└■ Mailnews No.223 Extraordinary Edition January 23rd, 2015
≪ Contents ≫
┃1. Deadline of abstract submission is three days away!
┃2. Challenges to promote internationalization
┃ -Asking for answering questionaires-
┃ + Presentations at JpGU Meeting 2015
┃ + Asking for answering questionnaires on support projects
┃ + Preferential treatments to JpGU members
└■ 1. Deadline of abstract submission is three days away!
Advance abstract submission deadline is February 3rd, Tuesday
at 24:00JST or 15:00UTC.
* Advance abstract submission deadline:
February 3rd, Tuesday at 24:00JST or 15:00UTC (3,000JPY/1pc)
Final abstract submission deadline:
February 18th, Wednesday at 12:00JST or 3:00UTC(4,000JPY/1pc)
# Image file upload is 500JPY/pc.
# Please be sure to complete the payment by February 3rd.
If not, it is automatically updated to the normal rate.
# You can freely update your data anytime by the final deadline.
# No refund is available.
└■ 2. Challenges to promote internationalization
(1) Presentations at JpGU Meeting 2015
From JpGU Meeting 2015, all oral and presentations are asked to be
written both in English and Japanese.
This is one of the challanges to promote internationalization.
(2) Asking for answering questionnaires on support projects
We’re now discussing what kind of supports are necessary to promote
internationalization. Please answer the questionnaires shown below.
(3) Preferential treatments to JpGU members
FORTE, one of supporting members of JpGU offers our members
special discounted rate, or 10% off off from the normal rate
to look over the abstracts.
4500JPY to look over one abstract
Other service: 10% off from the normal rate
Please go to the following URL and use JpGU ID.
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org