└■ Japan Geoscience union Mail News September Edition No.212 September 10, 2014
≪ Contents ≫
┃1.Prefatory note
┃ ・Session proposal for JpGU Meeting 2015 started by Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU
┃2. JpGU Meeting 2015 information
┃ ・JpGU Meeting 2015 is open now.
┃ ・Session proporal for JpGU Meeting 2015 is welcomed now
┃ ・JpGU membership information update
┃3.Information from PEPS
┃ ・ Special International Sessions contributing to Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS) are wanted for JpGU Meeting 2015
┃ ・ Highlight written in Japanese for newly released article was added
┃ ・ SPEPS started
┃4.Start distributing movies of Earth Planetary Science Top Seminer
┃5.Information from Science Council of Japan, or SCJ
┃6.From Committees
┃ ・Information System Committee Introduction of “My JpGU”
┃ ・Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee, or JESOC
┃7.What’s new
└■ 1.Prefatory note
Session proposal for JpGU Meeting 2015 is widely welcomed now.
Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU
└■ 2.JpGU Meeting 2015 information
(1) Schedule
Date:May 24th, Sunday, ~ 28th, Thursday, 2015
Venue:Makuhari Messe, International Conference Hall in Chiba Prefecture
Session proposal:September 1st ~ October 23rd
Advance abstract submission:January 8th ~ February 3rd, 2015
Normal abstract submission:February 4th ~ 18th, 2015
Pre-regiatration:January 8th ~ May 12th
【 JpGU Meeting 2015 website 】https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/
(2) Session proporal for JpGU Meeting 2015 is welcomed now
【 Application period 】September 1st, Monday ~ October 23rd, Thursday, 2014
【 Session proposal 】https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/session_t.html
*Proposing an internatonal session
Language used in international sessions is English.
Preferential treatments are offered to inernational sessions.
(3) JpGU membership information update
Please update your membership information from the following URL as soon as possible.
Please note that our server was transferred to the follwing URL.
Do not use the old one.
★New URL: https://secure.jproduce.co.jp/jpgu_e/
For further details, see the mail news No. 211
└■ 3.Information from PEPS
Special International Sessions contributing to Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS) are wanted for JpGU Meeting 2015
Now that the session proposal for JpGU Meeting 2015 has started, we, Journal Planning Committee is to accept application for Special International Session about Multidisciplinary research field as a part of global communication enhancement.
Financial support for accommodation and transportation are to be provided to the participants from abroad who make presentations at this special session.
Several participants in a session including these invited presenters from abroad, conveners, and other Japanese presenters are required to submit their manuscripts to our international journal PEPS on the basis of their presentations. They are expected to submit their manuscripts within 6 months after the JpGU Meeting 2015.
This preferential treatment will not only implement fruitful sessions in the JpGU Meeting but also improve the high level of PEPS quality.
★Requirements for proposing Special International Sessions
・The session must be held at JpGU Meeting 2015.
・Several manuscripts based on the session presentations have to be submitted to PEPS within 6 months after the session. (The proponents shall obtain the relevant authors’ agreement in advance regarding this requirement.)
・Financial support to utmost two participants from abroad are available per session.
* Several proposals are to be adopted as Special International Sessions.
★Proposal documents to submit (free description)
・Contents of your session (If possible, attach the detailed description of the session.)
・Budget necessary for participating in JpGU Meeting 2015
・List of presenters including their titles, affiliations and e-mail addresses
★Where to submit
PEPS Editorial Office, Japan Geoscience Union <peps_edit@@jpgu.org>
24th October, 2014 at 17:00JST
* The Journal Planning Committee will examine every proposal for the Special International Sessions whether or not to approve its request for financial support.
For detailed information of our journal PEPS please access: http://progearthplanetsci.org/index.html
(2) Highlight written in Japanese for newly released article was added
To encourage the students or young scientists in Japan to read the
latest articles of PEPS, we provide a highlight written in Japanese for
each article. The highlight page is kept updated with our latest articles.
http://progearthplanetsci.org/highlight_j.html (in Japanese)
★Highlight of the month
Research [Atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences]
“An observation campaign of precipitable water vapor with multiple GPS receivers in western Java, Indonesia”
Eugenio Realini, Kazutoshi Sato, Toshitaka Tsuda, Susilo Sarimun and Timbul Manik
【PEPS Highlight in Japanese】
http://progearthplanetsci.org/highlight_j.html (In Japanese)
(3) SPEPS started
PEPS Editorial Office has started SPEPS (SPecial call for Excellent Papers on hot topicS) and calls for articles dealing with the following two themes with submission deadline.
