***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews February Issue
No.351 Feb 10, 2021***
<< Contents >>
| 1. 2021 Meeting Information [Important]
| -> Only a Week Left for the Final Abstract Deadline [Feb 18 (Thu), 17:00]
| -> Meeting Registration and Fees
| -> Exhibits for 2021 Meeting
| -> Letters and Support Documents for VISA Application
| -> Important Dates
| 2. Request for the 2021 Annual Due Payment [Important]
| 3. From Committees
| -> Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
| -> Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
| 4. Information from PEPS
| -> Latest Articles
| 5. What’s new
| -> Applications
| -> Career Opportunity
#1. 2021 Meeting Information [Important]
(1) Only a Week Left for the Final Abstract Deadline [Feb 18 (Thu), 17:00]
The abstract submission closes in a week on February 18 at
The abstract submissions tend to concentrate in the last few days.
Please complete your abstract submission well ahead of the deadline
avoiding network connection problems.
We do not accept late submissions for any reason.
Final deadline: Feb 18 (Thu) at 5PM JST
(Payment must be processed by the deadline as well)
[Log in to JpGU Members site and submit NOW]
Log in with your JpGU credentials > open the “Abstract Submission”
tab on the left side menu > click “Abstract Submission” and proceed.
[Important Notes]
*Abstracts fees not paid by the final deadline on Feb 18 (5PM JST) are
automatically canceled.
*All attendees including invited authors should submit their abstracts
and complete the payment of the abstract fee by the deadline on Feb 18.
*JpGU abstract submission system scheduled maintenance notification:
We will be experiencing server downtime due to scheduled maintenance
on February 16 (Tue), 9PM-12AM.
During this time, the abstract submission system is inoperable.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
* Provisional invited authors list is available at
https://www.jpgu-member.org/proposal/session/invited/author/en/ .
[Abstract Submission Details]
[JpGU Members Site]
[Meeting Website]
We look forward to receiving your abstract(s) submission.
(2) Meeting Registration and Fees
[Fee Table]
Please see the following URL to check the fees associated with meeting
participation and presentation.
In order to discourage unauthorized accesses, we have decided to raise
the abstract submission fee but lower the registration fee for online
participation compared to the 2020 meeting. The total amount of the
early submission fee and the online registration fee levels with that
of the 2020 virtual meeting.
Please see the link below to read the full announcement from the
Meeting Organizing Committee Chair (Jan 13).
*In addition to the abstract fee, please register together with the
registration fee payment to attend the JpGU 2021.
[Meeting Registration]
As the 2021 meeting is held in a Hybrid format, we need some
rebuilding of the registration system and are currently working on it.
Please note that, unlike previous years, the start of registration
and the start of submissions are different; registration is not yet open.
The two types of registrations are to be offered: registration for
online participation and for on-site participation.
-Registration for online participation
All participants are requested to register for online participation.
There are no qualification such as “full conference pass” or “one-day
pass” for online registration. You can enjoy all virtual contents
throughout the meeting by registering for online participation.
-Registration for on-site participation
To participate on-site in addition, please register for on-site
participation. The available ticket type for on-site participation is
one-day ticket for a specific date. To attend for two or three days,
you will need to purchase a ticket for each day.
We will set a priority period for on-site presenters to register.
(3) Exhibits for 2021 Meeting
Exhibits will be held online.
We will start accepting applications in mid-February.
Please refer to the following page for details.
We look forward to your entries for your virtual exhibit space.
(4) Letters and Support Documents for VISA Application
Considering the COVID-19 spread and unstable situation with traveling,
we will not be providing supports of VISA application and Invitation
Letters this year.
We will start issuing Acceptance Letters at the end of March.
Please check up on the 2021 meeting website for details.
(5) Important Dates
Final abstract Submission deadline -> Feb 18 (THU) at 5PM JST
Acceptance notification ——> Mar 22 (MON)
Final program release——–> Mar 24 (WED)
Abstract PDF release ————> May 21 (FRI)
#2. Request for the 2021 Annual Membership Due Payment [Important]
We kindly request JpGU members to pay the 2021 annual due.
