*** Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews January Edition,
No.259 January 12, 2016 ***
January Edition
<< Contents >>
| 1. Prefatory note (Only in Japanese)
| by Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU
| 2. Information for JpGU Meeting 2016
| -> Abstract submission and JpGU Meeting registration started
| -> Party during the meeting
| -> Students Travel Support
| -> Union, Public and Joint sessions
| -> Invited lectures
| -> Exhibitors are wanted, only a few left!
| 3. From committees
| -> Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
| 4. Information from PEPS
| -> To receive JpGU membership discount
| -> Cover image file for your manuscript PDF
| -> Latest articles on PEPS
| -> PEPS Official Facebook and Twitter
| 5. What’s new (Only in Japanese)
#1. Prefatory note (Only in Japanese)
by Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU
#2. Information for JpGU Meeting 2016
(1) Abstract submission and JpGU Meeting registration started
***Final abstract submission deadline is February 18th at 8:00am UTC (5:00pm JST)***
Advance submission: February 3rd, at 3:00pm UTC (February 4th, at 0:00midnight JST)(JPY3,240(including consumption tax))
Final beadline: February 18th, at 2:00am UTC (5:00pm JST) (JPY4,320(including consumption tax))
* Without payment, discounted rate is not adopted.
* Consumption tax is excluded.
* Image file upload is free of charge.
Please login from the following URL and click New submission button.
For further details, see the following URL.
*** JpGU Meeting 2016 Early-bird registration deadline is May 10th, at 3:00am UTC (12:00noon JST)***
*On-line registration is available all through the meeting.
Note: Discounted rate is NOT adopted after the early-bird registration deadline.
Please lonin from the following URL and make JpGU Meeting registration.
For further details, see the following URL.
*We will refund you the registration fee balance after deducting commission no later by May 10th, at 3:00am UTC (12:00noon JST.)
(2) Party during the meeting
Date: May 24th, Tuesday from 6:45pm (after poster presentation core time) (planned))
Venue: At convention site (planned)
Party ticket: General JPY3,800 (JPY4,104 including consumption tax)/Student JPY1,980 (JPY2,138 including consumption tax)
Please login from the following URL.
*No refund is available for party ticket.
(3) Students Travel Support
Students can apply for travel support in order to participate in the JpGU Meeting 2016.
Below describes the details:
Eligible applicants: Must be a student (high school to graduate school) at the time of application.
Must be the first author of a presentation (posters included).
Will be required to provide your information to JpGU.
Selection criteria:
(1) Students in minority groups in nationality and gender will be given priorities;
(2) Students must secure the whole travel cost and registration fee with the aid of this support;
(3) Submitted abstract need to be recognized as adequate by the relevant JpGU Section ;
(4) Applicants will provide answers to short questions.
For further details, see the following URL.
(4) Union, Public and Joint sessions
***Union session*** 英語を先にリンクし、URLをチェックください
U-01 Geoscience and society
May 24th (Only invited speakers)
U-02 Earth and Planetary satellite observation projects Part I
May 23rd (Only invited speakers)
U-03 JPGU and enhancement of scientific transmission capacity by scientific journals
May 23rd (Only invited speakers)
U-04 How JpGU will manage environment and disaster?
May 25th (Only invited speakers except for posters)
U-05 Future Earth – The Integrated Research for Sustainable Future
May 22nd (Abstract submisson is available)
U-06 Large-scale Research Projects: Master Plan 2017 and its beyond
May 24th (Only invited speakers)
***Public session***英語を先にリンクし、URLをチェックください
Public sessions are held on May 22nd, Sunday.
These sessions are open to public and free of charge.
O-01 For the achievement of qualities and abilities required at the next Course of Study
O-02 Poster presentations by senior high school students
O-03 Recent Advances in Earth and Planetary Science
O-04 Geoparks in Japan
*Only abstract submissions for poster presentations are available.
O-05 Relationship between earth science community and nuclear power plants – Hamaoka nuclear plant as an example
O-06 What is “diversity promotion” for students and researchers in JpGU?
***JpGU-AGU Joint sessions***
Many joint sessions are held in JpGU Meeting 2016 in preparation for JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017.
We’re waiting for your active contributions.
Joint session list is here.
(5) Invited lectures
Invited speakers are shown here.
This website is updated as needed.
(6) Exhibitors are wanted, only a few left!
Numbers of booths available on January 12th
Special exhibition booth : 12
University information panel: 2
Publishers and related goods: 2
Please apply from the following URL.
For exhibitors: https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e2016/to_exhibitor.html
Apply from here:https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_2016/to_exhibition/form.htmlURLを先に確認ください
#3. From committees
(1) Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
The 10th international earth science olympiad in held in Mie, JAPAN this year, 2016.
The entry for this olympiad began in the middle of last December.
Formal registration starts on May 1st.
Preliminary selection for the 8th Japan Earth Science Olympiad was held on December 20th, 2015 at 87 sites
around Japan.
2,146 students applied and 1,748 participated in this selection.
About 60 students are selected and try to challenge the final selection in March.
#4. Information from PEPS
(1) To receive JpGU membership discount
JpGU members can submit their manuscripts at JpGU membership 80% discount fee.
When submitting an article to which this discount is applied, an APC membership account number is required. Please be sure to contact the PEPS Office at <peps_edit@jpgu.org> to receive your account number before registering your APC information.
(2) Cover image file for your manuscript PDF
When submitting a manuscript, you can also upload a cover image file of your choice, which will appear on the first page of the final PDF of your article. A cover image that communicates your research at a glance will attract more readers to your manuscript.
(3) Latest articles on PEPS
PEPS has published new articles as follows.
* Research [Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences]
Atmospheric radioactivity over Tsukuba, Japan: a summary of three years of observations after the FDNPP accident
Yasuhito Igarashi, Mizuo Kajino, Yuji Zaizen, Kouji Adachi and Masao Mikami
* Review [Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences]
Overview of the development of the Aerosol Loading Interface for Cloud microphysics In Simulation (ALICIS)
Takamichi Iguchi, In-Jin Choi, Yousuke Sato, Kentaroh Suzuki and Teruyuki Nakajima
* Research [Biogeosciences]
Hydrogen-rich hydrothermal environments in the Hadean ocean inferred from serpentinization of komatiites at 300 °C and 500 bar
Takazo Shibuya, Motoko Yoshizaki, Masahiko Sato, Kenji Shimizu, Kentaro Nakamura, Soichi Omori, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Ken Takai, Hideo Tsunakawa and Shigenori Maruyama
* Review [Interdisciplinary research]
Geochemical approaches to the quantification of dispersed volcanic ash in marine sediment
Rachel P. Scudder, Richard W. Murray, Julie C. Schindlbeck, Steffen Kutterolf, Folkmar Hauff, Michael B. Underwood, Samantha Gwizd, Rebecca Lauzon and Claire C. McKinley
(This article is part of the SPEPS series: Land-Ocean Linkages under the Influence of the Asian Monsoon <http://progearthplanetsci.org/speps/002.html>.)
(4) PEPS Official Facebook and Twitter
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peps.jpgu
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/PEPS_JpGU
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org