Japan Geoscience Union delivers this mail news to the JpGU members
English version:
└■ Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.171 June 10, 2013
┃1.Prefatory note by Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU
┃2.Flash report of JpGU Meeting 2013
┃ ・Overview of JpGU Meeting 2013
┃ ・Poster presentation by high school students
┃ ・Questionnaire on JpGU Meeting 2013(Deadline June 16)
┃3.JpGU Meeting 2014 information(Venue and time schedule change)
┃4.Temporary adjournment of our web system(By June 24)
┃5.From committees
┃ ・Educational affairs committee
┃ ・Information system committee
┃ ・Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
┃6.Information from Science Council of Japan
┃7.What’s new
└■ 1.Prefatory Note by Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU
└■ 2.Flash report of JpGU Meeting 2013
(1) Overview of JpGU meeting 2013
Thank you for participating JpGU Meeting 2013.
※If you’ve lost your belongings at the venue, please contact office@jpgu.org.
List og lost items:https://www.jpgu.org/meeting/lost_and_found.pdf
・Time schedule:May 19, Sun, 2013~24, Fri, 2013 (6 days)
・Venue:International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe, Chiba prefecture
・Organizer:Japan Geoscience Union
・Sponsor:43 associations
・Co-organizer:The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology/
Japanese Coral Reef Society / Society of Atmospheric Electricity of Japan /
The Astronomical Society of Japan
■Scientific sessions
・Number of sessions:180 (177 in 2012,174 in 2011, 167 in 2010)
U: Union 7 (*2)
O: Public 5 (*0)
P: Space and Planetary Sciences 23 (*10)
A: Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences 26 (*6)
H: Human Geosciences 22 (*8)
S: Solid Earth Sciences58 (*11)
B: Biogeosciences 10 (*2)
G: Education and Outreach 4 (*0)
M: Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary 25 (*3)
※(*)Number of International sessions :42 (41 in 2012,41 in 2011,32 in 2010)
・Number of abstracts:3980 (3876 in 2012,4044 in 2011,3686 in 2010)
Oral presentations : 2226(1975 in 2012,2354 in 2011,2090 in 2010)
Poster presentations:1754(1901 in 2012,1690 in 2011, 1596 in 2010)
Number of participants:6824 (7318 in 2012,5809 in 2011,5746 in 2010)
・Pre-registered participants:3410
Full conference:2820 One-day:590
General:2357,Elementary, junior and senior high school teachers:32,
Graduate students:911,70 years and over:44,Undergraduate students:66,
High school students:0
・On-site registrated participants:1405
Full conference:753 One-day:652
General:995,Elementary, junior and senior high school teachers:10,
Graduate students:329,70 years and over:16,Undergraduate students:21,
High school students:2
・Participants to Union and public sessions and others:2009
General:370,Elementary, junior and senior high school teachers:44,
Graduate students:5,70 years and over:77,
Undergraduate students:658, High school students and under:221,
・Special exhibitions:63 booths (43 in 2012,44 in 2011,48 in 2010)
・University information panels:11 booths (13 in 2012,11 in 2011,10 in 2010)
・Publishers(and related goods):25 booths(29 in 2012,26 in 2011,26 in 2010)
・Pamphlet Desks :10 booths (8 in 2012,11 in 2011,9 in 2010)
・Science Society area/desks:9 booths(10 in 2012,10 in 2011,12 in 2010)
・Meeting held during JpGU Meeting 2013:100(Related to science societies:30,
Related to JpGU:28,General:42)
・Part timers:258
(2) Poster presentations by High School Students
Poster presentations by High School Students were held on May 19, Sunday.
67 schools made presentations and following schools were given awards.
■Best presentation Award (1)
Part-time course of Osaka Kasugaoka High School
『微小重力をつくる ~小型微小重力実験落下装置の製作と改良~ 第3報』
■Outstanding presentation Awards (3)
Shizuoka PrefecturalIwataminami High School
Osaka Kyoiku University Tennoji High School
Iiyamakita High School
■Encouragement Awards (7)
Flash report:https://www.jpgu.org/meeting/hs_news.html
(Honoralbe mentions are released soon.)
(3)Quetionnaire on JpGU Meeting 2013(Deadline: June 16)
Michio Kawamiya, JpGU 2013 Program Committee Chair
Thank you very much for your participation in JpGU 2013 Meeting.
Although we believe this meeting was worthful for you, we need your opinion
to make coming meetings more fruitful for participants.
We appreciate deeply if you co-operate on our questionnaire.
Please access the questionnaire form from following URL, and input each items.
Your name or email address are not required.
We hope you will participate in JpGU 2014 Meeting.
Thank you very much.
※Those who have already co-operated on our questionnaire need not answer this questionnarie again.
└■ 3.JpGU Meeting 2014 information(Venue and time schedule change)
JpGU Meeting 2014 is going to be held from April 28 to May 2, 2014 for 5 days
at Pacifico Yokohama.
Please be kind to check on it.
└■ 4.Temporary adjournment of our web system(By June 24)
Our membership subscription system is temporarily adjourned for data maintenance.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.
Restart on June 25, Tuesday, 2013
└■ 5.From Committees
(1)Educational affairs Committee
Please see the following URL on the report of the symposium held on May 18, Sat., 2013.
(2)Information system Committee
Thank you for answering questionnaire on Abstract submission system on short notice.
We could get 15 replies from Japanese and 64 from non-Japanese.
We’re planning to utilize your opinions to make improvements on our abstract
submission systems. If you have any further ideas and requests, please feel
free to contact Information system Committee.
(3)Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
Selection for International Earth Scince Olympiad was conducted at the University
of Tsukuba on May 11 and 12, 2013.
Through written and practical tests, interview and discussion in English,
four students were selected out of ten who were given outstanding awards, and are now
taking training for the competition to be held in India this September.
Japan Earth Science Olympiad Tomo no Kai (Asdsociation for JESOC) was set up.
Annual due is 1,000JPY. For further details, see the following URL.
We’re waiting for your membership subscription.
└■ 6.Information from Science Council of Japan
Public Symposium titled「学士課程教育における地球惑星科学分野の参照基準」by Science Council of Japan
Hiroko Nagahara, Earth Planetary Science Committee Chair of Science Council of Japan
Tadao Nishiyama, University Educational affairs section chair
Date: June 16, Sunday from 13:00 to 16:00
Venue:The 1st conference room of Earthquake Research Institute Nigoukan,
the University of Tokyo
For further details see the follwing URL.
http://www.scj.go.jp/ja/event/pdf2/174-s-3-1.pdf (Only Japanese is available.)
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org