★ Multidisciplinary Researches on Deep Interiors of the Earth and Planets
★ Land-Ocean Linkages under the Influence of the Asian Monsoon
For further information please access: http://progearthplanetsci.org/index.html#modal
└■ 4.Start distributing movies of Earth Planetary Science Top Seminer
Thank you for attending JpGU Meeting 2014 public sessions held in Pachifico Yokohama
on April 29th, 2014.
It ended up with a great success, and we decided to distribute movies of them
for the outreach activity of JpGU.
We try to provide more near future.
★Newly released movies
・JpGU Meeting 2014 Top Seminar:
“Hunting mega-quakes-What we can and cannnot find out from tsunami deposit-“
Prof. Masanobu Shishikura
http://youtu.be/9E09TW4BVX4 (In Japanese)
・JpGU Meeting 2014 Top Seminar:
“Recent eruptions in Japan (review): past and future”
by Prof. Setsuya Nakada
http://youtu.be/WdF13_hkd5I (In Japanese)
・JpGU Meeting 2014 NASA Special Seminar:
“Viewing the Earth’s Climate from Space”
by Prof. Freilich from NASA
http://youtu.be/g5pPZcVZ6eI (in Japanese)
★Past movies are shown here
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgXwfplEVUGRko3G27ni2lQ (In Japanese)
└■ 5.Information from Science Council of Japan, or SCJ
Symposia by SCJ
“Education for the sustainable future and promotion to develop human resources”
Date :September 14th, Sunday 13:00~17:00
Host :Science Council of Japan フューチャーアースの推進に関する委員会
持続可能な発展のための教育と人材育成の推進分科会 (only in Japanese)
Co-sponsor:Japan Geocience Union,地理学連携機構
Venue :Science Council of Japan Hall (7-22-34 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Tokyo Metro Chiyoda-Line, Nogizaka Station, Exit for Aoyama Cemeteteries
Attendance fee:Free of charge(Advance application is NOT necessary.)
Poster PDF:http://www.scj.go.jp/ja/event/pdf2/197-s-0914.pdf (In Japanese)
“Science Roadmap 2014”
Date :September 26th, Friday 13:30~17:30
Host :Science Council of Japan, Section III
Co-sponsor :理学・工学系学協会協議会 (only in Japanese)
Venue :Science Coundil of Japan Hall(7-22-34 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Tokyo Metro Chiyoda-Line, Nogizaka Station, Exit for Aoyama Cemeteteries
Attendance fee:Free of charge(Advance application is NOT necessary.)
Poster PDF:http://www.scj.go.jp/ja/event/pdf2/198-s-3-1.pdf (In Japanese)
“To improve resilience against disasters”
Date :September 28th, Sunday 13:00~17:00
Host :Science Council of Japan
Co-sponsor :Teikyo University
Backup :Japanese Society of Public Health
Venue :Teikyo University, Itabashi Campus, Main Bldg. 2F Room 209
( Kaga, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo)
JR Saikyo-Line, 10 minutes’ walk from Jyujyo Station
Attendance fee:Free of charge(Advance application is NOT necessary.)
Poster PDF:http://www.scj.go.jp/ja/event/pdf2/197-s-0928.pdf (in Japanese)
└■ 6.From Committees
(1)Information System Committee <<Introduction of “My JpGU” >>
・Please utilize the communication tool called My JpGU.
JpGU members are provided their own accounts.
Please login from the following URL and register and update your information
from the following URL.
※ My JpGU Top page:http://mypage.jpgu.org/
Login ID is JpGU member ID.
Please set the password separately.
※ How to use My JpGU: http://mypage.jpgu.org/policy/guide-en.html
(2)Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
・Application for the 7th Japan Earth Science Olympiad or the selection for the 9th International
Earth Science Olympiad to be held in Russia started on September 1st.
We’re waiting for your application.
Application deadline:November 15th, Saturday
Test schedule:December 21st, Sunday, 2014 in the afternoon
For further details, see the following URL.
http://jeso.jp/ (in Japaanese)
Our membership subscription page was migrated to the following URL.
Please update your bookmark.
New URL:https://secure.jproduce.co.jp/jpgu_e/
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org