***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews April Issue
No.365 Apr. 11, 2022***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Preface by Eiichi Tajika, President of JpGU
| (Available in Japanese)
| 2. 2022 Meeting Information [IMPORTANT]
| -> Please check the program
| -> Registration for Participation [Presenter’s deadline: Apr 12(TUE)]
| -> Guide for Presenters
| -> If you become unable to give a presentation
| -> Student Work Program (Part Time Job at the local venue)
| -> Rent of meeting rooms at the on-site venue
| -> Child Care Service
| -> Key Dates
| 3. Meeting Events
| 4. Call for Exhibitors at Meeting 2022
| 5. JpGU is pleased to announce the new JpGU Fellows and Awardees
of the Japan Geoscience Union “Miyake Prize.”
| 6. From Committees
| -> Educational Affairs Committee
| -> Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
| -> Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
| 7. Information from PEPS
| -> PEPS paper awarded by The Seismological Society of Japan
| -> Featured Articles
| -> Latest Articles
| 6. What’s New
| -> Event Information
| -> Career Opportunity
#1. Preface by Eiichi Tajika, President of JpGU
(Available in Japanese)
#2. 2022 Meeting Information [IMPORTANT]
(1) Please check the program
The Meeting Program is available from below.
All the presenters are requested to confirm your own presentation
schedule (date, time, and room) in the notification of acceptance and
the Meeting Program.
* Abstracts PDF will be released on May 13 Friday.
(2) Registration for Participation [Presenter’s deadline: Apr 12(TUE)]
Meeting registration is a separate procedure required to attend
the meeting. There is no distinction between online and on-site
registration. You can participate both online and on-site by making
a single meeting registration. The registration period for presenters
is shorter than other participants for setting up the presenter’s
function. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
– Presenters’ registration deadline: April 12 (TUE) 11:59PM JST
Even if you plan to present on-site, please make sure that you register
by April 12.
If you are not registered by the above date, the presenter functions
of Confit (e.g., uploading additional materials) will not be made
available. Please be aware of this.
– All Participants (not presenters) registration deadline: May 12
(THU) 11:59PM JST
Log in will be required to access the 2022 meeting portal site
(Confit) and to view the contents from May 13. If you have registered
by May 12, you will be able to log in to the portal site from May 13.
Log in will not be available before May 13.
Please be noted that those who register on and after May 13 will only
be able to log in at 9AM JST on the next day of your registration
(excluding weekends and holidays). Your meeting registration does
not immediately enable you to connect to the portal site for log in;
please kindly note this time gap.
* Submission fee and registration fee are different. Meeting
participation requires registration fee payment.
[To register]
Login to members’ site,
Click the “Meeting Registration” tab on the “JpGU Meeting” menu on
the left side.
[Registration fee]
Please refer to the following URL for registration fee.
* Please note that once the registration fee has been paid, it cannot be
[Public participation]
Attending only the Public (open to general public) sessions is free of
charge. Registration for Public Sessions should be made from a separate
system. Details will be announced later on our meeting website.
[Student participation]
Undergraduate students and below may attend all the sessions with no
fees (It is required, however, to register and upload your student ID.
The deadline for undergrads is May 12 (THU) 11:59PM JST
(3) Guide for Presenters
[Upload of presentation materials]
– Oral presentations:
The uploading of presentation materials is optional.
In addition to the slides used in your presentation, you can upload
additional presentation materials to the meeting participation site
(Confit) in the form of “on-demand video”, “additional materials”,
or both.
-Poster presentations:
At least one upload is required for a presentation to be formally accepted.
You can upload your presentation materials as “e-poster”, “on-demand
video”, or “additional materials” to the meeting participation site
(Confit), but we recommend that you upload either “e-poster” or
“on-demand video” (or both) as your presentation materials as much as
Please see the link below for details on prerequisite for approval as
a formal presentation.
*In addition to the registration, a separate application is required
by April 12 to use the on-demand video.
Please note that if you do not register by April 12, you may not be
able to meet the requirements for the presentation.
——How to upload each material——-
*Security setting to prohibit downloading and copying is available.
Link to upload e-posters will be sent on April 20 to the contributors
who have completed the meeting registration by April 12. There is
no deadline for uploading but we encourage that you upload your
e-poster at least three days before the meeting so that it can be
viewed by many people. You can re-upload your e-poster at any time.
Your e-poster will be made available for viewing to meeting
participants on May 13.
[On-demand video]
*Security setting to prohibit downloading and copying is available.
Those who wish to upload the on-demand video should apply using the
following form by April 12. We will send the link to upload the video
on April 20 to those who completed the registration and applied by
April 12. You can re-upload your video at any time.
If you have multiple presentations, please send a separate application
to each presentation. On-demand videos will become open to participants
from May 13.
