***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews October Issue
No.372 Oct. 11, 2022***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Call for Session Proposals for JpGU 2023 [closes on 02 Nov]
| 2. 2023 JpGU Fellowship Program
| 3. Fifth Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geo- and Planetary Science
| 4. From Committees
| -> Educational Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on International
| Correspondence in Education
| 5. Information from PEPS
| -> An announcement of PEPS new General-Chief-Editor and Section-Chief-Editor
| -> Featured Articles
| -> Latest Articles
| 6. What’s New
| -> Event Information
| -> Applications
| -> Career Opportunity
#1. Call for Session Proposals for JpGU 2023 [closes on 02 Nov]
The call for session proposals for JpGU 2023 is now open.
JpGU Meeting 2023 will follow the format of the 2022 Meeting and
continue the hybrid format, mixing on-site (at Makuhari Messe in Chiba
City) and online.
[JpGU Meeting 2023 (Tentative Plan)]
Date: Sun, 21 – Fri, 26 May 2023 *for 6 days
Meeting format: Hybrid (on-site + online)
On-site venue: Makuhari Messe Chiba, Japan
Learn more about the meeting format at
We invite appealing session proposals to make an exciting and
satisfying meeting.
Submission period: Mon, 03 Oct – Wed, 02 Nov at 17:00 (JST)
Proposals should be submitted from the following site.
Please refer to the Convener Guidelines before proposing a session.
Please contact us using the following form if you have any inquiries
on session proposals.
[JpGU Meeting 2023 Key dates (tentative plan)]
Session proposal Mon, 03 October – Wed, 02 November 17:00
Session list Release Fri, 09 December
Session schedule-at-a-glance release Mon, 19 December
Abstract submission Wed, 11 January – Thu, 16 February 2023
*Early-bird submission deadline Thu, 02 February
We look forward to receiving many proposals.
#2. 2023 JpGU Fellowship Program
Fellowship Program confers fellowship honors upon individuals who
have made contributions to the field of geoscience research in Japan
by making significant discoveries breakthroughs or paradigm shift,
or contributing to the development of Japanese geoscience and the
dissemination of geoscientific knowledge.
Please see the details shown below and send the documents necessary
for the nomination by the deadline.
Nomination deadline: Noon on Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Detail: https://www.jpgu.org/en/2023fellow/
Reference: JpGU Fellowship Recipients List
#3. Fifth Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geo- and Planetary Science
Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) is now accepting recommendations for
candidates for the 5th Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geo- and Planetary
JpGU has created the “Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geo- and Planetary
Science” in 2014 to honor internationally recognized mid-career
researchers under the age of 45.
Application deadline:Noon on Thursday, 15 December 2022
Reference: The Nishida Prize Recipients List
#4. From Committees
(1) Educational Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on International
Correspondence in Education
Announcement of Earth Science Week Japan(ESWJ)
Earth Science Week is annually held in the United States and other
parts of the world to promote public understanding and awareness
of earth science. Earth Science Week Japan (ESWJ), the Japanese
version of this event, will be held for the fifth time this year.
This year, ESWJ will be held for the fifth time. This year, ESWJ will
be held at the Fujinokuni Museum of Global Environmental History
and Shizuoka Science Museum Ru-Ku-Ru, as well as online.
The program will be held from October 10 (Mon., holiday) to
November 3 (Thu.), 2022.
The contents of the event will include a geological tour in Minobu,
Yamanashi Prefecture, fossil replica making, 3D map making, research
presentations by high school students, and others.
#5. Information from PEPS
(1) An announcement of PEPS new General-Chief-Editor and Section-Chief-Editor
Dr.Ryuji Tada (Chiba Institute of Technology) became new General-
Chief-Editor of PEPS, and Dr. Kazuhisa Goto (The University of Tokyo)
became new Section-Chief-Editor of Interdisciplinary research from
15th September. For the papers submitted by 15th September, former
General-Chief-Editor Dr.Ohtani and former Section-Chief-Editor Dr.Tada
(Interdisciplinary research) will continue to handle them.
