***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews September Issue
No.383 11 Sep 2023***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Foreword by Yukihiro Takahashi, President of JpGU
| 2. [Deadline approaching] JpGU Representatives Election:
| Candidates and Nominations Now Accepting
| 3. Announcement on Call for Session Proposals for JpGU 2024 [from 02 Oct]
| 4. To JpGU Meeting 2023 Participation ID Holders
| 5. To AGU members who have acquired a JpGU ID from the AGU membership system
| 6. From Committees
| -> NPO Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
| -> Educational Subcommittee for International Affairs
| 7. Information from PEPS
| -> Call for Papers: SPEPS
| -> Latest Articles
| 8. From Science Council of Japan
| 9. What’s New
| -> Event Information
| -> Career Opportunity
#1. Foreword by Yukihiro Takahashi, President of JpGU
We will start accepting session proposals for the JpGU Meeting 2024
from 2 October.
I think that the majority of JpGU members participate in fall meetings
organized by JpGU member societies. I know that giving presentations
and asking questions primarily in Japanese, the native language, will
help many Japanese people engage in highly detailed discussions. Also,
I think that it is important to talk with longtime friends. On the
other hand, science is like an amoeba that changes its appearance, and
its internal structure is like a fluid, with multiple areas changing
their boundaries and continuing to grow through repeated integration
and division. We, scientists, strive to be more creative in our work
every day, and I’ve heard that creativity comes from connecting two
different concepts and/or methods. Of course, there are many situations
and phases in which research pursues a single subject deeply and
precisely, and its importance goes without saying. However, if we
expand the time scale, we can infer that the knowledge and/or methods
of other fields will inevitably give rise to new research field and at
the same time deepen our understanding. Earth and planetary science is
a field of study that deals with all phenomena that occur on the earth
and space, including life, at least in the solar system, and is
extremely diverse and dynamic in terms of both its subjects and methods.
We hope that JpGU will embrace all of this diversity and be not only
a place for internal organizational interaction, but also change its
external boundaries and promote new creations with related fields.
For JpGU meeting, I hope that you will also propose sessions that are
a little different from those offered at individual societies. Please
feel free to use the JpGU as platform for joint proposals with foreign
researchers, joint session within a science section, collaborations
with other science sections, and fields that go beyond the so-called
fundamental sciences, such as engineering and agriculture. I would be
happy if you could use it with your ideas.
By the way, this is an election year. We are currently accepting
applications for candidates for representative elections, and the
deadline is September 13th at 17:00. If you are interested in making
a contribution to JpGU, please consider submitting your candidacy.
Regardless of the size of the research field, and from the perspective
of gender and diversity, we hope for the active participation of a
variety of people, including young people, women, and foreign nationals.
#2. [Deadline approaching] JpGU Representatives Election:
Candidates and Nominations Now Accepting
The deadline for submission of candidacy is approaching.
[Period for submission of candidacy ends]
5 pm on Wednesday, 13 September 2023
[How to stand as a candidate / How to recommend a candidate]
Please fill in and submit the relevant form on the JpGU Members Site
( https://www.jpgu-member.org/jpgu/en/ ) before 5 pm on Wednesday,
13 September deadline.
[The latest status of candidates]
Please refer to the webpage below.
Please visit “Public Announcement of the 2024 JpGU Representative
Election”( https://www.jpgu.org/en/2024representatives-election/ )
for more information.
*All dates and times are in Japan Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
Election Administration Committee
#3. Announcement on Call for Session Proposals for JpGU 2024 [from 02 Oct]
We will start accepting session proposals for the JpGU Meeting 2024
from 02 October.
JpGU Meeting 2024 (Tentative Plan)
Date: Sun, 26 – Fri, 31 May 2024 *for 6 days
Meeting format: Hybrid (on-site + online)
On-site venue: Makuhari Messe Chiba, Japan
[Key Dates (Subject to change)]
* Meeting website opens:
Mon, 02 Oct 2023
* Session proposal period:
14:00 Mon, 02 Oct – 17:00 Wed, 01 Nov 2024 [JST]
We look forward to receiving many proposals from a wide range of
science fields.
#4. To JpGU Meeting 2023 Participation ID Holders
The “Meeting participation ID” is a six-digit ID starting with 23-,
specifically for the purpose of the participation in the JpGU Meeting
2023. These IDs will expire on Friday, 29 September 2023.Please visit
our website in October to obtain the participation ID for the JpGU
Meeting 2024.
* This also applies to AOGS and EGU members who have obtained the JpGU
ID to participate in the JpGU 2023.
#5. To AGU members who have acquired a JpGU ID from the AGU membership system
Those who have obtained a JpGU ID from the AGU membership system
will have their AGU membership verified after each year’s JpGU meeting,
and the JpGU IDs will be deleted if their status is no longer valid.
This year, we will check your membership status as of 21 September, and
those with invalid status will have their JpGU IDs deleted on 29 September.
The current system does not allow you to cancel your JpGU ID via AGU.
If you have a valid AGU membership but do not wish to keep your
JpGU ID via AGU, please contact us using the form below.
#6. From Committees
(1) NPO Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
[Available in Japanese]
(2) Educational Subcommittee for International Affairs
Announcement of Earth Science Week Japan
Earth Science Week is held annually in the U.S. and other parts of
the world to promote understanding of earth science among the general
Earth Science Week Japan (ESWJ), the Japanese version of this event,
will be held for the sixth time this year.
