Outstanding Student Presentation Award

JpGU 2023 Outstanding Student Presentation Award

Space and Planetary Sciences Section (14)

So Fukaya
Kanazawa University

Presentation title
Hematite-Goethite Problem on Mars: Transformation of Ferrihydrite to Crystalline Fe Oxides in Salt Solutions

Kaori Hirata
University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Determination of chemical composition units on Mercury by the multivariate analysis using major element composition measured by MESSENGER XRS

Yuri Ito
Department of Communication Engineering and Informatics, University of Electro-Communications

Presentation title
Possible roles of magnetospheric density ducts in controlling the shape of pulsating aurora and the energy of precipitating electrons

Masahide Kishimoto
Laboratory of Environmental Geosphere Engineering, Department of Urban Management, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

Presentation title
Accuracy evaluation of a band selection method for estimating mineral content using hyperspectral satellite imagery

Hirotaka Koyama
Nagoya University

Presentation title
Solar activity dependence of the semidiurnal tide and that modulation source in the polar lower thermosphere

Kanon Nakazawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Presentation title
Hyper-volatile Element Transport to the Inner Region of Protoplanetary Disks and Jupiter Formation

Sota Nanjo
The University of Electro-Communications

Presentation title
Auroral observations using a wide-angle digital camera mounted on a gimbal: feasibility and example data including a case during the BROR experiment

Shohei Negishi
Nagoya University

Presentation title
Mid-infrared imaging spectroscopy of solid SO2 simulating the environment of Jupiter’s moon Io

Yuki Sakurai
Tokyo University of Science

Presentation title
Laboratory modeling for amino acid chemical cycles in early Martian and terrestrial atmospheres driven by the solar energetic particles

Ren Watabe
The University of Electro-Communications

Presentation title
Development of a self-build FPGA-based data acquisition system for the Troms? sodium lidar and its test observation

Jonna Marie Wehmeyer
Hiroshima University

Presentation title
Development of a numerical scheme strictly satisfying Gauss’s laws for the full two-fluid plasma model

Rikuto Yasuda

Presentation title
Numerical simulation of passive radar for ionospheric explorations at Jupiter’s icy moons

Tomohiro Yoshida
Graduate University for Advanced Studies

Presentation title
Observational Constraint on the Dust Albedo in a Protoplanetary Disk

Yuki Yoshida
University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Dust monomoer interaction explored by Molecular Dynamics Simulation: an extension of JKR theory

Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section (18)

Ikuya Adachi
University of Tsukuba

Presentation title
Modeling of water-rock interactions in water isotopic ratio formation and the deep water cycle

Miku Amano
Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University

Presentation title
Consideration of whether a climatic regime shift has prevented the occurrence of a disastrous cold summer in northeast Eurasia since 2010

Thomas Chalaux Clergue
French Atomic Energie Commission – University Paris-Saclay

Presentation title
High-resolution reconstruction of sediment and radiocesium source contributions in a lake draining an early decontaminated catchment impacted by the main Fukushima radioactive pollution plume.

Ramesh Glueckler
Hokkaido University

Presentation title
Wildfire activity of past millennia in Central Yakutia, Siberia, reconstructed with multiple new sedimentary records of charcoal and BPCAs

Mariko Honda
Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University

Presentation title
Interannual variability of sea ice melt in the southern Sea of Okhotsk, inferred from spring salinity data

Koya Kobayashi
Tsukuba university

Presentation title
Effects of drying treatments in density fractionation using organic soil in the alpine zone of the volcano

Yuheng LI
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Contribution of Lakes in Sustaining Greening of the Sahara during the Mid-Holocene

Yuan LIN
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo

Presentation title
A comparison of fish diversity in rocky reef habitat by muti-mesh gillnets and environmental DNA metabarcoding

Jose Mari Caasi Lit
Akita University

Presentation title
Preliminary estimation and analysis of the renewable energy potential of Laguna province, Philippines

Sabrina Gyuliana Lloyd
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institiute, The University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Fossil coral records paleo tsunamis and storm surges on Yakushima Island, Japan

Dolgormaa Munkhbat
Tokyo Metropolitan University

Presentation title
Plastic fluxes and composition change in transportation and accumulation process of the urban river, Mongolia

Wataru Nakamura
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Inorganic carbon cycle in mangrove soils and possibility for assimilation of outwelled mangrove carbon in seagrass and coral ecosystems

Morio Nakayama
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Impacts of a Midlatitude Oceanic Frontal Zone on the Southern Baroclinic Annular Mode

Nguyen Hong Nhat
Graduate School of Environmental and Life Science, Okayama University

Presentation title

Ryo Satoh
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo

Presentation title
An Energetic Study on Atmospheric Internal and External Teleconnections over the North Pacific in Winter

Satoshi Tajima
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Groundwater flooding on atolls caused by storm surge: effects of the dual-aquifer configuration

Nozomi Tamura
Nagoya University ISEE

Presentation title
Intensity Sensitivity of Typhoon Mindulle (2021) on the Initial Values of Sea Surface Temperature in the Forecast Experiment

Miwa Tsurumi
Aoyama Gakuin University

Presentation title
Observations and analyses of gamma-ray glows in the fiscal year 2022 by the citizen science “Thundercloud Project”

Human Geosciences Section (8)

Hidetoshi Masuda
Tohoku University

Presentation title
Numerical experiment to invert coseismic slip distribution from regional distribution of tsunami deposits

Kenta Minamidate
Tohoku University

Presentation title
Maximum sizes of paleo-tsunamis, earthquakes, and storms inferred from coastal boulder deposit

