Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.119 September 12, 2011
<< Contents >>
1. Representative election of Japan Geoscience Union
2. JpGU Meeting information
・Schedule for JpGU Meeting 2012
・Session proposal has started.
・Update of personal information
・Human Geosciences Section
Symposium on the Great East
Japan Earthquake
from Human Geosciences’ point
of view ・Educational
Affairs Committee -Gathering-
"Present situation of Earth Science Education and
its revolution" ・Career supporting
Committee- Workshop- "Course options
and job hunting for Earth planetary science
related researchers"
・From Japan
Earth Science Olympiad Committee
4th Japan Earth Science Olympiad preliminary
5. What’s new
Representative election of Japan Geoscience Union
Deadline for
annoncement and recommendation of candidacy for
representative election of Japan Geoscience Union is coming
Please be active to be a candidate and
recommending someone.
For further details, please see the following
Schedule August 3, Wednesday, 2011
Official public announcement of Representative election
August 15, Monday, 2011 Declaration of candidacy starts
September 15, Thursday, 2011 Declaration of candidacy
finishes September 29, Thursday, 2011 Casting ballots
starts October 28, Friday, 2011 Casting ballot finishes
November 4, Friday, 2011 Ballot counting and reporting the
result [Members]
Please login from the following URL and fill
in the dedicated form.
Please login from the following URL and make a membership
subscription first, and then fill in the dedicated form.
Login page:https://secure.jtbcom.co.jp/jpgu_e/
Necessary fields for announcement and recommendation of
candidacy:https://www.jpgu.org/whatsnew/2011daigiin_formitems.pdf (Japanese)
2. JpGU Meeting
(1)Schedule for JpGU Meeting 2012
Date: May 20, Sunday to 25, Friday, 2012
Venue: Makuhari Messe, International Conference
proposal has started.
JpGU Meeting 2012 Program Committee Chair Taishi Nakamoto
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Session proposal for JpGU Meeting 2012 started on September
Application period: From September 1, Wednesday to October
26, Tuesday
https://www.jpgu.org/meeting/session/html Sessions are
distributed into 9 sessions. Please choose one when you make
a session proposal. For further details, see the
following ULR.
We’re waiting for your session proposal.
Session categories
Public session (O)
Union session (U)
Scinence sessions
Space and Planetary Sciences (S)
Atmospheric, Ocean and Environmental Sciences (A)
Solid Earth Sciences (S)
Human Geosciences (H)
Biogeosciences (B)
General (Education and Outreach) (G)
Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary (M)
International Session
When all presentations are made in English, the
session is categorized as International session.
Various preferential treatmens are given to International
sessions. For further details, please see the
following URLs.
Top page:https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e/index.htm
Session proposal:http://www.org/meeting_e/session.html
(3) Update of personal information
Please be sure to update your personal information.
Important informatin for JpGU Meeting 2012 is timely
distributed to your registered email address.
3. From Committees
Human Geosciences Section
Symposium on the Great East
Japan Earthquake
from Human Geosciences’ point
of view
Date:October 9, Sunday, 2011
13:00-18:15 free for all
Venue: Kansai University
For further details, see the
Japanese URL.
(2)Educational Affairs
Committee -Gathering "Present
situation of Earth Science Education and its revolution" Venue:
The Earthquake Reserach Institute, the University of Tokyo
Date: October 1 and 2, 2011 free for all For
further details, please see the following URL.
(3)Career supporting Committee- Workshop
"Course options and job hunting for Earth planetary science
related researchers" Date: September 29, Thursday,
2011 18:00-20:00 Start
accepting at 17:30 free for all Venue: The
University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus III-320
(4) Japan
Earth Science Olympiad Committee
for the 4th Japan Earth Science Olympiad preliminary
selection started on September 1 and closes on
November 15, 2011. This selection is doubled as the
selection of the 2012 International Earth Science Olympiad
held in Argentina. The preliminary selection is to be held
on December 18, 2011.
For further details, please see the following
Please notify this selection to the people
familiar with the matter.
Japan Geoscience Union
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-6914-2080 Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org
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