
Japan Geoscience Union fellows 2017

Japan Geoscience Union fellows 2017

Click Fellows’ name to jump to detail page .

Name Commendation
Shoji Arai For outstanding contributions to the understanding of mantle evolution based on detailed geological and petrological works on mantle-derived peridotites
Robert Geller For outstanding contributions to seismology through new methods for inverting seismic waveforms for 3-D earth structure and fundamental advances in understanding earthquake sources
Kei Hirose For outstanding contributions to understanding of the structure, dynamics and evolution of the Earth’s deep interior through determination of physical and chemical properties of the mantle and core materials under ultrahigh pressure-temperature conditions
Tetsuo Irifune For outstanding contributions to high-pressure Earth sciences, especially in deep mantle mineralogy and dynamics of subducted slab materials using ultrahigh-pressure experiments
Katsuhiko Ishibashi For outstanding contributions to seismology, in particular seismotectonics and historical seismology, and the foresight and warning of earthquake and nuclear disasters
Kenji Konishi For outstanding contributions to isotope paleontology and coral reef science
Mitsuhiro Matsu’ura for outstanding contributions to solid-earth geophysics, especially mechanics of solid with internal sources, earthquake generation physics, theory of geophysical data inversion and its application, and crustal dynamics in plate subduction zones
Mitsuharu Mizukoshi For outstanding contribution to historical climate reconstruction and historical climatology by publishing weather records from the 11th to 16th century based on numerous historical documents in Japan
Bjorn Mysen For outstanding contributions to experimental petrology especially to understanding the structures, properties, and elemental partitioning behaviors of magmas and fluids at high pressure and temperature, and his continuous initiative for activating JPGU meeting and its international journal, PEPS
Teruyuki Nakajima For outstanding contributions to understanding of the climate effects of radiation-aerosol-cloud processes and to the advancement and promotion of earth and planetary sciences
Kunihiko Shimazaki For outstanding contributions to forecasting time and size of large earthquakes on plate boundaries and inland active faults
Danny Summers For outstanding contributions to the theory and numerical analysis of the interaction of plasma waves with relativistic particles in space plasmas, and thereby to our advanced understanding of the Earth’s radiation belts
Hiroshi Takeda For outstanding contributions to planetary science, especially understanding of the evolution of planetary materials using mineralogical and crystallographic study of Apollo lunar rocks and meteorites as well as Kaguya lunar mission
Yoshiaki Toba For outstanding and pioneering contribution to ocean-atmosphere momentum and material exchange processes, and to the development of satellite remote-sensing of ocean surface winds
Koichiro Tsuruda For outstanding contributions to magnetospheric and space physics by the developments of innovative instruments for research in VLF radio propagation and electric fields in space plasma

(honorific titles are omitted)

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