└■ Japan Geoscience Union Mail News Extraordinary Edition No.211 September 1, 2014
≪ Contents ≫
┃1. JpGU Meeting 2015 information
┃ ・JpGU Meeting 2015 website has opened!
┃ ・Session proposal for JpGU Meeting 2015 has started!
┃ ・Request for membership information update
┃ ・Migration of membership information to the new server
┃2. PEPS information
┃ ・Providing our PEPS abstracts in Japanese
┃ ・SPEPS has started
┃ ・Migration of Submission/Review System for PEPS
└■ 1.JpGU Meeting 2015 information
(1) JpGU Meeting 2015 website has opened!
JpGU Meeting 2015 website has opened!
【JpGU Meeting 2015】
Date:May 24th, Sunday, 2015 ~28th, Thursday
Venue:International Conference Hall at Makuhari Messe
(2) Session proposal has started!
Yohei Suzuki, JpGU Meeting 2015 Program Committee Chair(The University of Tokyo)
【 Session proposal 】September 1st, Monday~October 23rd, Thursday, 2014
Sessions are divided into 9 categories.
For further details, see JpGU Meeting 2015 website.
We’re waiting for your proposals.
・Public session(O)
・Union session (U)
・Science session
Space and Planetary Sciences (P)
Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences (A)
Solid Earth Sciences (S)
Human Geosciences(H)
Education and Outreach(G)
Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary (M)
【International session】
Official language for international sessions is English.
Preferential treatments are given to these sessions.
【JpGU Meeting 2015】https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/
【Session proposal】https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/session_t.html
(3) Request for membership information update
Please update your membership information from the following URL.
(4) Migration of membership information to the new server
Please be sure to login from the following URL
New URL:https://secure.jproduce.co.jp/jpgu_e/
└■ 2.PEPS information
(1) Providing our PEPS abstracts in Japanese
To encourage the students or young scientists in Japan to read the
latest articles of PEPS, we provide a highlight written in Japanese for
each article. The highlight page is kept updated with our latest articles.
(2) SPEPS has started.
PEPS Editorial Office put out a call for excellent papers on the two
topics below.
★ Multidisciplinary Researches on Deep Interiors of the Earth and Planets
★ Land-Ocean Linkages under the Influence of the Asian Monsoon
Please access the following Website for detailed information.
(3) Migration of Submission/Review System for PEPS
The submission/Review system for PEPS has been migrated to Editorial
Manager (EM),
a more user-friendly system, on August 27.
For details, please access the URL below.
Before submitting your paper, please check our PEPS Website.