
*** Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews Extra Edition,
                                         No.258 January 07, 2016 ***
<< Contents >>
|1. Abstract submission for JpGU Meeting 2016 started
|2. JpGU Meeting registration and party application started
|3. Union, Public and Joint sessions at JpGU Meeting 2016
|4. Invited lectures
|5. Students travel support

#1. Abstract submission for JpGU Meeting 2016 started

Abstract submission for JpGU Meeting 2016 started today, January 7th, 2016.

Advance submission deadline:
February 3rd, at 3:00pm UTC (12:00midnight JST)
* JPY 3240 including consumption tax

Final deadline: February 18th, at 3:00am UTC (5:00pm JST)
* JPY 4320 including consumption tax

Discounted rate is NOT adopted without payment.
 # Consumption tax is charged from this year.
 # Image file upload is free of charge.

Please submit your abstract from the following URL.

For further details, see the following URL.


#2. JpGU Meeting registration and party application started

JpGU Meeting registration and party application also started today.

[ JpGU Meeting registration ]—————————————

Early bird registration deadline is May 10th at 3:00am UTC (12:00noon JST)

After the deadline, normal rate is adopted.

Please login from the following URL for JpGU registration.

For further details, see the following URL.

* Refund is available by May 10th at 8:00am UTC (5:00pm JST) excluding commissions.

[ Party application ]———————————————–

Advance party application deadline is May 10th at 3:00am UTC (12:00noon JST.)

After this date, only on-site application at a normal rate is available.

Please login from the following URL.

* No refund is available for party application.


#3. Union, Public and Joint sessions

See the following URL for Union, Public and JpGU-AGU Joint sessions.



#4. Invited lectures

See the following URL for Invited lectures.



#5. Students Travel Support

See the following URL for Students Travel Support starting from this meeting.


Japan Geoscience Union (
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088