JpGU – AGU Joint Meeiting 2017 Outstanding Student Presentation Award
- Space and Planetary Sciences Section
- Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section
- Human Geosciences Section
- Solid Earth Sciences Section
- Biogeosciences Section
Space and Planetary Sciences Section(16)
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Yuki Asahi | Nagoya University | The statistical analysis of correlation between solar flares and photospheric magnetic field |
Sota ARAKAWA | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Co-Accretion of Chondrules and Fluffy Matrices |
Kei Kamiya | Nagoya University | Formation of butterfly pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt due to the drift resonance with a monochromatic Pc5 wave |
Katherine de Kleer | University of California Berkeley | The Impact of Io’s Volcanism on the Jovian Extended Neutral Environment |
Toshiki Koga | Kyushu University | New formation mechanisms of meteoritic amino acids based on the discovery of hydroxy amino acids identified in the Murchison meteorite |
Daisuke Tsuji | Nagoya University | Relaxation process of regolith-covered terrains induced by vibration |
Koichiro Terada | Tohoku University | Study of the solar wind influence on the Jovian inner magnetosphere using an ionospheric potential solver |
Kosuke Namekata | Kyoto University | Comparison of Solar and Stellar White-light Flares |
Katsuki Nishi | Nagoya University | Ground-based and magnetospheric observation of auroral finger-like structures using the RBSP-A satellite in the inner magnetosphere |
Ryusuke Nishitani | Osaka University | The effect of clathrate formation on concentrations of ammonia and ammonium ion in a subsurface ocean of Enceladus |
Yoshinori Higashi | Kyoto University | Hydrogen diffusion experiment of fluorapatite under water vapor conditions |
Yikai HSIEH | Kyoto University | Acceleration of energetic electrons by oblique whistler-mode chorus in the radiation belt |
Tyler Mixa | University of Colorado Boulder | Fine Structure Interactions with Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere |
Keishiro Muto | The University of Tokyo | Study of the polar oval at the cloud top of Venus using spectral images taken by Venus Express |
Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section (23)
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Takayuki Arai | Kyoto University | The Comparison of the method to measure tree-ring width in dendroclimatology using Teak annual rings in Indonesia |
Sakiko Ishino | Tokyo Institute of Technology | A year-round observation of sulfur stable isotopic compositions of atmospheric sulfate at Dumont d’Urville, coastal Antarctica |
Satoshi Izumoto | The University of Tokyo | Gas and water transport in landfill final cover soils during precipitation |
Yuki Ito | Meiji University | Altering water and soil heat regimes with hot water applied for soil disinfection |
Muhammad Usman | Hokkaido University | Inter-annual modulation of seasonal glacial velocity changes in the Eastern Karakorum detected by ALOS-1/2 data |
Hitomi Oyaizu | The University of Tokyo | Modeling effects of growth and temperature on the recruitment variability of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) |
Leonardo Calle | Montana State University | Process attribution of observation-model error via time-series segmentation analysis |
Kanon Kino | The University of Tokyo | The response of the climate to changes in the orbital parameters |
Tsubasa Kohyama | University of Washington | Nonlinear ENSO Warming Suppression (NEWS) |
Ryosuke Shibuya | The University of Tokyo | A latitudinal dependence on the summer tropopause inversion layer and its seasonality |
Ruslan Shakhmatov | Hokkaido University | Effects of snow cover change on taiga forest ecosystem. |
Eun Yae Son | Inha University | Can the anticyclonic eddy trap and amplify near-inertial waves in the Arctic Ocean? |
Shun Nakajima | The University of Tokyo | Inter-seasonal and interhemispheric coupling initiated by a major sudden stratospheric warming accompanied by an elevated stratopause event |
Toshiyuki Bandai | The University of Tokyo | Experimental and numerical evaluation of LTNE in saturated porous media under forced convection |
Jumpei Fukumasu | Okayama University | Effects of glucose addition on FDA activity and soil hydraulic properties |
Kyung-hun Min | Chiba University | A study on the development of the Coexistence Index of Environment and Man for zoning Baekdudaegan mountain range in South Korea as a biosphere reserve |
Aurelien Podglajen | Ecole Polytechnique | Small-scale wind fluctuations in the tropical tropopause layer from aircraft measurements : relationship with clouds and convection and impact on vertical mixing |
