└■Japan Geoscience Union Mail news Extraordinary, No.206 May 21st, 2014
1. Contributors to AOGS2014 in Sappoaro
Deadline for pre-registration is May 27th.
★Urgent information from AOGS Secretariat★
Please be in a hurry to make pre-registration to AOGS2014, because
an abstract without any pre-registered author as of May 27 will be
automatically cancelled.
LOC of Hokkaido University planned scientific tours before, during,
and after the meeting.. There are 4 courses: Mt Apoi Geopark, Mikasa
geopart, Urahoro tsunami deposits and Mt. Usu. For more details,
visit the AOGS website below.
【 Important Dates 】
【 Fees & Registration 】
【 Scientific Tours 】