Outstanding Student Presentation Award

JpGU – AGU Joint Meeiting 2017 Outstanding Student Presentation Award

Space and Planetary Sciences Section(16)

Name Affiliation Title
Yuki Asahi Nagoya University The statistical analysis of correlation between solar flares and photospheric magnetic field
Sota ARAKAWA  Tokyo Institute of Technology Co-Accretion of Chondrules and Fluffy Matrices
Kei Kamiya Nagoya University Formation of butterfly pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt due to the drift resonance with a monochromatic Pc5 wave
Katherine de Kleer University of California Berkeley The Impact of Io’s Volcanism on the Jovian Extended Neutral Environment
Toshiki Koga  Kyushu University New formation mechanisms of meteoritic amino acids based on the discovery of hydroxy amino acids identified in the Murchison meteorite
Daisuke Tsuji Nagoya University Relaxation process of regolith-covered terrains induced by vibration
Koichiro Terada Tohoku University Study of the solar wind influence on the Jovian inner magnetosphere using an ionospheric potential solver
Kosuke Namekata Kyoto University Comparison of Solar and Stellar White-light Flares
Katsuki Nishi Nagoya University Ground-based and magnetospheric observation of auroral finger-like structures using the RBSP-A satellite in the inner magnetosphere
Ryusuke Nishitani Osaka University The effect of clathrate formation on concentrations of ammonia and ammonium ion in a subsurface ocean of Enceladus
Yoshinori Higashi Kyoto University Hydrogen diffusion experiment of fluorapatite under water vapor conditions
Yikai HSIEH Kyoto University Acceleration of energetic electrons by oblique whistler-mode chorus in the radiation belt
Tyler Mixa University of Colorado Boulder Fine Structure Interactions with Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
Keishiro Muto The University of Tokyo Study of the polar oval at the cloud top of Venus using spectral images taken by Venus Express

Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section (23)

Name Affiliation Title
Takayuki Arai Kyoto University The Comparison of the method to measure tree-ring width in dendroclimatology using Teak annual rings in Indonesia
Sakiko Ishino Tokyo Institute of Technology A year-round observation of sulfur stable isotopic compositions of atmospheric sulfate at Dumont d’Urville, coastal Antarctica
Satoshi Izumoto The University of Tokyo Gas and water transport in landfill final cover soils during precipitation
Yuki Ito Meiji University Altering water and soil heat regimes with hot water applied for soil disinfection
Muhammad Usman Hokkaido University Inter-annual modulation of seasonal glacial velocity changes in the Eastern Karakorum detected by ALOS-1/2 data
Hitomi Oyaizu The University of Tokyo Modeling effects of growth and temperature on the recruitment variability of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira)
Leonardo Calle Montana State University Process attribution of observation-model error via time-series segmentation analysis
Kanon Kino The University of Tokyo The response of the climate to changes in the orbital parameters
Tsubasa Kohyama University of Washington Nonlinear ENSO Warming Suppression (NEWS)
Ryosuke Shibuya The University of Tokyo A latitudinal dependence on the summer tropopause inversion layer and its seasonality
Ruslan Shakhmatov Hokkaido University Effects of snow cover change on taiga forest ecosystem.
Eun Yae Son Inha University Can the anticyclonic eddy trap and amplify near-inertial waves in the Arctic Ocean?
Shun Nakajima The University of Tokyo Inter-seasonal and interhemispheric coupling initiated by a major sudden stratospheric warming accompanied by an elevated stratopause event
Toshiyuki Bandai The University of Tokyo Experimental and numerical evaluation of LTNE in saturated porous media under forced convection
Jumpei Fukumasu Okayama University Effects of glucose addition on FDA activity and soil hydraulic properties
Kyung-hun Min Chiba University A study on the development of the Coexistence Index of Environment and Man for zoning Baekdudaegan mountain range in South Korea as a biosphere reserve
Aurelien Podglajen Ecole Polytechnique Small-scale wind fluctuations in the tropical tropopause layer from aircraft measurements : relationship with clouds and convection and impact on vertical mixing
Yoko Yamagami The University of Tokyo On the trigger and interannual variability of the Natal Pulse
Momoka Yoshizue Tokyo University of Science Individual Particle Analysis of Marine Aerosols Collected over the North Pacific and its Marginal Seas
Atsushi Yoshida The University of Tokyo Single-particle measurements of light-absorbing iron oxide aerosols and their radiative effects
Eligio de Raus Maure Nagoya University Impact of mesoscale eddies on spring bloom initiation in the Japan Sea
Hisatomo Waga Hokkaido University Species invasion and diversity in benthic macrofaunal communities in the Pacific Arctic
Yuuki Wada The University of Tokyo Multi-point Observations of Thundercloud Gamma-rays: Development of Portable Detectors and Results of Fiscal 2016 Winter Observation