Yoko Yamagami | The University of Tokyo | On the trigger and interannual variability of the Natal Pulse |
Momoka Yoshizue | Tokyo University of Science | Individual Particle Analysis of Marine Aerosols Collected over the North Pacific and its Marginal Seas |
Atsushi Yoshida | The University of Tokyo | Single-particle measurements of light-absorbing iron oxide aerosols and their radiative effects |
Eligio de Raus Maure | Nagoya University | Impact of mesoscale eddies on spring bloom initiation in the Japan Sea |
Hisatomo Waga | Hokkaido University | Species invasion and diversity in benthic macrofaunal communities in the Pacific Arctic |
Yuuki Wada | The University of Tokyo | Multi-point Observations of Thundercloud Gamma-rays: Development of Portable Detectors and Results of Fiscal 2016 Winter Observation |
Human Geosciences Section (14)
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Atsuto Izumida | The University of Tokyo | Crevasse splay evolution and changes in depositional condition of surrounding floodplain inferred from surface deposits of the Kinu River, central Japan |
Mayuko Ito | University of the Ryukyus | Age and depositional process of beach sediments around Sesoko Island (Okinawa, Japan), based on abrasion grades and radiocarbon ages of Baculogypsina (Foraminifera) |
Yifei Wu | The University of Tokyo | Grouping the normal modes, a way to characterize tsunami sources in Japan Sea |
Anna Kato | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Interannual Variability in the Length of Growing Season across the Contiguous US as Observed from MODIS, VIIRS, and Tower Vegetation Index Time Series Data |
Ryohei Kawakita | Hokkaido University | Expansion and alteration behaviors of NH4-montmorillonite |
Johanna Grames | Vienna University of Technology | Optimal investment and location decisions of a firm in a flood risk area using Impulse Control Theory |
Osamu Sandanbata | The University of Tokyo | Ray tracing for dispersive tsunamis and estimation of initial sea-surface displacement: Application to the 2015 Smith Caldera earthquake |
Tomohiro Takaba | Meiji University | Relationship between fan area and catchment area for small fans in Japan |
Takayuki Takahashi | The University of Tokyo | Reexamination of the mainstream riverbed height during the Last Glacial period at the narrow pass of the Ara River, connecting Chichibu Basin and Kanto Plain, central Japan |
Nozomi Hatano | Shinshu University | Development of vertisol in the Middle Miocene Porcelain Clay Formation in the Setouchi Geologic Province; its paleoclimatic and paleoweathering significances |
Gulsah Bilge | The University of Sheffield | Surveying preferences for an urban park and visualizations of potential scenarios |
Quyen Pham | Akita University | Role of chemical forms for transportation of metals in Tama-Omono Rivers, Akita Prefecture, Japan |
Emily Bradshaw Marino | University of Texas at Austin | Isolating lithologic controls on landscape morphology in the Guadalupe Mountains, Texas,USA |
Christina Leanne Kelly | Tokyo Metropolitan University | Multi-proxy study of alluvial fan development during the Holocene in the Qu`Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan |
Solid Earth Sciences Section (36)
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Shuhei Abe | Tohoku University | Estimate of the stress state in the source region of Mw 2.2 earthquake in a South African deep gold mine |
Kento Iio | Hokkaido University | Surface deformation of a mud volcano in azerbaidzhan detected by InSAR and its source modeling |
Tatsuya Ichiba | Osaka University | Mechanochemical effects on maturation of carbonaceous materials in faults during earthquakes |
Yuji ITOH | Kyoto University | Estimation of spatiotemporal distribution of interplate slip after the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake incorporating viscoelastic relaxation |
Keisuke Ito | University of Tsukuba | Detection of increased heating and estimation of coseismic shear stress from Raman spectra of carbonaceous material in pseudotachylytes |
Itaru Ohira | Tohoku University | Single crystal synthesis of δ-(Al,Fe)OOH using multi-anvil apparatus |
Hanaya Okuda | The University of Tokyo | Frictional characteristics of brucite (001) plane on the real contact area |
Takashi Okuda | The University of Tokyo | Source process of moderate size repeating earthquakes in eastern Japan |
Ryo Okuwaki | University of Tsukuba | Potency Backprojection |
Hirokazu Kadobayashi | Ehime University | Experimental study on the stability and physicochemical behavior of methane hydrate under high pressure and high temperature |
