***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews October Issue
No.359 Oct. 11, 2021***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Preface by Eiichi Tajika, President of JpGU
| (Available in Japanese)
| 2. Place your vote in election of JpGU Representatives
| -> Voting for Representative Election started
| -> Section President Election
| 3. Call for Session Proposals for JpGU 2022 [closes on Nov 2]
| 4. 2022 JpGU Fellowship Program
| 5. 2022 Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize
| 6. From Committees
| -> Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
| -> Educational Affairs Committee
| -> Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
| 7. Information from PEPS
| -> Call for Papers: SPEPS
| -> Latest published Articles
| 8. What’s new
| -> Applications
| -> Career Opportunity
#1. Preface by Eiichi Tajika, President of JpGU
(Available in Japanese)
#2. Place your to vote in election of JpGU Representativess
(1) Voting for Representative Election started
Representatives elected by JpGU members can be candidates of section
presidents and candidates of the election for directors of JpGU Board,
and are entitled to vote on them.
Anyone who is a fully paid up JpGU member as of 5pm Japan time on
27th July 2021 is eligible to vote. Voters can cast votes for one or
more candidates in their electoral zone, the maximum number of votes
per voter being up to the half of the fixed membership of representatives
to be chosen from each of their electoral zones. We ask you to
actively vote in this election, in order to run JpGU based on the
will of the members.
[How to vote]
Logging-in to the JpGU Members Site
( https://www.jpgu-member.org/jpgu/en/ ).
[List of Candidates for Representatives]
[Coming schedule]
Voting starts: 9am on Monday October 4th, 2021
Voting ends: 5pm on Thursday November 4th, 2021
Announcement of results: Wednesday November 10th, 2021
*All dates and times are in Japan Standard Time (UTC+09:00).
Election Administration Committee members
(2) Section President Election
The Section President Election will be held following the Representatives
Election, which is currently accepting votes.
Anyone who was a fully paid up JpGU member as of 5pm Japan time on
7th October 2021 is allowed to vote once in the election for the
presidency of their registered main science section.
Anyone who was elected as the next representative in this Representative
Election is eligible to stand as a candidate in the Section President
Election Administration Committee
#3. Call for Session Proposals for JpGU 2022 [closes on Nov 2]
JpGU 2022 will be held in a hybrid format with both on-site (Makuhari
Messe, Chiba, Japan) and online sessions. The dates of the meeting
will be expanded from the previously announced period as follows.
[Hybrid phase] 5/22 (SUN) – 5/27 (FRI)
[Online poster session phase] 5/29 (SUN) – 6/2 (THU)
Learn more about the meeting format at
We invite appealing session proposals to make an exciting and
satisfying meeting.
Call for sessions for JpGU 2022 is now open.
Submission period: Oct 1 – Nov 2 at 5PM JST
Proposals should be submitted from the following site.
Please refer to the Convener Guidelines before proposing a session.
Please contact us using the following form if you have any inquiries
on session proposals.
[JpGU Meeting 2022 Key dates (tentative plan)]
Session proposal October 1 (FRI) 2PM – November 2 (TUE) 5PM
Session list Release December 10 (FRI)
Session schedule-at-a-glance release December 14 (TUE)
Abstract submission January 12 (WED) – February 17 (THU), 2022
JpGU Meeting 2022
Hybrid phase: May 22 (SUN) – 27 (FRI), 2022
Online poster session phase: May 29 (SUN) – June 2 (THU), 2022
We look forward to receiving many proposals.
#4. 2022 JpGU Fellowship Program
Fellowship Program confers fellowship honors upon individuals who
have made outstanding contributions to the field of geoscience
Please see the details shown below and send the documents necessary
for the nomination by the deadline.
Nomination deadline: December 31st Friday, 2021
Detail: https://www.jpgu.org/en/2022fellow/
Reference: JpGU Fellowship Recipients List
#5. 2022 Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize”
JpGU is now accepting nominations of candidates for the
recipient of Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize”.
JpGU has established the Miyake Prize to honor researchers who
have proven an exceptional level of research in the broad field of
Materials Sciences related to Geoscience using a new approach,
attaining international recognition.
The prize is named after Prof. Yasuo Miyake who provided a proposal
and a donation for support.
