***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews February Issue
No.363 Feb. 10, 2022***
<< Contents >>
| 1. 2022 Meeting Information
| -> Only a Week Left for the Final Abstract Deadline [Feb 17 (Thu), 17:00]
| -> Fees and Meeting Registration
| -> Late-Breaking Session to be held!
| -> Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA): Entry and request
| for participating as Voluntary Judges
| -> Student Travel Support
| -> Call for High School Presentation Participants
| -> Key Dates
| 2. Exhibition at JpGU 2022
| 3. Appreciation for your Donations to Promote the Advancement of the
| Online Conference System
| 4. Request for the 2022 Annual Due Payment [Important]
| 5. The Latest Issue of JGL (Feb-2022) has been published
| 6. From Committees
| -> Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee (NPO)
| 7. Information from PEPS
| -> SPEPS thematic collection [Chiba-Section] completed
| -> Featured Articles
| -> Latest Articles
| 8. What’s New
| -> Event Information
| -> Applications
#1. 2022 Meeting Information
(1) Only a Week Left for the Final Abstract Deadline [Feb 17 (Thu), 17:00]
The abstract submission closes in a week on Thursday, February 17 at
The abstract submissions tend to concentrate in the last few days to
the deadline. Please complete your abstract submission well ahead of
the deadline avoiding network connection problems.
Final deadline: Feb 17 (Thu), 2022 at 5PM JST
[How to submit]
Log in with your JpGU credentials > open the “Abstract Submission”
tab on the left side menu > click “Abstract Submission” and proceed.
[Important Notes]
*Payments must be processed by the deadline as well. Abstracts not
paid by the final deadline on Feb 17 (5PM JST) are automatically
*If you experience technical difficulties with payments, please
contact us using the designated form before the submission deadline on
Feb 17 at 5PM JST.
Payment Support Form:
*All attendees including invited authors should submit their abstracts
and complete the payment of the abstract fee by the deadline on Feb 17.
*Provisional list of authors invited by the conveners is available at
[Abstract Submission Details]
[Meeting Website]
We look forward to receiving your abstract submission.
(2) Fees and Meeting Registration
[About Fees]
Please see the following link to check the fees associated with meeting
participation and presentation.
*As the meeting is a hybrid event, the registration fee will be the
same for both onsite and online registration. (There is no one-day
*In addition to the abstract fee, your registration fee payment is
required separately to attend the JpGU 2022.
[About Registration]
-Registration is to be open in late March.
-The early registration deadline will be set for presenters to upload
their presentation materials such as e-posters to the Meeting portal
More information on registration is available at
(3) Late-Breaking Session to be held!
On January 15, a submarine volcano in the Tonga Islands erupted, and
various atmospheric and oceanic disturbances were observed globally.
Since this phenomenon is relevant to a wide range of Earth and
planetary sciences, the Program Committee decided to hold a Late-
Breaking session to provide an opportunity for information sharing
and discussion at the JpGU 2022.
Session Title: “Submarine volcanic eruption in Tonga accompanied by
a meteo-tsunami (tentative)”
Abstract submissions for this session will be accepted in late March.
Please note that the submission period is different from the current
submission period.
(4) Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA): Entry and request
for participating as Voluntary Judges
The entry for the Outstanding Student Presentation Award is now
Application period: Feb 7 (MON), 2PM – 28 (MON)
How to apply: Entries are accepted at the JpGU Members Site
– The applicant must be a student AT THE TIME OF PRESENTATION.
– The applicant must be the contributor (the first author and the
presenter) of the abstract.
[Request for Volunteer Judges]
Each year we have a high number of entries for Outstanding Student
Presentation Award (OSPA), therefore your cooperation as judges
is a very important part of it.
If you would contribute to the judging, please checkmark “Yes” to the
“Judges for the Outstanding Student Presentation Award” question when
you submit your abstract. This can be done until February 17 at 5PM JST.
If you do so, you will be automatically registered in the student
award judge system (to be open later.)
(5) Student Travel Support
We will provide travel support for the students who will participate
in JpGU 2022.
We plan to start accepting applications on Monday, February 14.
Details will be posted on the meeting website.
(6) Call for High School Presentation Participants
We have started accepting applications for participation today
(February 10).
Details are available at
(Available in Japanese)
Application closes on April 7.
(7) Key Dates
Final abstract Submission deadline -> Feb 17 (THU) at 5PM JST
Acceptance notification ——> Mar 22 (TUE)
Final program release——–> Mar 24 (THU)
Abstract PDF release ————> May 13 (FRI)
#2. Exhibition at JpGU 2022
The exhibition will be held as a hybrid of on-site and online.
The application period is scheduled to start in March.
We are planning to hold an online briefing session in late February.
<2022 Exhibition: Exhibitors' Guide>
#3. Appreciation for your Donations to Promote the Advancement of the
Online Conference System
Michio Kawamiya, Finance Committee Chair
JpGU has been seeking donations since February last year to help fund
developments of the online hosting system. Contributions through the
dedicated website were closed as of January 31, 2022. Reflecting
people’s recognition for the need to redefine the ways to organize
scientific conferences in the post-corona era, we received support
from many members. The total amount of donations amounted to
2,951,001 yen (as of Feb. 8, 2022). After discussing the specific use
of the grants with the Information System Committee, the Meeting
Organizing Committee, and other related parties, we will use them to
promote the advancement of the online conference system. We would
like to express our gratitude to all JpGU members for their sustained
collaboration for the JpGU activities.
Donations through the website are no longer accepted, but those by
bank transfer will continue to be taken. For more information, please
contact the JpGU office (office@jpgu.org)
We appreciate your continued support for JpGU.
