2025 Japan Geoscience Union International Contribution Award

JpGU International Contribution Award nominees shall be put forward by a recommender. They shall then be recommended from among the nominations reviewed by the JpGU International Contribution Award Evaluation Committee, acting as an advisory body to the JpGU president. Successful nominees shall be those from among the recommended nominations who are then approved by the JpGU Board of Directors.

1. JpGU International Contribution Award Nominees

Candidates for the International Contribution Award shall meet the following requirements: (1) Significant contributions by an individual or group to the development of cooperative relations between the Japanese Earth and planetary science community, including the Union, and other countries or international organizations. Contributions directly related to Earth and planetary sciences shall be considered. (2) The activities to be evaluated should not be the results of academic research, but rather the management and public relations activities, including the planning of sessions for the annual Meetings. A wide range of occupations and groups will be considered for the award. Researchers, administrators of academic societies, etc., are all eligible for the award.

2. Qualifications that should be met by JpGU International Contribution Award

It does not matter whether they have JpGU membership or not.
However, the following persons shall be unable to be nominated.
  • Officers and Section Presidents of the Union
  • Members of the JpGU International Contribution Award Evaluation Committee

3. Nomination Format

Candidates for selection shall be nominated by a nominator, who shall submit a recommendation in writing (any form) to the President of JpGU with the following information (1)-(5) is contained by email.
The candidate’s interest in receiving the International Contribution Award will need to be confirmed in advance.

(1) The candidate’s name (in Japanese and English), contact information (organization and position (or title post-retirement), address, telephone number, and e-mail address)
(2)Curriculum vitae of the candidate (areas of expertise, contributions at universities, research institutions, academic societies, etc.)
(3)Statement of reasons for the recommendation (maximum of two A4 pages, in Japanese or English)
(4) Name and contact information of the nominator (affiliation, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.)
(5)Written confirmation that the candidate has complied with the JpGU’s ethical rules (by the candidate and the nominator)
(NB: The name of the person submitting the letter of confirmation will be made public at a later date.)
Confirmation letters by all of the nominee, the recommender, and two support letter writers
Format for the recommender,
and support letter writers
English Format / Japanese Format
Format for the nominee English Format / Japanese Format
*Please handwrite the signature the name field on the confirmation form.
*The names of the International Contribution Award recipients’ nominator and support letter writers will be made public.

4. Nomination

Nomination must be sent within the nomination period for the applicable year in question in the form of a word file(for “(1) The name and contact details of the nominee and the nominator”) and a PDF file(other items), by email addressed to the Office for the JpGU International Contribution Award (international_contribution_award_office[at]jpgu.org).

  • Please put required items into a pdf file and a word file (25 MByte or below.)
  • To avoid mistakes, please submit all documents in one batch.
  • Subject of e-mail should be “JpGU国際貢献長賞推薦書(候補者氏名)” or “Nomination of JpGU International Contribution Award ( nominee’s name )” .
  • You should be receiving an email confirmation of your inquiry within 1 week.
  • If you do not receive a confirmation by e-mail within 1week, please contact us. Without the email confirmation, your nomination will be invalid.

5. JpGU International Contribution Award Presentation Ceremonies

Presentation ceremonies for JpGU International Contribution Award shall be held at the JpGU Union Meeting.

6. Selection Committee for the International Contribution Award

  • Members of the International Contribution Award Selection Committee shall be appointed by the President after deliberations by the Board of Directors.

7. Acceptance Period for Nominations

From Noon on November 22 Friday to Noon on November 29 Friday, 2024 (JST)

8. Mailing address

Please be noted that we cannot answer any questions regarding evaluation.

-All dates are in JST.
-All rules, procedures, dates and times etc. governing the Award are formally announced in Japanese. English translations are provided as a courtesy and are for reference only. Should any English language material differ from the original Japanese the Japanese version shall be binding.

Awards Program Managing Director
Katsuyoshi MichiBayashi
November 11th, 2024