The 2021 membership year (fiscal year) is from April 1, 2021 to
March 31, 2022.
Your membership will automatically be extended to another membership
year unless you cancel the account.
[Important Notes]
-The annual due should be paid in order to submit an abstract and
register for the meeting.
-Meeting Participation ID holders are not charged the annual dues,
however no discount is applicable for the meeting related fees.
-JpGU members who do not wish to continue the membership for 2021
must cancel their accounts by March 31. If cancelled after this date,
the annual due for the next fiscal year 2021 will be charged.
[To Log in and Pay]
*Membership Subscription
#3. From Committees
(1) Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
Childcare support during the JpGU 2021 Meeting
Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool is preparing for
childcare support for the 2021 Meeting. Details will be announced later
on the website or mailnews. If you have any concerns or consultations,
please contact the Committee for Diversity Management and Talent Pool
or the secretariat.
(2) Japan Earth Science Olympiad Committee
The second round of the 13th Japan Earth Science Olympiad candidate
selection was held in an online format on Sunday, 24 January from 6 to
The 207 top rated students in the first round, between the 7th to
11th graders, participated and the top 40 among them will compete the
final round on March 15.
#4. Information from PEPS
(1) Latest Articles
The following articles were published. You can download and read
interesting articles from the PEPS web site at:
@ Yu Morishita: Nationwide urban ground deformation monitoring in
Japan using Sentinel-1 LiCSAR products and LiCSBAS.
@ Shiro Nishikawa et al.: Development of high-resolution future ocean
regional projection datasets for coastal applications in Japan.
@ Yosihiko Ogata.: Visualizing heterogeneities of earthquake
hypocenter catalogs: modeling, analysis, and compensation.
@ Yuki Nakano et al.: Bubbles to Chondrites-II. Chemical fractionations
in chondrites.
@ Kentaro Izumi et al.: Multiproxy sedimentological and geochemical
analyses across the Lower–Middle Pleistocene boundary: chemostratigraphy
and paleoenvironment of the Chiba composite section, central Japan.
@ Yohei Yamada et al.: Evaluation of the contribution of tropical
cyclone seeds to changes in tropical cyclone frequency due to global
warming in high-resolution multi-model ensemble simulations.
@ Kesaven Bhubalan et al.: Marine microplastics as vectors of major
ocean pollutants and its hazards to the marine ecosystem and humans.
@ Yoshinari Abe et al.: Widespread distribution of radiocesium-bearing
microparticles over the greater Kanto Region resulting from the
Fukushima nuclear accident Accident.
@ Naoya Takahashi et al.: Evaluating variability in coseismic slips
of paleoearthquakes from an incomplete slip history: an example
from displaced terrace flights across the Kamishiro fault, central Japan.
@ Shigeki Hosoda et al.: Rapid water parcel transport across the
Kuroshio Extension in the lower thermocline from dissolved oxygen
measurements by Seaglider.
#5. What’s New
(1) Applications
Application for Joint Use/Research Program, IPM, Okayama U.
[Application deadline: MAR/31/2021]
(2) Career Opportunity
Super-cutting-edge Grand and Advanced Research (SUGAR) Program,
Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde
Research (X-star) Recruitment of Project Researcher (Ⅱ) EGS20-016
[Application deadline: FEB/12/2021]
An open position of professor at Research Institute for Applied
Mechanics (RIAM), Kyushu University
[Application deadline: MAR/31/2021]
Announcement of Faculty Position Exclusively for Female Faculty of
Geosciences and Civil Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering,
Kanazawa University
[Application deadline: APR/15/2021]
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6914-2080
Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org
*If you wish to unsubscribe from JpGU Mailnews, please click the
following URL. Please note that this is not to stop all emails/
information from JpGU.