
Regarding the 2016 JpGU Fellowship Program

The Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) is now accepting recommendations for candidates for the 2016 JpGU Fellowship Program.

Fellowship Program confer fellowship honors upon individuals who have rendered conspicuous contributions to the field of geoscience of Japan.

Fellowship nominees shall be put forward by a recommender. They shall then be recommended from among the nominations reviewed by the JpGU Fellowship Evaluation Committee, it acting as an advisory body to the JpGU Chairman. Successful nominees shall be those from among the recommended nominations who are then approved by the JpGU Executive Board. There are no restrictions in place with respect to either the age of fellows or the number of fellowships granted.

[ JpGU Fellowship Nominees ]

individuals who have made contributions to the field of geoscience research in Japan by making significant discoveries breakthroughs or paradigm shift, or contributing to the development of Japanese geoscience and the dissemination of geoscientific knowledge.

[ Qualifications that should be met by JpGU Fellows ]

It does not matter whether they have JpGU membership or not.

However, the following persons shall be unable to be nominated.

– Current JpGU Executives, Secretaries, Section Presidents

– Members of the JpGU Fellowships Evaluation Committee

[ The fellowship selection schedule for a designated fiscal year ]

– October to December of the previous fiscal year – nomination period

– January to March of the previous fiscal year – JpGU Fellowship Evaluation Committee deliberations period

– Executive Board Meeting held in March of the applicable year – approval by the JpGU Executive Board

– JpGU Meeting held in the applicable year – JpGU Fellowship presentation ceremonies

[ Nomination Format ]

The person who is making a JpGU Fellowship nomination (hereinafter the “principal nominator”) shall do so by sending a written nomination to the JpGU President in which the following information is contained by email. Note there is no specified format that must be followed.

– The name and contact details of the nominee (their affiliated institution, post, address, telephone number and email address.)

– The nominee’s history

Their special field

Their research history

Their awards history

Their contributions with regard to universities, research institutions and learned societies, etc.

– A list of five major original papers or patents, etc., of the nominee, along with the excerpts thereof

– A list of all of their original papers.

– A letter setting out the reasons for nomination (expressed in two A4 pages or less, in either Japanese or English)

– Major achievements (either in English (less than 800 characters) or in Japanese (less than 400characters))

– Short citation

Please use the following format; “for outstanding contributions to (special fields, areas, etc.).”, 120 ~ 250 characters

Please refer to

– Three letters of support (of one A4 page each, in either Japanese or English, the inclusion of multiple names on letters of support is acceptable, by three supporters except for nominator)

– The name and contact details of the principal nominator (their address, telephone number and email address, etc.)

[ Nomination ]

Nomination must be sent within the nomination period for the applicable year in question in the form of a word file and a PDF version thereof, by email addressed to the Office for the JpGU Fellow (jpgu.fellow(at) Supplemental publications can be provided only in PDF format.

– Please put required items into a pdf file and a word file (25MByte or below.)

– Subject of e-mail should be “JpGUフェロー推薦書(候補者氏名)” or “Nomination of JpGU Fellow ( nominee’s name ) ”.

* You should be receiving an email confirmation of your inquiry within 1 week.

If you do not receive a confirmation by e-mail within 1week, please contact us.

Wihout the email confirmation, your nomination will be invalid.

[ JpGU Fellowship Presentation Ceremonies ]

– Presentation ceremonies for JpGU Fellowships shall be held at the JpGU Union Meeting, and medals shall be conferred upon the awardees.

[ JpGU Fellowship Evaluation Committee ]

– Members of the JpGU Fellowship Evaluation Committee shall be appointed by the President after deliberations by the Executive Board.

– There shall be five members of the evaluation committee, with the term of office for each being two years. Each year, half of their number (either two or three members) shall be subject to reappointment. That being said, however, at the outset, two committee members shall be offset by being appointed to an initial term of office of three years.

– Committee members shall be selected drawing on the JpGU membership while taking into consideration allocations of the different science sections.

– The committee chairman shall be appointed by the JpGU President.

– The names of committee members shall be published at such times as when a term of office concludes and committee member appointments occur.

[ Deadline of recommendation ]

December 31 2015


Awards Program Managing Director

Hajime, Naruse

October 1st, 2015

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