
  Japan Geoscience Union Mail News No.102 March 10, 2011

<< Contents >>

1 Important Information of JpGU Meeting 2011
.・Recent schedule
 ・Pre-registration and party during the party at the discounted price are
now being accepted.

submission for Emergency session "Eruption of
Shinmoe-Dake" is being accepted. (by 12:00 on March
 ・Introduction of Exhibitors
2.Updating membership subscription data
3. From Committees

for International Affairs

and Outreach Committee
 ・Japan Earth Planetary Science Opympiad Committee

[Advertisement] Nature Asia Pacific


Important information of JpGU
Meeting 2011

(1) Recent schedule

March 04: Session
layout now released on the following URL.

In the middle of March:
Start recruiting part timers

March 18:
Start accepting meeting room reservations

March 25: Adoption or
rejection of abstract submissions

Date, room and time are to be informed to contributors, authors and

April 06: JpGU Meeting program is released
on the web.

May 09: Pre-JpGU Meeting
registration and advance party ticket at the discounted rate are closed.

May 13: Abstracts are to
be released on the web.

From May 22 to 27: JpGU
Meeting 2011


(2)Pre-registration and
advance party ticket are being accepted by May 9, Mon. at 23:59 JST.


(3)Abstract submission for
Emergency session "Eruption of Shinmoe-Dake" is being accepted. (by
12:00 on March 15)

We, JpGU are going to
submit emergency session about Kirishima, Shinmoe-Dake.

Please see the following
URL for details. (Only Japanese is available.)


(4) Introduction of

Exhibitors are still wanted!

Please access from the
following URL.

We’re waiting for your


Many exhibitors are to set
up booths on the 2nd floor during JpGU Meeting 2011.

In this issue, we’re going
to introduce 6 of them.

■JGI, Inc. A Japanese Geophysical Service Company
■Tohoku University Global COE Program
■Oxford Instruments
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) News          
Submit Abstracts : AOGS 8thAnnual Meeting (8 to 12 Aug 2011 in Taipei)
AOGS exhibits at EGU in Vienna, 4 – 8 Apr 2011 ; JpGU in Chiba, 22 – 27 May 2011
AOGS invites proposals for the venue of the Society’s annual meeting in Asia in 2013:  
  More information at or email 
Sign up to receive AOGS News Create An Account Here
2. Updating membership subscription data
Accounting year of JpGU is from April 1 to March 31.
Without submitting notice of withdrawal, your membership subscription is automatically continued.
Please be sure to send the notice of withdrawal if you want to withdraw.
For further details, please see the following URL.
*JpGU Meeting registration fee and party ticket fee are based on the classification you belong to after April.
2. From Committees
(1) Committee for International Affairs
The 7th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference Ocean acidification: consequences for marine ecosystems and society
is to be held at Penang, Malaysia from June 20 to 24, 2011, co-sponsored by USM, AOGS and Japan Geoscience Union.
Abstract submission is to be closed on March 15, 2011.  Registration is to be closed on March 31.
Please see the following URL for further details.
(2) Publicity and Outreach Committee
Volunteer staff at JpGU Meeting 2011 is wanted!
This year, we produce the event  named "Let's ask university and graduate students about earth planetary sciences", the same we did last year.
Volunteer staff for this event are wanted.
Please see the following URL for further detail.
(3)Japan Earth Planetary Science Olympiad Committee
The final selection of the 3rd Japan Earth Science Olympiad named "Grand-prix, Chikyu-ni-wakuwaku" are to be held from March 24 to 26
at Tsukuba City. 27 3rd grader of junior high school and 2nd and 3rd graders of high school and 3 challenge students of 2nd grader of 
junior high school are going to participate in it. On March 24, Top Lecture are to be held and open to the public.
Lecturers are from AIST,JMA,NIES, NIED and JAXA.
Please see the following URL for further details.
This lecture are to be broadcast live on USTREAM.

Japan Geoscience Union
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
113-0032, Japan   
Phone: +81-6914-2080  Fax: +81-3-6914-2088