└■ Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.155 January Edition January 10, 2013
┃1.Prefatory note by Prof. Toshitaka Tsuda, President of JpGU
┃2.Information of JpGU Meeting 2013
┃ ・Abstract submission and pre-registration started!
・Gatherings and projects are wanted!
┃ ・Exhibitors are wanted!
3.Annual due payments for 2013[Important]
┃4.From committees
┃ ・Committee for International Affairs
┃5.What’s new
└■ 1.Prefatory note
Prof. Toshitaka Tsuda, President of Japan Geoscience Union
└■ 2.Information of JpGU Meeting 2013
(1) Abstract submission and pre-regiatration started!
Advance abstract submission closes:February 3rd, Sunday at 23:59JST *Note 1
Final abstract submission closes:February 15th, Friday at 12:00JST
Pre-registration closes: May 7th, Tuesday at 17:00JST
Our system is temporarily closed from May 7th, Tuesday at 17:00JST to June 30th, Sunday
for server maintenance. **Note2
Please see the information of JpGU Meeting 2013 from the following URLs.
★JpGU Meeting 2013
★Session List
Advance submission rate is adopted only when payment is completed by the due date.
When we can’t confirm the payment by the due date, normal submission rate is automatically adopted.
Our system is temporarily closed after pre-registration is closed by the end of June.
Please be in a hurry to make or modify membership information.
(2)Gatherings and projects are wanted!
For example, career path meeting and meeting about scientific research fund were taken place
in the past meetings.Please apply from the following site.
(Only Japanese is available.)
Adoption is determined by board of directors.
Other application for rooms at lunch time or night are accepted through our website after the middle of March as usual.
Dedicated URL(Only in Japanese):
(3) Exhibitors are wanted!
Information for exhibitors:
└■ 3.Annual due payment for 2013 [Important]
Annual due payment for 2013(from April to March in 2014) started on January 10th, Tursday, 2013.
Please be sure to update your information and make payments.
If annual due payment for 2012 is not completed, member rate is not adopted.
└■ 4.From Committees
(1) Committee for International Affairs
Gordon Research Conference
‘Interior of the Earth’ (Mount Holyoke College, America)
This conference is to be held at Mont Holyoke College in USA from June 1st to 7th in 2013.
Deadline for application is May 5th, 2013.
Maximum participats are about 150. Please be in a hurry, if you’re interested in this conference.
Graduate and PD students can ask for the travel grant.
For further details, see the following URLs.
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org