***Japan Geoscience Union Mailnews December Issue
No.331 Dec 10 2019***
<< Contents >>
| 1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
| (Available in Japanese)
| 2. Notification of JpGU Members Website Scheduled Maintenance
| 3. The JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 Information
| -> JpGU-AGU 2020 Meeting Outline
| -> 2020 Scientific Program Now Available
| -> Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA)
| -> Travel Support for Students
| -> Business Meeting & Student Working Program (part time job)
| -> About JpGU Membership
| -> Call for Exhibitors
| 4. 2020 JpGU Fellowship Program
| 5. 2020 Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize”
| 6. From Committees
| -> Global Strategy Committee
| -> Publicity and Outreach Committee
| 7. Information from PEPS
| -> New SPEPS (Call for Papers)
| -> Latest Articles
| 8. What’s new
| -> Event Information
| -> Career Opportunity
#1. Preface by Hodaka Kawahata, President of JpGU
(Available in Japanese)
#2. Notification of JpGU Members Website Scheduled Maintenance
Due to a preparation for the meeting registration and abstract
submission, the JpGU members website will temporary be closed and
all services associated with it will be unavailable to operate from
December 26 through January 7, 2019, 1:59 p.m. JST
Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause.
#3. The JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 Information
(1) JpGU-AGU 2020 Meeting Outline
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020
Period: May 24 (SUN)-28 (THU), 2020 *For 5 days
Venue: Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, International
Exhibition Hall 8/ Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall
Host: Japan Geoscience Union, American Geophysical Union
URL: https://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e2020/
(2) 2020 Scientific Program Now Available
The session details for the 2020 meeting is now available online.
[Session List & Details]
[Session Schedule]
[Union Sessions]
Starting with the Great Debate, Union sessions are one of our pick-up
sessions at the 2020 meeting.
Open Colloquium, the open-style sessions held at Hyperwall and SHIRASE
session are our new trial sessions.
U-01 May 27 (WED)
[E] Great Debate: Geoscience and societal leadership in support of
planetary stewardship
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-02 May 26 (TUE)
[E] Assessment and Accountability of Scientific Knowledge Creation
*anyone is welcome to submit abstracts
U-03 May 28 (THU)
[E] Sustainable global groundwater management for human security
*anyone is welcome to submit abstracts
U-04 May 26 (TUE)
[E] International Efforts Supporting Global Navigation Satellite
System-Enhanced Tsunami Early Warning
U-05 May 24 (SUN)
[E] Advanced understanding of Quaternary and Anthropocene hydroclimate
changes in East Asia
U-06 May 25 (MON)
[E] Open Access, Open Data, and FAIR Data in Geosciences
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-07 May 25 (MON)
[E] Diversity and equality – Where do we stand on gender equality or
equity in the geosciences?
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-08 May 25 (MON)
[E] Special session for a borderless World of Geoscience (GEOethics)
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-09 May 25 (MON)
[E] Special session For a Borderless World of Geoscience (Challenges
for the future)
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-10 May 24 (SUN)
[E] Linking Education and Research Communities in Geosciences: Engaging
the Public and Local Communities
U-11 May 24 (SUN)
[E] Planetary Metabolism: The Science of Living Worlds
U-12 May 27 (WED)
[J] Future of Earth and Planetary Science (10): Big Data and Open
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-13 May 25 (MON)@Hyperwall, Exhibition Hall 8
[E] Open Colloquium-NASA/JAXA: Our advance and future load in Heliophysics
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-14 May 27 (WED)@Hyperwall, Exhibition Hall 8
[E] Open Colloquium-NASA/JAXA: Planetary science on Mars driving current
and future missions
U-15 May 26 (TUE)@Hyperwall, Exhibition Hall 8
[E] Open Colloquium-NASA/JAXA: Earth Science focusing on Climate Change
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-16 May 25 (MON)@Hyperwall, Exhibition Hall 8
[E] OC:Research Advances in Recent Disaster Studies Using Remote Sensing
and Computational Methodologies
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-17 May 25 (MON)@Hyperwall, Exhibition Hall 8
[E] Open Colloquium: What will we expect from Ryugu and Bennu samples?
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-18 May 25 (MON)@Hyperwall, Exhibition Hall 8
[E] Open Colloquium: Recent advances in atmospheric and hydrospheric
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
U-19 May 26 (TUE)@Hyperwall, Exhibition Hall 8
[E] A deep dive into planetary habitability as related to subsurface
architecture, energy, and water.
