Japan Geoscience Union Mail News
No.23 Sep 10, 2008.
Information of JpGU Meeting 2009
(1)JpGU Meeting 2009
Date : From May 16, Saturday to May
21, Thursday in 2009
Venue: Makuhari Messe International Convention Hall
(2) Session Proposal is to be started
Session Proposals for Special
sessions is going to be accepted from September 16 on Tuesday in 2008.
Please see the following website for further information.
(3) Poster design for JpGU Meeting 2009
is wanted now!
Deadline is October 15 on Wednesday JPT
Please see the details on the followin
.What’s New!
(1) Japan
Team has got the Gold Medal on International Geology Olympiad held in
It was held from August 7th to 12th there and Kiego Goto, 3rd year
student of Senior High School at Komaba, University of Tsukuba got the
Gold Medal.
This competition was competed among 96 students, each 4 high school
students from 24 countries around the world.
There are 3 fields of examinations, multimedia, scientific essay and
field work.
Mr. Goto was the first among 8 gold medalists.
In the past, gold medalists were dominated by East European students.
Therefore his gold medal was really an amazing one and geology
researchers around the world, ones from Asian countries really praised
(2)Japanese high school students attended International Earth Science
Olympiad for the first time.
7 countries has attended the competition. They are Japan, the
Philippines, Korea, Taiwan, the United States, Singapore. Indonesia
attended as an observer this time.
24 students around the world, each 4 high school students from 7
countries attended the competition.
3 students, Fumitoshi Morisato from Marugame High School in Kagawa
Prefecture, Kazuya Yukita from Aomori High School in Aomorim Prefecture
and Takamasa Hirashima from Kanazawa Izumigaoka High School in Ishikawa
Prefecture have got the silver medals.
Aina Hino from Matsuyama Minami High School from Ehime Prefecture got
the bronze medal.
Furthermore Mr.Morisato got the best score in geology and solid earth
And Ms. Hino’s team, mixed members from different countries got the best
fieldwork award held in Mt. Mayon.
Japan Team was the first time to attend this Olympiad but got very good
performance and score.
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Japan Geoscience Union
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org