Shunya Kaneki | Osaka University | Experimental evidence for effects of heating rate on thermal maturation process of carbonaceous materials during earthquake slip |
Lisa Kaneko | The University of Tokyo | Slow earthquakes in microseism frequency band (0.1-2 Hz) off Kii peninsula |
Shusuke Kinoshita | Kyoto University | EBSD analysis on coexisting omphacite and diopside found in aragonite-calcite vein form the Horokanai area, Kamuikotan metamorphic belt, Hokkaido |
Hiromu Sakaue | Kyoto University | Estimation of the spatiotemporal evolution of the slow slip events in the Tokai region, central Japan, since 2013 using GNSS data |
Yuki Sato | Tohoku University | Direct-ascended petit-spot magma from asthenosphere with little or no assimilation |
Daisuke Sato | The University of Tokyo | O(N) methods for spatiotemporal BIEM |
Kenta Sueyoshi | The University of Tokyo | Temperature dependency of the electrical grain boundary transport in forsterite aggregates |
Shun Suzuki | Niigata University | Study of rheology and origin of deformed conglomerates, Pliocene Hamaishidake Formation Fujikawa Group, Eastern part of Shizuoka prefecture, Central Japan -Tectonics of the collision zone recorded deformed conglomerate- |
Naoko Takahashi | Tohoku University | Geochemical study of P-type jadeitites (jadeite precipitates) from the New Idria serpentinite body, California |
Mana Tsuchida | Ehime University | Numerical simulations on the formation and behaviors of slabs in 2-D spherical annulus |
Toru Nakajima | Kyoto University | Cooling history of the Higher Himalayan Crystalline nappe and underlying the Lesser Himalayan Sediments in eastern Nepal revealed by fission-track dating of detrital zircons. |
Shohei Narita | Hokkaido University | Geodetic Constraints on Post-eruptive deformation of 2014 eruption on Ontake Volcano |
Tomoaki Nishikawa | The University of Tokyo | Relation between slab-bending-related hydration and earthquake swarms in subduction zones |
Daisuke NOTO | Hokkaido University | Advection and shape transition of vortices in a rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection |
Jihoon Park | Stanford University | Uncertainty quantification for groundwater management in the Danish buried valley systems by means of regression tree-based surrogate models |
Saki Higa | Kyoto University | Investigation of friction velocity dependence under the change of pore fluid pressure |
Yuji Himematsu | Hokkaido University | Detection of both icecap and crustal deformation associated with the 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga rifting episode |
Wakana Fujita | Tohoku University | Grain growth-induced channelization of non-wetting fluids in synthetic quartzite |
Weigang Peng | Peking University | CO2 sequestration in ophicarbonates and listvenites from Chinese southwestern Tianshan: insight into the deep carbon cycling in subduction zones |
Sumire Maeda | Tohoku University | Spatiotemporal distribution of shallow seismic activity around Onikobe area, northeastern Honshu, Japan |
Yurie Mukai | The University of Tokyo | Generation conditions of long period ground motion in Kanto Basin |
Masahiro Muraki | The University of Tokyo | Distribution and characteristics of fractures in the vicinity of spray fault branching off from out of sequence thrust: a case of the Sengen fault, Miura Peninsula |
Fumitoshi Morisato | The University of Tokyo | Analysis of zonal structure of phenocryst minerals considering element diffusion: Approach based on Bayesian statistics |
Kosuke Yabe | The University of Tokyo | Diffusion creep of fine-grained olivine aggregates : Chemical and melt effects |
Dongzhuo Li | Stanford University | Full Waveform Inversion with Nonlocal Similarity and Adaptive Sparsity-Promoting Regularization in the Gradient Domain |
kei wakamori | Kyoto University | Combined stress and strain analyses of calcite twins: Application to a natural data set and comparison with fault-slip analysis |
Biogeosciences Section (4)
Name | Affiliation | Title |
Hisashi Asanuma | Tokyo Institute of Technology | U-Pb zircon geochronology of the North Pole Dome adamellite in the eastern Pilbara Craton |
Yuta Isaji | The University of Tokyo | Multi-element, compound-specific isotope analysis of chloropigments: Insights into the biogeochemical cycle of the microbial mat in the shallow hypersaline environment |
Nozomi Nakahara | Nagaoka University of Technology | Cultivation of microbial dark matters from marine sediments: novel bacteria affiliated with uncultured groups of the phylum Chloroflexi |
Shun Muto | The University of Tokyo | Towards the establishment of a complete lithostratigraphy of the Lower Triassic deep-sea chert gap |