JpGU Fellowship

Yoko Ota


For outstanding contributions to quaternary science and geomorphology, in particular to the geomorphological reconstruction of tectonic processes and sea level changes in the Circum- Pacific region.

A list of five major papers

  1. 太田陽子・貝塚爽平・菊地隆男・内藤博夫 (1968)「時代を異にする汀線高度の比較による地殻変動の考察」第四紀研究,Vol. 7,No. 4,171-181.
  2. Ota, Y., Hull, A. G., Iso, N., Ikeda, Y., Moriya, I., and Yoshikawa, T. (1992) 「Holocene marine terraces on the northeast coast of North Island,New Zealand,and their tectonic significance」New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 35, No. 3, 273-288.
  3. Chappell, J., Ota, Y. and Berryman, K. R. (1996)「Late Quaternary coseismic uplift history of Huon Peninsula,Papua New Guinea」Quaternary Science Reviews,No. 15,7-22.
  4. 太田陽子 (1996)「兵庫県南部地震 (1995. 1. 17) で現われた野島地震断層による地表変位と災害の概要」地理学評論 Ser. A,Vol. 69,No. 4,277-289.
  5. Ota, Y., Chen, Y.G. and Chen W.S. (2005)「Review of paleoseismological and active fault studies in Taiwan in the light of the Chichi earthquake of September 21, 1999」Tectonophysics, Vol. 408, No. 1/4, 63-77.


Takashi Oguchi and Takashi Azuma