[Application form to request the usage of on-demand video]
*We will accept requests after April 20, but it may take up to one week to
send you the upload link.
[Additional supporting materials]
Only those who completed the meeting registration by April 12 can
use this function.
You can freely upload your files after May 13 by logging in to Confit.
There is no deadline to use this function.
Please see the following link for details.
(4) If you become unable to give a presentation
If the presenter becomes unable to give a presentation due to
unavoidable circumstances after the abstract is submitted, the original
presenter may designate one of the co-authors to substitute your
presentation if all of the following conditions on the link below
are met.
If the presenter becomes unable to give a presentation due to
unavoidable circumstances, the original presenter should contact
the session convener directly to inform of the situation and request a
presentation cancelation.
We are currently preparing a mailing list to contact conveners,
which will be announced separately to presenters and conveners
around mid-April. Please note that the secretariat will not be able
to respond to any direct contact by e-mail, etc.
(5) Student Work Program (Part Time Job at the local venue)
JpGU will start calling for part time student workers during the
meeting in the local venue, Makuhari Messe, Chiba.
Application is planned to be open in April.
(6) Rent of meeting rooms at the on-site venue
Meeting rooms will be available for rent at the local venue.
The application method and start date will be announced as soon
as they are determined.
(7) Child care service
We thank you all who have cooperated in filling out the survey
regarding childcare during the meeting.
We are discussing about the childcare service at the meeting
based on the feedback we have received.
Details will be announced as soon as they are finalized.
(8) Key Dates
Apr 12 (TUE) ——> PRESENTERS deadline for registration
Apr 20 (WED) ——> e-poster/ on-demand video uploading starts
May 13 (FRI)——–> Abstract PDF release
——–> Log in is required to access Confit
#3. Meeting Events
The information on the events during the Meeting for participants will
be updated in the following link as revised.
[Lunchtime Special Lectures]
World renowned scientists will present a series of Special Lectures in
Earth and planetary sciences for students and early-career researchers
across disciplines during lunch breaks of the Meeting.
Dates: May 23 (MON) – 27 (FRI), 2022
Participation: All attendees are welcome.
– On-site participation: On-site venue will be available. Please
come directly to the venue.
-Online participation: Please access the “Lunchtime Special
Lectures” on the time table (to be released on May 13) on the Meeting
participation site(Confit) and join the Zoom event.
Lecturers: The 3rd Nishida Award winners will give talks, two per day.
[Awards Ceremony]
Date: May 22(SUN) PM3
Participation: All attendees are welcome.
– On-site participation: On-site venue will be available. Please
come directly to the venue.
-Online participation: Please access the “Awards ceremony” on the
time table (to be released on May 13) on the Meeting
participation site(Confit) and join the Zoom event.
[Introduction to Geological Outcrops at JpGU 2022]
This event is co-hosted with the Geological Society of Japan. The
event will be held online.
The outcrop photos are to be brought in to discuss their scientific
meanings by Zoom.
Participants are encouraged to enjoy asking questions and making
comments. Students and researchers of geology, as well as those
who do not know much about geology, are welcome to introduce photos
and ask questions.
Details on how to participate are available on the Geological Society
of Japan website. (Japanese site)
[JpGU Super Lessons]
We are planning to greatly expand the Super Lessons, which were well
received at the 2021 meeting.
We will inform you of the lecturers, contents, and participation
method as soon as they are determined.
#4. Call for Exhibitors at Meeting 2022
This year, 2022, Exhibition will be held as a hybrid of on-site and
online the same as the Meeting.
We sincerely look forward to receiving your application to exhibit.
There are still booth spaces available, especially for “Publisher’s Desk”
and “University Panel”.
#5. JpGU is pleased to announce the new JpGU Fellows and Awardees
of the Japan Geoscience Union “Miyake Prize.”
Award ceremonies are to be held in a hybrid format on May 22.
We invite you to join the ceremony.
*2022 JpGU Fellow (Alphabetical order / titles omitted)
Sachiko Amari, Tomoo Katsura, Kimitaka Kawamura, Hisashi Nakamura,
Atsumu Ohmura, Yuji Sano, Kaoru Sato
*2022 Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize” Awardee
(title omitted)
Akira Tsuchiyama
#6. From Committees
(1) Educational Affairs Committee
The Educational Affairs Committee has been conducting training
courses for teacher license renewal. The courses play an important
role in promoting the Earth and planetary sciences by introducing the
latest research to teachers in schools. However, the Diet is currently
deliberating to abolish this system in July of this year. Considering
the importance of this course, the Committee plans to open courses
of the same level as before for teachers whose licenses expire before
July 1, 2022, and to open them to those who wish to attend them as
training courses (issuance of a certificate of completion of training).