Deadline for application: January 14th Friday, 2022
Detail: https://www.jpgu.org/en/2022miyake-prize/
Reference: Introduction of Recipients
#6. From Committees
(1) Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
Announcement of the release of the video of the keynote speech at
the Science Council of Japan Open Symposium (held on August 18)
“Public Symposium – Gendered Innovations – R&D in which each
individual plays a leading role will open up a new future
Keynote Speech: “Gendered Innovations in Natural Sciences and
Engineering”(with Japanese subtitles) by Professor Londa Schiebinger
The video of this keynote speech is now available at
Dr. Schiebinger is a proponent of gendered innovations, and her talk
is very easy to understand. Please take a look at it as one of the
perspectives necessary for future research and development.
(2) Educational Affairs Committee
Announcement of Earth Science Week Japan(ESWJ)
Earth Science Week (ESW) is an annual event held in the U.S. and
other parts of the world to promote understanding and dissemination
of Earth science among the general public.
Earth Science Week Japan (ESWJ), the Japanese version of this event,
will be held for the fourth time this year.
This year, the event will be held in Shiogama City, Miyagi Prefecture,
and 3M Sendai Science Museum, as well as online from October 16 (Sat)
to 31 (Sun), 2021.
@ESWJapan | Twitter
(3) Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
[ “Wandering the Earth” Event]
The Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee holds a series of Earth
Science Lectures for junior and senior high school students and the
general public every autumn.
Date: Oct 23 (SAT) 2PM-4:10PM
Format: Online (Zoom)
Fee: Free of charge
Prof Emeritus Harutaka Sakai (Kyoto University)
Dr Asahiko Taira (Tokai University)
Registration deadline: Oct 20
Details are available in Japanese.
[GeoSciEd IX 2022]
GeoSciEd IX 2022 will be held at Kunibiki Messe, Matsue in Shimane
Prefecture during August 21 to 25, 2022 by International Geoscience
Education Organisation (IGEO), Japan Society of Earth Science
Education, and Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee.
Please see at https://ja.geoscied9.org/ for more information.
#7. Information from PEPS
(1) Call for Papers: SPEPS
The reception of articles for a new SPEPS (Special call for excellent
papers on hot topics) series has been started.
“10 years after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: A milestone of solid
earth science”
(Submission deadline: 30 April, 2022)
For more information, please see the SPEPS page at:
(2) Latest published Articles
The following articles were published. You can download and read
interesting articles from the PEPS web site at:
@ Yangting Lin et al.: NanoSIMS and EPMA dating of lunar zirconolite
@ Hazuki Arakida et al.: Regional-scale data assimilation with the
Spatially Explicit Individual-based Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
(SEIB-DGVM) over Siberia.
@ Viúdez-Moreiras: A three-dimensional atmospheric dispersion model
for Mars.
@ Akiyuki Iwamori et al.: Quantitative determination of the lowest
density domain in major fault zones via medical X-ray computed
@ Makoto Kimura et al.: An Almahata Sitta EL3 fragment: implications
for the complex thermal history of enstatite chondrites.
@ Jie Zhang et al.: Earth-affecting solar transients: a review of
progresses in solar cycle 24.
#8. What’s New
(1) Applications
[SACLA] Call for 2022A Proposals and Feasibility Study Programs
[Deadline: OCT/29/2021]
Marie Sklodowska Curie Award
[Deadline: DEC/13/2021]
Application for Joint Use/Research Program of IPM 2021 (Second Term)
[Deadline: MAR/31/2022]
(2) Career Opportunity
Ocean Data Synthesis Research Group, Global Ocean Observation
Research Center (GOORC), Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC)
Recruitment of Project Researcher (Ⅱ)
[Deadline: OCT/26/2022]
Job Opening – Assistant Professor in Division of Sustainable
Resources Engineering
[Deadline: OCT/29/2021]
Research and Development Group for Seafloor Observatory, Research
and Development Center for Earthquake and Tsunami Forecasting (FEAT),
Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG) Recruitment of
Postdoctoral Researcher
[Deadline: NOV/4/2022]
Research and Development Group for Seafloor Observatory, Research and
Development Center for Earthquake and Tsunami Forecasting (FEAT),
Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics (IMG) Recruitment of
Researcher (Ⅱ)
[Deadline: NOV/29/2022]
Position Open: Assistant Professor, The Hokkaido University Museum,
Hokkaido University
[Deadline: DEC/1/2022]
Postdoctoral Researcher at Geological Survey of Japan, AIST
[Deadline: DEC/13/2022]
Postdoctoral Researcher at Geological Survey of Japan, IST
[Deadline: DEC/13/2022]
Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo: Recruitment
Information for Project Researcher (STAR-E Project)
[Deadline: DEC/24/2021]
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6914-2080
Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org
*If you wish to unsubscribe from JpGU Mailnews, please click the
following URL. Please note that this is not to stop all emails/
information from JpGU.