Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) is now accepting recommendations for candidates for the 6th Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geo- and Planetary Science.
JpGU has created the “Nishida Prize for Promotion of Geo- and Planetary Science“ to honor internationally recognized Mid-career researchers under the age of 45 in 2024.
The prize is named for member Prof. Atsuhiro Nishida (JpGU fellow), who provided a proposal and a donation in support.
1. Recipient Qualifications
This prize is conferred upon researchers under the age of 45 as of the beginning of the judging period (April 1, 2024) who have provided an exceptional level of research in the field of Geo- and Planetary Science using a new approach, attaining international recognition. Decisions will not be made on the basis of nationality, sex, or whether one is a Japan Geoscience Union member or a non-member.
2. The number of winners
The selection committee will select 10 or less award winners.
3. Recommendations
i. Candidates must be recommended to be considered for selection, and we will recognize recommendations from the candidate him or herself, as well as those from others who shall have held JpGU membership. Candidates may be members or non-members of JpGU. However, in the case of being recommended by others, it is necessary to confirm in advance that the candidate has the intention of receiving the award.
ii. The following documentation is required for a recommendation.
Recommendations must be written in Japanese or English. (Both can be accepted in the same recommendation document.)
(1)The candidate’s name and contact information (affiliated institution, address, telephone number, email address, and ORCID ID.)
(2)If the candidate is a member of JpGU, the candidate’s ID, the principal section, and other related section(s).
(3)The candidate’s work history and list of honors
(4)A list of all reviewed publications and a supplement of the five most important. The five most important publications must be specified in the list
(5)Reasons for recommendation (6 pages or fewer, A4 size)
(6)Short citation
Title of the research by Nishida Prize Candidate
Please refer to Introduction of Past Nishida Prize Winners
Title of the research by Nishida Prize Candidate
Please refer to Introduction of Past Nishida Prize Winners
(7) If the candidate is providing the recommendation, they must also send two letters of support, and if providing a recommendation for another, they must also provide letters of support from two others.
It does not matter whether who write letters of support have JpGU membership or not.
It does not matter whether who write letters of support have JpGU membership or not.
(8)If providing a recommendation for another, the person providing the recommendation must provide their contact information (address, telephone number, email address, etc.).
(9) The confirmation of Code of Ethics for Nominees
In the case of a recommendation from another person, a confirmation letter for all of the nominee, the recommender, and two support letter writers.
In the case of self-recommendation, confirmation letter for all of the nominee and 2 support letter writers.
The names of the prize recipients’ nominator and support letter writers will be made public.
In the case of a recommendation from another person, a confirmation letter for all of the nominee, the recommender, and two support letter writers.
In the case of self-recommendation, confirmation letter for all of the nominee and 2 support letter writers.
Format for the recommender, and support letter writers |
English Format / Japanese Format |
Format for the nominee | English Format / Japanese Format |
iii. Recommendations must be sent within the recommendation period for the year in question in an email addressed to the Office for the Nishida Prize for the Promotion of Geo- and Planetary Science (nishidaprize_office[at]jpgu.org ).
– If you do not receive email confirmation within one week after sending recommendation mail, please contact us to request confirmation of your recommendation. Without the email confirmation, your nomination will be invalid.
– To avoid mistakes, please submit all documents in one batch.
– If you do not receive email confirmation within one week after sending recommendation mail, please contact us to request confirmation of your recommendation. Without the email confirmation, your nomination will be invalid.
– To avoid mistakes, please submit all documents in one batch.
4. Selection Committee
Members of the JpGU Selection Committee shall be appointed by the President after deliberations by the Board of Directors.
Committee members shall be selected drawing on the JpGU membership while taking into consideration allocations of the different science sections. The number of members is around 15 .
The names of committee members shall be published after winners are announced.
Committee members shall be selected drawing on the JpGU membership while taking into consideration allocations of the different science sections. The number of members is around 15 .
The names of committee members shall be published after winners are announced.
5. Acceptance Period for Nominations
From Noon on December 1st Sunday to Noon on December 10 Tuesday, 2024 (JST)
6. Method of Conferral
i. An award certificate will be given.
ii. As a supplementary prize, the winners will receive a one-time payment of ¥500,000.
iii. Award Ceremony at 2025 JpGU Meeting
iv Commemorative lecture at 2026 JpGU Meeting
7. Mailing address
If you have any questions, please contact to the Office for the Nishida Prize for the Promotion of Geo- and Planetary Science(nishidaprize_office[at]jpgu.org ).
-All dates are in JST.
-All rules, procedures, dates and times etc. governing the Award are formally announced in Japanese. English translations are provided as a courtesy and are for reference only. Should any English language material differ from the original Japanese the Japanese version shall be binding.
Awards Program Managing Director
Katsuyoshi MichiBayashi
November 11th, 2024