Yuki Nakagawa
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Imprecations for low latitude terrestrial environment from Cretaceous deep-sea chert

Riko Nakamura
Kochi University

Presentation title
Grinding surfaced structure (Hobo) of the Tosa-suzuri inkstone in Mihara Village, Hata Area, Kochi, SW Japan

Gunma University

Presentation title
Meltwater-driven lubrication and pseudo-cohesion in rock-ice avalanches: new insights from discrete element and liquid bridge simulations

Hamed Sabagh
Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

Presentation title
Reconstruction of Sea-Level Change From 2D Stratigraphic Sections: An Inverse Model Using Convolutional Neural Network (Preliminary Studies)

Yuito Sato

Presentation title
Paleo-tsunami history on the Joban coast

Yifan Zhu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Presentation title
PCOMCOT: A High-efficiency Parallel Multi-grid Dispersive Tsunami Model Based on Shallow Water Equations Corrected by Non-hydrostatic Pressure

Solid Earth Sciences Section (24)

Xin Deng
University of Science and Technology of China

Presentation title
Compositional and Thermal State of the Lower Mantle from Joint 3D Inversion with Seismic tomography and Mineral Elasticity

Teppei Enari
Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Application of seismic interferometry-based Green’s Function for real-time forecasts of long-period ground motions

Paul Caesar Mason Flores
Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University

Presentation title
Mapping prism taper angle and roughness of the subducted oceanic crust off Muroto using seismic reflection data and its implication for slow earthquake activity

Yusuke Haruta
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Pre-caldera-forming phases during the 7.3ka Kikai Caldera Eruption

Koki Masuda
Department of Earth an Planetary Science, University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Single-station detection of seismic slow earthquakes using their broadband characteristics

Shiori Matsubara
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University

Presentation title
Evaluation of Fe?S melt segregation in solid core during core crystallization in planetesimals

Kazuma Matsumoto
Tohoku University

Presentation title
Interaction between ordinary earthquakes and shallow tectonic tremors in the northern Japan Trench before and after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake

Satoshi Matsuno
Tohoku University

Presentation title
Quantifying metamorphic elemental transfer history for fluid-rock interaction by combining machine learning and mineral records

Kazuki Matsuyama
Rock and Mineral Laboratory, Enviromental Studies, Nagoya University

Presentation title
Olivine and orthopyroxene crystal fabrics in the Basal Shear Zone of the Horoman Peridotite Complex, Hokkaido, Japan

Kosuke Minamoto
Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University

Presentation title
Hypocenter locating of shallow tremors in the northern Japan Trench with S arrival times detected by seismogram polarization

Shougo Nagaoka
Department of Natural History Sciences, Graduete School of Science, Hokkaido University

Presentation title
3D velocities and 2D strain rates in and around the Atotsugawa Fault zone estimated by InSAR and GNSS

Keisuke Nakamoto
Department of Natural History Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University

Presentation title
Pore structure change by nanoscale particle fracturing in the fault gouge of the Shirako fault in the Miura-Boso accretionary prism

Itsuki Natsume
Nagoya University

Presentation title
Numerous quadruple junctions of plagioclase detected in a gabbro ultramylonite across the Moho Transition Zone in Oman ophiolite

Sota Niki
Geochemical Research Center, School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Quaternary geochronology of monazite utilizing laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry

Takashi Nishizawa
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

Presentation title
Relationship Between Free-air Gravity Anomalies in Island Arcs and Various Parameters in Subduction Zones

Yutaro Okada
Graduate School of Science , Kyoto University

Presentation title
Comparison of slip distribution for four long-term slow slip events in southcentral Alaska

Ryunosuke Sakamoto
Osaka University

Presentation title
Vibration-induced dynamic weakening in sheared gouge layer

Ritsuya Shibata
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Presentation title
Extracting rupture-mode preferences of crustal earthquakes in Japan

Tomohiro Takebayashi
Research Group of Petrology and Mineralogy, Nagoya University

Presentation title
Chemical composition of garnet including rutile exsolution lamellae in quartz-eclogite from the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, Shikoku, Japan

Mizuki Ueda
Hiroshima University

Presentation title
Experimental investigation on effects of diagenesis on frictional properties of incoming sediments from Tohoku subduction zone

Kentaro Ushimaru
Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

Presentation title
Middle Miocene folding in the Amakusa coalfield, western Japan revealed by paleomagnetic and structural data

Watanabe Shifumi
Tohoku University

Presentation title
Numerical simulation of sulfate formation through the reaction between volcanic ash and gas: Evaluation of sulfur losses from eruption clouds

Yan Yang

Presentation title
Fault zone characterization using scattered waves recorded by distributed acoustic sensing

Thomas Yeo
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo University

Presentation title
Ductile fractures evolved from creep cavitation in the down-dip extension of seismogenic fault domains

Biogeosciences Section (5)

Sota Iijima
Tohoku university

Presentation title
Geological and geochemical studies of stromatolites and associated rocks of ca. 1.9 Ga Gunflint formation, Canada.

Yuta Kuniyoshi
The University of Tokyo

Presentation title
Hydrological change in millennial-scale glacial climate variability and its impact on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

Aru Kurihara
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Presentation title
Redox change in Paleoproterozoic estimated from multiple sulfur isotope analysis of Francevillian successions in Gabon

Ryosuke Nagao
The University of Tokyo School of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science

Presentation title
In-situ analyses of Carbonate-associated phosphates: Implications for secular changes in phosphate contents of seawater through Earth history.

Kantaro Yamada
Kobe University

Presentation title
Origin of methane hydrate in submarine mud volcano No.15 off Tanegashima Island