Human Geosciences Section (14)

Name Affiliation Title
Atsuto Izumida The University of Tokyo Crevasse splay evolution and changes in depositional condition of surrounding floodplain inferred from surface deposits of the Kinu River, central Japan
Mayuko Ito University of the Ryukyus Age and depositional process of beach sediments around Sesoko Island (Okinawa, Japan), based on abrasion grades and radiocarbon ages of Baculogypsina (Foraminifera)
Yifei Wu The University of Tokyo Grouping the normal modes, a way to characterize tsunami sources in Japan Sea
Anna Kato University of Hawaii at Manoa Interannual Variability in the Length of Growing Season across the Contiguous US as Observed from MODIS, VIIRS, and Tower Vegetation Index Time Series Data
Ryohei Kawakita Hokkaido University Expansion and alteration behaviors of NH4-montmorillonite
Johanna Grames Vienna University of Technology Optimal investment and location decisions of a firm in a flood risk area using Impulse Control Theory
Osamu Sandanbata The University of Tokyo Ray tracing for dispersive tsunamis and estimation of initial sea-surface displacement: Application to the 2015 Smith Caldera earthquake
Tomohiro Takaba Meiji University Relationship between fan area and catchment area for small fans in Japan
Takayuki Takahashi The University of Tokyo Reexamination of the mainstream riverbed height during the Last Glacial period at the narrow pass of the Ara River, connecting Chichibu Basin and Kanto Plain, central Japan
Nozomi Hatano Shinshu University Development of vertisol in the Middle Miocene Porcelain Clay Formation in the Setouchi Geologic Province; its paleoclimatic and paleoweathering significances
Gulsah Bilge The University of Sheffield Surveying preferences for an urban park and visualizations of potential scenarios
Quyen Pham Akita University Role of chemical forms for transportation of metals in Tama-Omono Rivers, Akita Prefecture, Japan
Emily Bradshaw Marino University of Texas at Austin Isolating lithologic controls on landscape morphology in the Guadalupe Mountains, Texas,USA
Christina Leanne Kelly Tokyo Metropolitan University Multi-proxy study of alluvial fan development during the Holocene in the Qu`Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan

Solid Earth Sciences Section (36)

