Kiyoshi Suyehiro

Kiyoshi Suyehiro


For wide-ranging contributions to international collaboration including ocean science and development of JpGU global networks.

Major achievements

In recognition of Kiyoshi Suyehiro’s many contributions to strengthening and developing international collaboration between the Earth and planetary science community in Japan and other global organizations. In particular his contribution as President and CEO of IODP-MI (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International) where he was instrumental in developing a vibrant international community in ocean earth science with a central role for Japanese scientists, and in his roles as both International Coordinator and Secretary General of JpGU where he has been central to the development of JpGU international networks, including playing a key role in the planning and preparation of joint meetings with the American Geophysical Union.


Michiyo Shimamura


Gaku Kimura, Brooks Hanson, Hiroshi Nishi