Therefore, members who wish to become lecturers for the teacher
license renewal course/training provided by the Union of Earth and
Planetary Science are requested to apply as soon as possible after
reading the following documents available on the Educational Affairs
Committee’s website.
If you apply by the end of April, we can start accepting applications
for the course from July 16.
We look forward to your active application.
URL: http://www2.jpgu.org/edu/training-for-teacher-certificate/”
(2) Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
This information is available at Japanese version.
(3) Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
The 14th Japan Earth Science Olympiad was held in Tsukuba City,
Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, on March 13-15.
64 students (6 girls) aged from junior high school students to
high school sophomores participated and special awards, gold,
silver, and bronze prizes were decided.
On the afternoon of August 15, among the ten gold medalists, four
Japanese representatives were selected as the contestants of the
14th International Science Olympiad online through a selection
Details: http://jeso.jp/
#7. Information from PEPS
(1) PEPS paper awarded by The Seismological Society of Japan
The following PEPS article won the Best Paper Award 2021 of the
Seismological Society of Japan.
@Effects of frictional properties of quartz and feldspar in the crust
on the depth extent of the seismogenic zone.
Koji Masuda, Takashi Arai & Miki Takahashi
(2) Featured Articles
We will introduce the featured articles selected by the editor-in-chief
from the papers published in the past every month.
@ Vincenzo Stagno et al.: Can quasicrystals survive in planetary
This paper investigated the compressional behavior of i-AlCuFe
quasicrystal using diamond anvil cell under quasi-hydrostatic
conditions by in situ X-ray diffraction measurements up to 76 GPa
at ambient temperature. This paper reported that this quasicrystal
shows no drastic changes associated to structural phase transformations
or amorphization. This indicates natural quasicrystals formed during
shock events in asteroidal collisions can be survived during the
history of the Solar System.
@ Hiroshi Matsuyama et al.: Application of Soil Water Index to
landslide prediction in snowy regions: sensitivity analysis in Japan
and preliminary results from Tomsk, Russia.
This paper proposes an extension of the Soil Water Index (SWI), an
index of landslide occurrence, to be applicable to landslides caused
by snow melt. It is demonstrated that the modified SWI has a
predictive capacity for cases in Japan and Russia. This study clearly
illustrates the significance of increasing the comprehensiveness of a
prediction system for landslides, which have been growing in number
in recent years in relation to heavy rainfall.
@ Wenfang CAO et al.: Geomorphometric characterization of natural
and anthropogenic land covers.
The geomorphometric parameters (slope, mean curvature, and surface
peak curvature) and their frequency distribution in the digital
terrain model (DTM) obtained from LiDAR showed that anthropogenic
land cover can be significantly detected. These features, found in
four different regions (floodplain, plain to hilly, hill and mountain),
are informative for a comprehensive understanding of the coupling
of human-land interaction from a geomorphological point of view.
(3) Latest Articles
The following articles were published. You can download and read
interesting articles from the PEPS web site at:
@ Syuichi Itahashi et al.: Surface and aloft NO2 pollution over the
greater Tokyo area observed by ground-based and MAX-DOAS measurements
bridged by kilometer-scale regional air quality modeling.
@ Mel Anthony Asis Casulla et al.: Imaging crustal features and Moho
depths through enhancements and inversion of gravity data from the
Philippine island arc system.
@Peng Tang et al.: Atmospheric resuspension of insoluble radioactive
cesium-bearing particles found in the difficult-to-return area in
@Katsuyoshi Michibayashi et al.: Peridotites with back-arc basin
affinity exposed at the southwestern tip of the Mariana forearc.
@ Erick R. Velasco-Reyes et al.: Paleotsunami history of Hachinohe,
northern Japan: a multiproxy analysis and numerical modeling approach.
#8. What’s New
(1) Event Information
*Events may be canceled or postponed due to COVID-19.
Please check the event website for the latest information.
International School of Crystallography
Crystallography under extreme conditions – the future is bright and
very compressed
Date: Jun 3 – 11, 2022
GeoSciEd IX 2022
Date: Aug 21 – 25, 2022
(2) Career Opportunity
RIKEN R-CCS: Seeking a few Senior Scientists, Research Scientists
or Postdoctoral Researchers
[Application deadline: APR/30/2022]
Tenured Position of Geological Survey of Japan
[Application deadline: MAY/17/2022]
Magmatic Activity Research Group,
Research Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology,
Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
[Application deadline: MAY/17/2022]
Volcanic Activity Research Group,
Research Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology,
Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
[Application deadline: MAY/17/2022]
Assistant Professor
[Application deadline: MAY/31/2022]
The University of Tokyo, Faculty Position in Solid Earth Science
[Application deadline: JUN/15/2022]
Japan Geoscience Union (http://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
*If you wish to unsubscribe from JpGU Mailnews, please click the
following URL. Please note that this is not to stop all emails/
information from JpGU.