U-20 May 26 (TUE)@Hyperwall, Exhibition Hall 8
[E] “Open Colloquium” Exploring the Earth’s interior using cutting edge
science and technology
*abstracts for talks are accepted only from invited authors but
posters are accepted from all contributors
U-21 May 25 (MON) @SHIRASE
[E] Frontiers of Antarctic Environmental Research
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
[Public Sessions]
Public sessions are hosted for the benefit of the public attendees.
Attendees can attend public sessions free of charge.
O-01 May 24 (SUN)
[J] Educational Materials of Geoscience in Japan
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
O-02 May 24 (SUN)
[J] How to cope with wind disasters under rapidly changing climate
*abstracts for talks are accepted only from invited authors but
posters are accepted from all contributors
O-03 May 24 (SUN)
[J] Recent Advances in Earth and Planetary Science
*abstracts from invited authors are only accepted
O-04 May 24 (SUN)
[J] Poster presentations by senior high school students
* Only senior high school students are eligible to submit abstracts
O-05 May 24 (SUN)
[J] Understanding of formation process of Japanese archipelago from Japanese Geoparks
*abstracts for talks are accepted only from invited authors but
posters are accepted from all contributors
O-06 May 24 (SUN)
[J] Kitchen Earth Science: Let’s stimulate your brain by hands-on experiments!
*anyone is welcome to submit abstracts
(2) Call for Abstract Submissions (from January 7)
We are pleased to announce that the abstract submission and the
meeting registration will soon be opening on January 7, 2020.
[Important Dates]
Abstract submission starts: January 7
Early Abstract Submission Deadline: February 4, at 11:59 pm JST
Final Abstract Submission Deadline: February 18 at 5:00 pm JST
Meeting Registration: January 7 – May 28, 2020
Early Registration Deadline: May 8 at 11:59 pm JST
*Standard rate is charged for registration and payment completed
after this date.
[Abstract Submission Fee]
Early submission: 3,000JPY / 3,300JPY tax included
Normal submission: 4,000JPY / 4,400JPY tax included
[Registration Fee]
JpGU Member and members of our Partner Unions (AGU, EGU and AOGS)
receive a discount on the registration fee.
The rate varies depending on your status (regular/ K-12
school teacher/ graduate student/ undergraduate student/ Senior),
period of registration (early-bird or normal), and membership category
(JpGU members and Partner Union members/ 2020 Nonmembers) .
-2020 Nonmember is an ID only for the 2020 meeting participation.
-Undergraduate students can attend the meeting free of charge.
–NEW for 2020–
On October 1, 2019 Japan raised the consumption tax from 8 to 10
percent. Due to this, all rates have changed slightly.
(3) Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA)
Each year, JpGU awards students who deliver outstanding
presentations during the meeting. (OSPA)
[Entry Information]
Period: January 7 – February 18, 2020 at 5:00pm JST
Please log in to your JpGU account and enter from the designated page.
Details: requirements and other details will be open by the end of
[Call for OSPA Judges]
Volunteer judges are an integral part of the judging process of
OSPA. Please sign up to be a judge for 2020 OSPA!
Details are to be updated online soon.
(4) Travel Support for Students
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 offers financial support for students in
order to attend the meeting.
How to apply and details will be posted on the Meeting website
when abstract submission starts at January 7th.
(5) Business Meeting & Student Working Program (part time job)
We will start accepting the applications after the program schedule
is finalized, around the end of March.
(6) About JpGU Membership
The 2020 JpGU fiscal year starts on January 7, 2020.
Please note that any membership payments received before or on
January 6, will be applied towards 2019 membership year and annual due
for the 2020 year will also be charged.
(7) Call for Exhibitors
We are calling for exhibitors for JpGU-AGU 2020.
We will stop accepting applications once all the places are taken, and
right now, half of them have already been taken.
Reserve a Booth Now
Exhibitors Page
NEW Floor Plan
Current Booking Status
#4. 2020 JpGU Fellowship Program (Deadline approaching: Dec 31st)
Fellowship Program confers fellowship honors upon individuals who
have made contributions to the field of geoscience research in Japan
by making significant discoveries breakthroughs or paradigm shift,
or contributing to the development of Japanese geoscience and the
dissemination of geoscientific knowledge.
Please see the details shown below and send the documents necessary
for the nomination by the deadline.
Nomination deadline: December 31st Tuesday, 2019
Detail: https://www.jpgu.org/en/2020fellow/
Reference: JpGU Fellowship Recipients List
#5. 2020 Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize”
(Deadline approaching: Jan 15th)
JpGU is now accepting recommendations for candidates for the
recipient of Japan Geoscience Union Scientific Award “Miyake Prize”.
