The JpGU 30th Anniversary Distinguished Service Certificates

Yozo Hamano

– Citation

He played a critical role in sustaining the Joint Meeting of the Geoscience Related Societies by establshing the Geoscience Joint Annual Meeting Administration Organization. He led in organizing related societies and establishing the Japan Geoscience Union, which he represented for 8 years. Then on, he continued to work tirelessly for JpGU as the Chair of the Meeting Organizing Committee. His contributions are incomparable for the founding and promoting Japan Geoscience Union.

– Comment

 It is the result of the efforts of so many people that the joint meeting, which began in 1990, has been able to continue for more than 30 years without interruption, overcoming the danger of discontinuation many times. In the first 10 years, my role was to realize the idea of “coincidentally holding the meetings of several societies at the same time and place,” which I had thought of with some of my colleagues at the Earthquake Research Institute, by consulting with then SGEPSS President Yukutake and working to obtain agreements of the societies concerned. By asking Kono-san to chair the meeting committee for the 1998 meeting, we were able to pave the way for the meeting to move from being hosted by individual academic society to being hosted by the meeting participants. It was because of this experience that the Geoscience Joint Annual Meeting Administration Organization was able to take over the responsibility of organizing the meeting every year from 2001 onwards, succeeding the University LOC. This transition was successfully led by Dr. Yutaka Abe behind the scene. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary, I would like to commemorate with all of you here as well as with Dr. Yutaka Abe!