(2) Featured Articles
We will introduce the featured articles selected by the editor-in-chief
from the papers published in the past every month.
@Yangting Lin:
Enstatite chondrites: condensation and metamorphism under extremely
reducing conditions and contributions to the Earth.
This is a review paper on enstatite chondrites which are a small clan
of meteorites, ~1% out of all meteorite collection. They are the most
reduced meteorites and have almost identical isotopic compositions to
those of the Earth, suggestive of significant contributions to the
Earth and other terrestrial planets. The highly reducing conditions
(as C/O ratios) might be established via repeating evaporation and
condensation of water ice and organic matter across the snow line
along the protoplanetary disk.
@Riho Fujioka, Ikuo Katayama et al.:
Depth profile of frictional properties in the inner Nankai accretionary
prism using cuttings from IODP Site C0002.
Using collected core sample obtained at Nankai Trough IODP Site
C0002 over 980.5-3262.5 mbsf (meters below seafloor) depth interval,
the authors conducted frictional experiments for the specimen with
50-m interval. They obtained depth profile on frictional properties
such as the friction coefficient (μ), the velocity dependence of
friction (a – b), and the critical slip distance (Dc).
(3) Latest Articles
The following articles were published.
@Kenta Sueki et al:
Precision and convergence speed of the ensemble Kalman filter-based
parameter estimation: setting parameter uncertainty for reliable and
efficient estimation.
@Badri Bhakta Shrestha et al:
Exploration of spatial and temporal variability of rainfall and their
impact on rice production in Burma in 1901-1939 during the colonial
@Maximilian Hallenberger et al.:
The pteropod species Heliconoides inflatus as an archive of late
Pleistocene to Holocene environmental conditions on the Northwest
Shelf of Australia.
@Miaki Ishii, Hiromi Ishii:
DigitSeis: software to extract time series from analogue seismograms.
(This paper is by the winner of JpGU’s 4th Nishida Prize.)
#6. What’s New
(1) Event Information
*Events may be canceled or postponed due to COVID-19.
Please check the event website for the latest information.
Western Pacific Drilling Meeting 2022 (WEPAD 2022 hybrid):
Paleoceanography in North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and marginal seas
Date: 12 – 14 Oct 2022
Format: Hybrid (Kochi University & Online)
Lecture and Talks Commemorating Tokyo Geographical Society Medal 2020
Date: 12 Nov 2022
The 6th Neutron and Muon School
Date: 12 – 16 Dec 2022
Format: Hybrid (Online & J-PARC MLF & JRR-3)
(2) Applications
Application for Joint Use/Research program of IPM 2022 (Second term)
[Application deadline: JAN/27/2023]
(3) Career Opportunity
Tenured Position at Research Institute for Geo-Resources and Environment,
Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
[Application deadline: 12 OCT 2022]
Recruitment of Senior Researcher or Researcher (Ⅱ) in Volcanoes and
Earth’s Interior Research Center (VERC), JAMSTEC
[Application deadline: 31 OCT 2022]
Recruitment Notice: Professor in Paleontology, Hokkaido University
[Application deadline: 31 OCT 2022]
Recruitment of Researcher (II) or Postdoctoral Researcher in Geomaterials
Science Research Group, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research
[Application deadline: 07 NOV 2022]
Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Recruitment
Information for Project Researcher (Fixed-Term Project Staff)
[Application deadline: 02 DEC 2022]
Associate Professor Position Announcement, Department of Earth Resources
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
[Application deadline: 02 DEC 2022]
Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher at Research Center for
Environmental Modeling and Application (CEMA), JAMSTEC
[Application deadline: 05 DEC 2022]
Recruitment of Research Assistant at Center for Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere
[Application deadline: 09 DEC 2022]
Japan Geoscience Union (http://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
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