#4. Request for the 2022 Annual Due Payment [Important]
We kindly request JpGU members to pay the 2022 annual due.
The 2022 membership year (fiscal year) is from April 1, 2022 to
March 31, 2023.
Your membership will automatically be extended to another membership
year unless you cancel the account before the end of March.
[Important Notes]
-The annual due should be paid in order to submit an abstract and
register for the meeting.
-Meeting Participation ID holders are not charged the annual dues,
however, no discount is applicable for the meeting related fees.
-JpGU members who do not wish to continue the membership for 2022
must cancel their accounts by March 31. If canceled after this date,
the annual due for the next fiscal year 2022 will be charged.
[To Log in and Pay]
*Membership Subscription
#5. The Latest Issue of JGL (Feb 2022) has been published
The latest issue (Vol.18, No.1) of the Newsletter of the Japan
Geoscience Union (JGL) has been published. The electronic version
can be viewed at the following URL.
The printing and mailing of JGL has been suspended due to the
austerity measures taken in response to the spread of the COVID-19.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.
#6. From Committees
(1) Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee (NPO)
[The 14th Japan Earth Science Olympiad second round result]
Among the 221 students selected in the preliminary round of the
14th Japan Earth Science Olympiad (in December), 194 students (28
girls) took the second round exam (mark-sheet format) at 20 venues
around Japan on January 23.
The 65 top rated students (7 girls) will compete in the final round from
March 13 – 15 in Tsukuba, Ibaraki.
[GeoSciEd IX 2022]
GeoSciEd IX 2022 will be held at Kunibiki Messe, Matsue in Shimane
Prefecture during August 21 to 25, 2022 by International Geoscience
Education Organisation (IGEO), Japan Society of Earth Science
Education, and Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee.
Please see at https://ja.geoscied9.org/ for more information.
#7. Information from PEPS
(1) SPEPS thematic collection [Chiba-Section] completed
The SPEPS collection “Stratigraphy and paleoclimatic/paleoenviromental
evolution across the Early-Middle Pleistocene transition in the Chiba
composite section, Japan, and other reference sections in East Asia”
has published 11 excellent articles and just completed it by
publishing a Preface that summarizes these published articles. We
appreciate all of the time and effort that the authors, co-authors
and reviewers spent working on this collection.
The articles of this SPEPS are available at the SpringerOpen website:
(2) Featured Articles
We will introduce the featured articles selected by the editor-in-chief
from the papers published in the past every month.
@Shigeki Hosoda et al.: Rapid water parcel transport across the
Kuroshio Extension in the lower thermocline from dissolved oxygen
measurements by Seaglider.
Observational data for dissolved oxygen obtained by Seaglider
suggests the existence of a process where a water parcel swiftly
passes across the Kuroshio Extension to subduct from the thermocline,
which is supported by a high-resolution ocean model.
@Hatono, M., Yoshimura, K.: Development of a global sediment dynamics
A global-scale sediment dynamics model considering suspended materials
and bedload was developed to effectively reproduce the seasonality
and spatial distribution of suspended sediment flow. The model is
expected to be applied to coastal modeling and natural disasters.
@Timothy Jones et al.: Subducted oceanic crust as the origin of
seismically slow lower-mantle structures.
In this paper, the authors examined the hypothesis that two large
low-shear-velocity provinces (LLSVPs) at the base of the mantle
revealed by mantle tomography were piles of oceanic crust that have
steadily accumulated and warmed over billions of years.
(3) Latest Articles
The following articles were published. You can download and read
interesting articles from the PEPS web site at:
@Samuel A. Shidler et al: An electrodynamics model for Data
Interpretation and Numerical Analysis of ionospheric Missions and
Observations (DINAMO).
@Rasha Alshehhi et al: Detection of Martian dust storms using mask
regional convolutional neural networks.
@Atsuko Sugimoto et al: Effects of snow manipulation on larch trees
in the taiga forest ecosystem in northeastern Siberia.
@Takuya Itaki et al: Millennial-scale oscillations in the Kuroshio-
Oyashio boundary during MIS 19 based on the radiolarian record from
the Chiba composite section, central Japan.
@Hiroyuki Tsutsumi et al: Right-lateral offset associated with the
most recent earthquake on the Ikeda fault of the Median Tectonic
Line, southwest Japan, revealed by ground-penetrating radar profiling.
@Yusuke Suganuma et al: Preface for the article collection “Stratigraphy
and paleoclimatic/paleoenvironmental evolution across the Early-Middle
Pleistocene transition in the Chiba composite section, Japan, and
other reference sections in East Asia”.
@Masahiro Momoi et al: Rapid, accurate computation of narrow-band
sky radiance in the 940 nm gas absorption region using the correlated
k-distribution method for sun-photometer observations.
@Hidehiko Suzuki et al: Capability of airline jets as an observation
platform for noctilucent clouds at middle latitudes.
#8. What’s New
(1) Events
*Events may be canceled or postponed due to COVID-19.
Please check the event website for the latest information.
PERC International Symposium on Dust & Parent Bodies (IDP2022)
Date: Feb 21 – 23, 2022
International School of Crystallography
Crystallography under extreme conditions – the future is bright and
very compressed
Date: Jun 3 – 11, 2022
GeoSciEd IX 2022
Date: Aug 21 – 25, 2022
(2) Applications
Survey Concerning Sexual Violence and Harassment in Fieldwork Situations
[Deadline: FEB/28/2022]
Application for Joint Use/Research Program of IPM 2021 (Second Term)
[Deadline: MAR/31/2022]
Japan Geoscience Union (http://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
*If you wish to unsubscribe from JpGU Mailnews, please click the
following URL. Please note that this is not to stop all emails/
information from JpGU.