└■ Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.187 November Edition, November 11th, 2013
┃1.Prefatory note
┃2.Latest information of JpGU Meeting
┃ ・Proposed sessions for JpGU Meeting 2013
┃ ・Exhibitors are wanted.
┃3.Section president election
┃4.Japan Geoscience Union Fellow Program
┃5.From sections
┃ ・Symposium held by Human Geosciences Section
┃6.From Committees
┃ ・Education Affairs Committee
┃7.What’s New
└■ 1.Prefatory Note
Toshitaka Tsuda, President of Japan Geoscience Union
└■ 2.Latest information of JpGU Meeting
(1) Proposed sessions for JpGU Meeting 2013
Kuniyasu Mokudai, Chairman of 2013 JpGU Meeting Program Committee
Thank you for proposing a lot of sessions.
We successfully closed session proposals on October 24th.
Total number of sessions is 193, and that of international sessions is 41.
We enjoyed the steady increase thanks to your cooperation.
List of sessions are to be released on October 20th on our website.
(2) Exhibitors are wanted
Information for exhibitors:
└■ 3.Section President Election
Result of Representative election is shown on the following URL.
Section president election is conducted on the following schecule.
Representatives elect are eligible to be section presidents either by their own
announcement or by recommendation.
Members of Japan Geoscience union are eligible to recommend someone and cast votes.
We ask you an active participation.
Recent schedule
Public announcement November 1st, Friday, 2013
Start accepting candidates November 5th, Tuesday, 2013
Close accepting candidates November 15th, Friday, 2013
Start to vote November 25th, Monday, 2013
Close to cote December 16th, Monday, 2013
Ballot counting and announcing the result December 20th, Friday, 2013
*Roles of Section President
Long-term science visions of each section are discussed at the union science board
making up of 5 section presidents, panel of experts looking down upon earth planetary
science and executive board members.
They eventually become science visions of Japan Geoscience Union as a whole.
Themes beyond sections such as environmental problems are discussed at the focus groups
launched by the union science board. Space and Planetary Sciences, Atmospheric and Hydrospheric
Sciences, Biogeosciences, Human Geosciences and Solid Earth and Giogeosciences section presidents
make up the Union Science Board and promote scientific activities under the long-term visions
together with president and vice presidents of Japan Geoscience union.
For further details, see the following URL.
November 1st, 2013
Board of Election of Japan Geoscience Union
Chairman: Michinari Sunamura
Members:Kenji kawamura, Masataka Shinohara,Hiroyuki Tsubomoto,Masahisa Hamada,Akira Yukimatsu
└■ 4.Japan Geoscience Union Fellow Program
Masato Nakamura, Chief of JpGU Fellow Program
This program was approved at the board meeting in October.
This Fellow program recognizes JpGU members who have made great contributions
to Earth and planetary sciences.
Related regulations are shown below.(Only in Japanese)
There’s no age restriction and the number of fellows.
・The nominee must have attained acknowledged eminence in Earth and Planetary Sciences.
Primary criteria for evaluation are major breakthrough or discovery and paradigm shift.
・Those who has made a great commitments to Japan Geoscience Union, its outreach activities
and Earth planetary science in Japan.
【Nomination Eligibility】
・A nominee must have been a JpGU member for each of 3 years immediately prior to the nomination.
Please note that this eligibility may be discussed again at the board meeting held in December.
※Those who are a representative, an auditor or a review board members cannot be nominees.
★For further details, see the following URL.
Nomination form is also shown on the URL shown above.
★Deadline:Not later than January 10th, Friday, 2014
Address:Japan Geoscience Union Office
Gakkai Center Bldg. 4F,
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0032, JAPAN
For further detail, please contact Masato Nakamura, Chief of JpGU Fellow Program
└■ 5.From sections
(1)Symposium held by Human Geosciences Section
Public Symposium by Science Council of Japan
Yukio Himiyama, President of Human Geosciences Section
For further details, see the following URL.
(Only in Japanese)
Date:December 5th, Thursday, 2013 / 13:00~17:00
Venue:Science Council of Japan, Lecture Hall
7-22-34 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Moderator: Prof. Ko Oguchi
Opening speech: Prof. Yukio Himiyama
Ronald Abler, Former President of the International Geographical Union
Shigenori Maruyama, Professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Member of Science Council of Japan
Kenji Satake, Professor of Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, Member of Science Council of Japan
Ernan Rustiadi, Professor of Bogor Agricultural University
Masahiro Chigira, Professor of Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Member of Science Council of Japan
R.B. Singh, Professor of University of Delhi
Jun Matsumoto, Professor of Tokyo Metropolitan University, Member of Science Council of Japan
Discussion, Closing address: Shigeko Haruyama
└■ 6.From Committees
(1) Education Affairs Committee
Information of Research Meeting at Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
Term:December 26th and 27th, Thursday and Friday, 2013
Venue:Seminar Room on the 2nd floor of Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
For further details, see the following URL soon.
We’ll wait for the participants who are interested in earthquake education at primary,
junior and senior high schools.