The prize is named after Prof. Yasuo Miyake who provided a proposal
and a donation for support.
Nominees must be recommended to be considered for selection, and we
will recognize recommendations from the candidate him or herself, as
well as those from others. They shall then be recommended from among
the nominations reviewed by the Evaluation Committee, it acting as
an advisory body to the JpGU President. Successful nominees shall be
those from among the recommended nominations who are then approved
by the JpGU Board of Directors.
Deadline for application: January 15th Wednesday, 2020
Detail: https://www.jpgu.org/en/2020miyake-prize/
Reference: Introduction of Recipient in 2018
#6. From Committees
(1) Global Strategy Committee
Japan Geoscience Union is exhibiting at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019
taking place in San Francisco.
We are distributing the 2020 JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting session list,
meeting information together with some giveaways, small tote bag,
post cards and luggage tags.
Please drop in on JpGU booth!
Period: December 9-13
Booth Number: #1120
*You can check sessions co-sponsored with JpGU at AGU Fall Meeting
2019 at:
*To Conveners of JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020:
We prepared some brochures that might be useful to promotion your
session at JpGU-AGU 2020. Please visit our booth in case you would
like to distribute some at your session.
(2) Publicity and Outreach Committee
JpGU will again tie-in with the University of Tokyo on 27 December to
hold a seminar for Senior High School students.
Name of Event:2019 Winter Seminar for Senior High School Students
Host:Japan Geoscience Union
Co-Organizer: Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo
Date and Time:December 27(FRI) 13:00-16:00 *Door Opens: 12:30
Venue:Koshiba Hall, Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo
Capacity:170 people
Fee: Free of Charge
URL: https://www.jpgu.org/publick/20191227/
(Available in Japanese)
#7. Information from PEPS
(1) New SPEPS (Call for Papers)
The reception of articles for a new SPEPS (Special call for excellent
papers on hot topics) series has been started.
We are looking forward to receiving your excellent manuscripts on:
“Quaternary and Future Earth: Harmonious Coexistence of Climate and Humans”
(Submission deadline: 31 March, 2020)
“Projection and impact assessment of global change”
(Submission deadline: 31 December, 2019)
For more information, please see the SPEPS page at:
(2) Latest Articles
The following articles were published. You can download and read
interesting articles from the PEPS web site at:
@ Shigeki Hosoda et al.: New method of temperature and conductivity
sensor calibration with improved efficiency for screening SBE41 CTD
on Argo floats.
@ Henry J. B. Dick et al.:. The Atlantis Bank Gabbro Massif, Southwest
Indian Ridge.
#8. What’s new
(1) Event Information
Hokudan International Symposium on Active Faulting 2020
Date: January 13th – 17th, 2020
Venue: Hokudan Earthquake Memorial Park in Awaji City, Awaji Island,
Theme: New development in active fault studies – 25 years since the
1995 Kobe Earthquake –
PERC International Symposium on Dust & Parent Bodies 2020 (IDP2020)
Date: Feb 25-27, 2020
Venue: Tokyo Skytree Town Campus of Chiba Institute of Technology, Tokyo
Details: The objective of this symposium is to share state-of-the-art
research on dust delivered to Earth and its parent bodies in a
multidisciplinary approach of planetary science and astronomy in
light of the DESTINY+ mission.
(2) Career Opportunity
Nagoya University
Announcement of a faculty vacancy in Earth and Planetary Science
Division, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate
School of Environmental Studies
San Diego State University
Call for Graduate Students
Kyoto University
Professor Position in the Climate Environment Laboratory, DPRI-KU
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
FY2020 Global Observation Research Center (GOORC), Research Institute
for Global Change (RIGC) Recruitment of Principal Scientist or Principal
Technical Scientist
Hokkaido University
Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University invites
applications for the academic position of professor (Number of
vacancies: 1).
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Application Laboratory (APL), Research Institute for Value-Added-
Information Generation (VAiG) Recruitment of Principal Scientist or
Principal Technical Scientist
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
FY2020 Marine Seismology Research Group, Subduction Dynamics Research
Center (SDR), Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics(IMG) Recruitment
of Scientist or Technical Scientist
Japan Geoscience Union (https://www.jpgu.org/)
4F Gakkai Center Bldg.
2-4-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113-0032, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6914-2080
Fax: +81-3-6914-2088
E-mail: office@jpgu.org
*If you wish to unsubscribe from JpGU Mailnews, please click the
following URL. Please note that this is not to stop all emails/
information from JpGU.