
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088