*** Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews September Edition,
No.244 September 10, 2015 ***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Prefatory note (Only in Japanese)
| by Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU
| 2. JpGU Meeting 2016 information
| -> Recent schedule
| -> Session proposals are being accepted now
| -> Updating JpGU membership subscription
| 3. Updating JpGU Meeting registration fee
| 4. Deadline of running for Representative election of JpGU
| 5. Information from PEPS
| 6. From Committees
| -> Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
| 7. What’s new (Only in Japanese)
#1. Prefatory note by Toshitaka Tsuda, President of Japan Geosience Union
(Only in Japanese)
#2. JpGU Meeting information
(1) Recent schedule
Period: May 22nd, Sunday – 26th, Thursday
Venue: Makuhari Messe, International Conference Hall, International
Exhibition Hall, APA Hotel Tokyo Bay Makuhari
Sesseion proposal: September 1st – October 15th
Advance submission: January 7th – February 3rd
Normal submission: February 4th – 18th
Early bird registration: January 7th – May 10th
JpGU Meeting 2016 website: https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e2016/
(2) Session proposals are being accepted now
Period: September 1st,Tuesday – October 15th, Thursday
URL: https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e2016/session_t.html
For further details, see the following mailnews.
(3) Updating JpGU membership subscription
Important information is sent to your registared email address.
Please update your membership information as soon as possible.
#3. Updating JpGU Meeting registration fee
JpGU Meeting registration fee are to be updated for JpGU Meeting 2016.
For further details, see the following URL.
#4. Deadline of running for Representative election of JpGU
Deadline of running for Representative election is September 14th.
– What are roles of representatives? –
Representatives become delegates (or SYAIN), and can be candidates of
section presidents of Japan Geoscience Union.
They pass resolutions regarding director (or RIJI) elections,
confirmation of project master plans and other operation policies
together with society members
at ordinary and extraordinary general delegate meetings.
Elected representatives can be a candidate of the referential
election for directors, and are entitled to vote on it.
– How to become a candidate –
Regular members having eligibility for election can be candidates by
submitting ‘Candidacy Notification Form for Representatives’ within
a time frame of Candidacy Registration to the Board of Elections.
To recommend someone, the consent by the candidate is necessary.
– How to announce your candidacy –
Login from here: https://secure.jproduce.co.jp/jpgu_e/
-Recent Schedule-
August 4, Monday, 2015 Official public announcement of Representative election
August 12, Wednesday, 2015 Declaration of candidacy starts
September 14, Monday, 2015 Declaration of candidacy finishes
September 29, Tuesday, 2015 Casting ballots starts
October 28, Wednesay, 2015 Casting ballot finishes
November 2, Monday, 2015 Ballot counting and reporting the result
-Special URL for the election-
https://www.jpgu.org/2015election/ (Only in Japanese)
#5. Information from PEPS
(1) Special International Sessions contributing to Progress in Earth and
Planetary Science (PEPS) are wanted for JpGU Meeting 2016
Now that the session proposal for JpGU Meeting 2016 has started, we,
Journal Planning Committee is to accept application for Special International
Session about Multidisciplinary research field as a part of global communication
Financial support for accommodation and transportation are to be provided
to the participants from abroad who make presentations at this special session.
Several participants in a session including these invited presenters from abroad,
conveners, and other Japanese presenters are required to submit their manuscripts
to our international journal PEPS on the basis of their presentations.
They are expected to submit their manuscripts within 6 months after the JpGU Meeting 2016.
This preferential treatment will not only implement fruitful sessions
in the JpGU Meeting but also improve the high level of PEPS quality.
* Requirements for proposing Special International Sessions
– The session must be held at JpGU Meeting 2016.
– Several manuscripts based on the session presentations have to be submitted to PEPS
within 6 months after the session. (The proponents shall obtain the relevant authors’
agreement in advance regarding this requirement.)
– Financial support to utmost two participants from abroad are available per session.
* Several proposals are to be adopted as Special International Sessions.
* Please provide the following information (No specific format is required):
– A document outlining the contents of your proposed session
(Our Steering and Planning Committee will discuss your proposal so it would be useful
if you would indicate aspects of your session that will most appeal to us.)
– If possible, please provide a separate document providing a detailed description of the session.
– A written request detailing the budget necessary to hold your proposed session.
– A list of presenters and authors including their proposed topics, titles,
affiliations and e-mail addresses.
* Where to submit
PEPS Editorial Office, Japan Geoscience Union <peps_edit@jpgu.org>
* Deadline
23th October, 2015 at 17:00JST
* The Journal Planning Committee will examine every proposal for the Special
International Sessions whether or not to approve its request for financial support.
For detailed information of our journal PEPS please access:
(2) New content “Featured Articles” is now available
On our PEPS website (http://progearthplanetsci.org/index.html), a new section
“Featured Articles” has been added to feature articles recommended by authors.
As the first recommendation, “Auroral substorms as an electrical discharge
phenomenon” (Syun-Ichi Akasofu) is featured along with the author’s message
“My auroral research and PEPS”.
(3) SPEPS (SPecial call for Excellent Papers on hot topicS)
We call for papers on “High-Pressure Earth and Planetary Science in the
last and next decade”.
The submission deadline is November 30, 2015.
For details, please see the webpage:
(4) Newly released articles on PEPS
PEPS has published new articles as follows.
* Research [Solid earth sciences]
Water and magmas: insights about the water solution mechanisms in alkali
silicate melts from Infrared, Raman and 29Si solid-state NMR spectroscopies
Component-level intercomparison: Proof of concept using the case of shallow
cumulus simulation
Charles Le Losq, Bjorn O. Mysen and George D. Cody
* Research [Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences]
Component-level intercomparison: Proof of concept using the case of shallow
cumulus simulation
Yousuke Sato, Seiya Nishizawa, Hisashi Yashiro, Yoshiaki Miyamoto,
Yoshiyuki Kajikawa and Hirofumi Tomita
* Research [Solid earth sciences]
The competition between Lorentz and Coriolis forces in planetary dynamos
Krista M. Soderlund, Andrey Sheyko, Eric M. King and Jonathan M. Aurnou
* Research [Solid earth sciences]
Diffusion-controlled growth and degree of disequilibrium of garnet porphyroblasts:
is diffusion-controlled growth of porphyroblasts common?
Kazuhiro Miyazaki
(5) PEPS Official Facebook, Twitter and Editors’ Blog
*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peps.jpgu
*Twitter: https://twitter.com/PEPS_JpGU
*PEPS Editors’ Blog: http://pepsjpgu.blogspot.jp/
#6. From Committees
(1) Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
Application for the 8th Japan Earth Science Olympiad preliminary
selection, planned to
be held on December 20th, is from September 1st to November 15th.
Students selected here become the candidates of Team Japan in upcoming
International Earth Science Olympiad held in Mie prefecture.
Application deadline of independent researches by primary school
students by Chikyu-Ni-Waku-Waku is October 31st.
We’re waiting for your applications. For further details,
see the following URL.
#7. What’s new
Only in Japanese.
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org