Name Affiliation Title
Shuhei Abe Tohoku University Estimate of the stress state in the source region of Mw 2.2 earthquake in a South African deep gold mine
Kento Iio Hokkaido University Surface deformation of a mud volcano in azerbaidzhan detected by InSAR and its source modeling
Tatsuya Ichiba Osaka University Mechanochemical effects on maturation of carbonaceous materials in faults during earthquakes
Yuji ITOH Kyoto University Estimation of spatiotemporal distribution of interplate slip after the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake incorporating viscoelastic relaxation
Keisuke Ito University of Tsukuba Detection of increased heating and estimation of coseismic shear stress from Raman spectra of carbonaceous material in pseudotachylytes
Itaru Ohira Tohoku University Single crystal synthesis of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH using multi-anvil apparatus
Hanaya Okuda The University of Tokyo Frictional characteristics of brucite (001) plane on the real contact area
Takashi Okuda The University of Tokyo Source process of moderate size repeating earthquakes in eastern Japan
Ryo Okuwaki University of Tsukuba Potency Backprojection
Hirokazu Kadobayashi Ehime University Experimental study on the stability and physicochemical behavior of methane hydrate under high pressure and high temperature
Shunya Kaneki Osaka University Experimental evidence for effects of heating rate on thermal maturation process of carbonaceous materials during earthquake slip
Lisa Kaneko The University of Tokyo Slow earthquakes in microseism frequency band (0.1-2 Hz) off Kii peninsula
Shusuke Kinoshita Kyoto University EBSD analysis on coexisting omphacite and diopside found in aragonite-calcite vein form the Horokanai area, Kamuikotan metamorphic belt, Hokkaido
Hiromu Sakaue Kyoto University Estimation of the spatiotemporal evolution of the slow slip events in the Tokai region, central Japan, since 2013 using GNSS data
Yuki Sato Tohoku University Direct-ascended petit-spot magma from asthenosphere with little or no assimilation
Daisuke Sato The University of Tokyo O(N) methods for spatiotemporal BIEM
Kenta Sueyoshi The University of Tokyo Temperature dependency of the electrical grain boundary transport in forsterite aggregates
Shun Suzuki Niigata University Study of rheology and origin of deformed conglomerates, Pliocene Hamaishidake Formation Fujikawa Group, Eastern part of Shizuoka prefecture, Central Japan -Tectonics of the collision zone recorded deformed conglomerate-
Naoko Takahashi Tohoku University Geochemical study of P-type jadeitites (jadeite precipitates) from the New Idria serpentinite body, California
Mana Tsuchida Ehime University Numerical simulations on the formation and behaviors of slabs in 2-D spherical annulus
Toru Nakajima Kyoto University Cooling history of the Higher Himalayan Crystalline nappe and underlying the Lesser Himalayan Sediments in eastern Nepal revealed by fission-track dating of detrital zircons.
Shohei Narita Hokkaido University Geodetic Constraints on Post-eruptive deformation of 2014 eruption on Ontake Volcano
Tomoaki Nishikawa The University of Tokyo Relation between slab-bending-related hydration and earthquake swarms in subduction zones
Daisuke NOTO Hokkaido University Advection and shape transition of vortices in a rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection
Jihoon Park Stanford University Uncertainty quantification for groundwater management in the Danish buried valley systems by means of regression tree-based surrogate models
Saki Higa Kyoto University Investigation of friction velocity dependence under the change of pore fluid pressure
Yuji Himematsu Hokkaido University Detection of both icecap and crustal deformation associated with the 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga rifting episode
Wakana Fujita Tohoku University Grain growth-induced channelization of non-wetting fluids in synthetic quartzite
Weigang Peng Peking University CO2 sequestration in ophicarbonates and listvenites from Chinese southwestern Tianshan: insight into the deep carbon cycling in subduction zones
Sumire Maeda Tohoku University Spatiotemporal distribution of shallow seismic activity around Onikobe area, northeastern Honshu, Japan
Yurie Mukai The University of Tokyo Generation conditions of long period ground motion in Kanto Basin
Masahiro Muraki The University of Tokyo Distribution and characteristics of fractures in the vicinity of spray fault branching off from out of sequence thrust: a case of the Sengen fault, Miura Peninsula
Fumitoshi Morisato The University of Tokyo Analysis of zonal structure of phenocryst minerals considering element diffusion: Approach based on Bayesian statistics
Kosuke Yabe The University of Tokyo Diffusion creep of fine-grained olivine aggregates : Chemical and melt effects
Dongzhuo Li Stanford University Full Waveform Inversion with Nonlocal Similarity and Adaptive Sparsity-Promoting Regularization in the Gradient Domain
kei wakamori Kyoto University Combined stress and strain analyses of calcite twins: Application to a natural data set and comparison with fault-slip analysis

Biogeosciences Section (4)

Name Affiliation Title
Hisashi Asanuma Tokyo Institute of Technology U-Pb zircon geochronology of the North Pole Dome adamellite in the eastern Pilbara Craton
Yuta Isaji The University of Tokyo Multi-element, compound-specific isotope analysis of chloropigments: Insights into the biogeochemical cycle of the microbial mat in the shallow hypersaline environment
Nozomi Nakahara Nagaoka University of Technology Cultivation of microbial dark matters from marine sediments: novel bacteria affiliated with uncultured groups of the phylum Chloroflexi
Shun Muto The University of Tokyo Towards the establishment of a complete lithostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic deep-sea chert gap