This year, ESWJ will be held in Nagano City, Fujinokuni Museum of
Global Environmental History, and Shizuoka Science Museum Ru-Ku-Ru
from October 8 (Sun.) to November 5 (Sun.), 2023.
[ Oct. 8 (Sun.) – Nov. 5 (Sun.), 2023 ]
Science Tea House Experiments and Hands-on Practice, Garage Exhibition
(Shizuoka Science Museum Ru-Ku-Ru)
[ Oct.15 (Sun.) Nagano city 9h-17h ]
Field Trip “Shinshu used to be a sea! -Disaster Prevention Knowledge
from Topography-“ (Characteristics of the Nagano Basin and disaster
prevention (floods and landslides): guides: Tomotaka Tanabe, former
director of the Togakushi Geology and Fossil Museum, and others) and
Masatsune Hatakeyama(Seiko gakuin)
[ Oct.22 (Sun.) Shizuoka city ]
Let’s go on a trip to learn about the history of the earth: Walking
through the shopping street to discover fossils (Shizuoka Gofukumachi
1st:10:30-11:30 2nd:15:00-16:00
[ Oct. 22 (Sun.) Hanging Around the Earth 2023 ]
Lecture 14:00-16:10
“Global Warming as Seen from Gravity Satellites” Dr. Kosuke Hioki,
Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University (Visiting
Professor, Shanghai Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
“Voices from the Stones of Asteroid Ryugu” Dr. Shogo Tachibana, Professor,
Institute of Space and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science,
The University of Tokyo
[ Nov. 3 (Fri.) ]
SDGs New World with Waseda University Students “Fresh Water!”
(Fujinokuni Museum of Global Environmental History, Shizuoka City)
1st:11:00-12:00 2nd:13:00-14:00
#7. Information from PEPS
(1). Call for Papers: SPEPS
The submission for a new SPEPS (Special call for excellent papers on
hot topics) series has been opened.
“Progress on science and instruments for Martian Moons eXploration
(MMX) mission”
(Submission deadline: 31 January 2024)
For more information, please check the SPEPS website at:
Also,the following SPEPS special issues are welcoming your paper
– “Past variability of Asian monsoon and its influence on surrounding
regions on various timescales” (Submission deadline: 31 December 2023)
– “Geophysical Properties and Transport Processes in the Deep Crust
and Mantle” (Submission deadline: 31 December 2023)
– “Water-carbon cycles and terrestrial changes in the Arctic and
subarctic regions” (Submission deadline: 29 February 2024)
(2). Latest Articles
The following articles were published.
@ Yasuyuki Nakamura et al.:
Incoming plate structure at the Japan Trench subduction zone revealed
in densely spaced reflection seismic profiles.
@ Georgia Papacharalampous et al.:
Features of the Earth’s seasonal hydroclimate: characterizations and
comparisons across the Köppen–Geiger climates and across continents.
@ Yoichi Usui et al.:
K-feldspar enrichment in the Pacific pelagic sediments before Miocene.
@ Akira Noda et al.:
Recent global nonhydrostatic modeling approach without using a cumulus
parameterization to understand the mechanisms underlying cloud changes
due to global warming.
@ Yumi Shimada et al.:
Marine inundation history during the last 3000 years at Lake Kogare-ike,
a coastal lake on the Pacific coast of central Japan.
@ Gou Fujie et al.:
The nature of the Pacific plate as subduction inputs to the northeastern
Japan arc and its implication for subduction zone processes.
@ Muhammad Qasim et al.:
Foreland basin unconformity, Western Himalaya, Pakistan: timing gap,
regional correlation and tectonic implications.
@ Satoshi Kusumoto et al.:
Sensitivity of slip distribution on tsunami trace heights and geological
evidences: a case study of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake.
@ Lisa Baddeley et al.:
Space and atmospheric physics on Svalbard: a case for continued
incoherent scatter radar measurements under the cusp and in the polar
cap boundary region.
@ Takuya Inoue et al.:
Assessing the impact of climate change on sediment discharge using a
large ensemble rainfall dataset in Pekerebetsu River basin, Hokkaido.
@ Steven Ly et al.:
Integrated impact assessment of climate change and hydropower operation
on streamflow and inundation in the lower Mekong Basin.
#8. From Science Council of Japan
JpGU acts as liaison with the Science Council of Japan.
Below is the archive of the distributed newsletters from the Science
Council of Japan.
(Available in Japanese)
#9. What’s New
(1) Event Information
*Events may be canceled or postponed due to COVID-19.
Please check the event website for the latest information.
International Symposium on the Centennial of 1923 Kanto Earthquake
Date: 23 – 24 Oct 2023
Format: Hybrid (Online & Tokyo, Japan)
The 7th Neutron and Muon School
Date: 18-22 Dec 2023
Format: Hybrid (Online & Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan)
(2) Career Opportunity
Hokkaido University Faculty of Environmental Earth Science
announcement of a professor position
[Application deadline: 15 NOV 2023]
Japan Geoscience Union (http://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
Contact: https://www.jpgu.org/en/inquiry/
*If you wish to unsubscribe from JpGU Mailnews, please click the
following URL. Please note that this is not to stop all emails/
information from JpGU.